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Camp Verde Town Council {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

Mayor and CouncilThe Mayor’s role in a city or town is similar to the Governor’s role in the state. As the municipality s Chief Executive Officer, the mayor manages the municipality’s administration and operations. In some cases, an appointed City Manager handles day-to-day operations and staff. The mayor runs Council meetings to establish policy with the Council. Typically, a Mayor does not have the power to veto ordinances passed by the Council.The Council enacts ordinances, sets policies, develops an annual Legislative Agenda for the City, and oversees the city budget and capital improvements program. It responds to constituents concerns at neighborhood meetings through written correspondence, telephone communication, and staff assistance. 4-year term.Why You Should Care:The Mayor and City or Town Council play a significant role in keeping our communities running efficiently and overseeing dozens of programs and facilities that directly impact our daily lives. They determine priorities and spending for indispensable services such as police and fire protection, housing, emergency medical services, municipal courts, trash collection, traffic control, public transportation, parks and recreation services, zoning regulation, and public works, including streets, sewers, and signage.For additional information:League of Women Voters of Northern Arizona Camp Verde Town Council Forum Sept. 23, 2024 y Concejo MunicipalEl papel del alcalde en una ciudad o pueblo es similar al papel del gobernador en el estado. Como director ejecutivo del municipio, el alcalde gestiona la administración y las operaciones del municipio. En algunos casos, un administrador municipal designado se encarga de las operaciones y el personal del día a día. El alcalde dirige las reuniones del Consejo Municipal para establecer políticas con el Consejo. Normalmente, un alcalde no tiene poder para vetar las ordenanzas aprobadas por el Consejo Municipal.El Consejo Municipal promulga ordenanzas, establece políticas, desarrolla una agenda legislativa anual para la ciudad y supervisa el presupuesto de la ciudad y el programa de mejoras capitales. Responde a las preocupaciones de los electores en las reuniones vecinales a través de correspondencia escrita, comunicación telefónica y asistencia del personal. Plazo de 4 años.Por qué debería importarle:El alcalde y el Consejo Municipal desempeñan un papel importante para mantener nuestras comunidades funcionando de manera eficiente y supervisando docenas de programas e instalaciones que impactan directamente nuestra vida diaria. Determinan las prioridades y el gasto en servicios indispensables como policía y protección contra incendios, vivienda, servicios médicos de emergencia, tribunales municipales, recolección de basura, control de tráfico, transporte público, parques y servicios recreativos, regulación de zonificación y obras públicas, incluidas calles, alcantarillado, y señalización.Para información adicional:League of Women Voters of Northern Arizona Camp Verde Town Council Forum Sept. 23, 2024

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  • Candidate picture

    Jackie Baker

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    Brian Bolton

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    Robert Foreman

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    Jerry Geronimo Martin

  • Candidate picture

    Jessie Murdock

  • Candidate picture

    Patricia Seybold

Biographical Information

What are your top 3 priorities, and what are your specific plans for addressing these issues?

What measures would you take to guarantee fiscal responsibility and transparency?

What are your community’s most urgent problems, and what solutions do you propose?

If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?

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Public Policy Priorities Verde River. 2026 General Plan. Smart development along the 260, I-17 corridors, while protecting the Verde River and Dark Sky. Maintaining our rural and agricultural areas. Expanding Clear Creek Cemetery, Open government accountability. Fiscal responsibility. Keeping the Council/Manager system of government strong and viable. No personal agendas allowed.
Qualifications and Experience 30+ years of community involvement. Former small business owner, Kiwanis, Little League T-Ball coach, Chamber of Commerce past Board member and President, Chairman Board of Appeals, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission when we did the 2006 General Plan, Building and Fire official when we did the 2016 General Plan, reappointed by Council to the Planning and Zoning Commission after retiring. Currently working on the 2026 General Plan, Zoning Ordinance rewrite, animal count, OHV use, RV Parks, PAD updates.
Smart, deliberate water conscious development along the 260, I-17 corridors. Maintaining our rural and agricultural heritage and areas.Fiscal responsibility. Insist on open government operations. No personal agendas allowed, no private 'deals' allowed.
Make full use and abide by open Sunshine laws. Both written and unwritten ones.
Our single most critical asset and treasure is the Verde River. No decisions should be made that do not take into account any possible impact on the river. Work with all the stakeholders and public on the protection of the Verde.
Probably donate it to various youth groups since they are our future.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Public Policy Priorities Budget, code practices, land development
Qualifications and Experience Providing support and advocacy to individuals with development disabilities. Working with local state and federal officials on policies and laws for individuals with disabilities. PhD in conflict management and dispute resolution. Worked on projects with diverse opinions to find common group.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Verde Valley Paws for a Cause, President; Kawanis; past President of the National Association of Council's on Developmental Disabilities on
Community Service Kawanis, Court Appointed Special Advocate
Occupation Retired
Education PhD Philosophy Business with focus on conflict management and dispute resolution
Creating a walkable and ADA friendly community connecting downtown with the library and the medical center. Creating a vibrant downtown. Ensuring that any growth is strategic, follows the Camp Verde 10 year plan and maintains the rural character of the town and assures access to natural resources such as water. Encourage exploration of additional revenue sources for Camp Verde. With an emphasis of funds for public safety.
Completely understand the budget, and revenue sources. Request the each department head meets with Council during session to discuss their budget request highlighting the impact of increases or decreases. Ensure all discussions and proposals are open to the public
Codes and code enforcement have become a high priority and a concern for citizens. All codes need to be reviewed for ease of understanding and enforced. Camp Verde needs to find alternative sources of revenue. The budget has caused some departments, such as public safety to receive less funding. As the town grows it is imperative that public safety and other services have the ability to operate fully. Water will continue to be a priority. Ensuring adequate and safe water are a necessity for our community to thrive.
Restore departmental budget cuts. Begin updating infrastructure such as water and sewer.