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Paradise Valley Mayor

Mayor and CouncilThe Mayor’s role in a city or town is similar to the Governor’s role in the state. As the municipality s Chief Executive Officer, the mayor manages the municipality’s administration and operations. In some cases, an appointed City Manager handles day-to-day operations and staff. The mayor runs Council meetings to establish policy with the Council. Typically, a Mayor does not have the power to veto ordinances passed by the Council.The Council enacts ordinances, sets policies, develops an annual Legislative Agenda for the City, and oversees the city budget and capital improvements program. It responds to constituents concerns at neighborhood meetings through written correspondence, telephone communication, and staff assistance. 4-year term.Why You Should Care:The Mayor and City or Town Council play a significant role in keeping our communities running efficiently and overseeing dozens of programs and facilities that directly impact our daily lives. They determine priorities and spending for indispensable services such as police and fire protection, housing, emergency medical services, municipal courts, trash collection, traffic control, public transportation, parks and recreation services, zoning regulation, and public works, including streets, sewers, and signage.For additional information: y Concejo MunicipalEl papel del alcalde en una ciudad o pueblo es similar al papel del gobernador en el estado. Como director ejecutivo del municipio, el alcalde gestiona la administración y las operaciones del municipio. En algunos casos, un administrador municipal designado se encarga de las operaciones y el personal del día a día. El alcalde dirige las reuniones del Consejo Municipal para establecer políticas con el Consejo. Normalmente, un alcalde no tiene poder para vetar las ordenanzas aprobadas por el Consejo Municipal.El Consejo Municipal promulga ordenanzas, establece políticas, desarrolla una agenda legislativa anual para la ciudad y supervisa el presupuesto de la ciudad y el programa de mejoras capitales. Responde a las preocupaciones de los electores en las reuniones vecinales a través de correspondencia escrita, comunicación telefónica y asistencia del personal. Plazo de 4 años.Por qué debería importarle:El alcalde y el Consejo Municipal desempeñan un papel importante para mantener nuestras comunidades funcionando de manera eficiente y supervisando docenas de programas e instalaciones que impactan directamente nuestra vida diaria. Determinan las prioridades y el gasto en servicios indispensables como policía y protección contra incendios, vivienda, servicios médicos de emergencia, tribunales municipales, recolección de basura, control de tráfico, transporte público, parques y servicios recreativos, regulación de zonificación y obras públicas, incluidas calles, alcantarillado, y señalización.Para información adicional:

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    Mark Stanton

  • Candidate picture

    Anna Thomasson

Biographical Information

What are your top 3 priorities, and what are your specific plans for addressing these issues?

What measures would you take to guarantee fiscal responsibility and transparency?

What are your community’s most urgent problems, and what solutions do you propose?

If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?

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Public Policy Priorities Protecting our local municipal control from the overreach of the State Legislature is a top priority. From short-term rentals, property rights and the ability to use photo traffic enforcement, the State Legislature is consistently encroaching on all municipalities across the State (including Paradise Valley). Keeping and managing local control is what is best for our residents in order to maintain our quality of life in Paradise Valley.
Qualifications and Experience I have served on Paradise Valley Town Council for 10 years and currently serve as Vice Mayor. I have also served as the Council liaison to the Advisory Commiittee on Public Safety, Historical Committee, Paradise Valley Arts Board and HOA Forum as well as many subcommittee roles.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations I have served as past chairperson/member on the State of Arizona Personnel Board, graduated from Scottsdale Leadership Class XVII, I am a Life Member and past president of the Scottsdale Charros, a non-profit group committed to youth and education causes.
Community Service Scottsdale Charros, Scottsdale Leadership, State of Arizona Personnel Board
Occupation President & CEO of the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce
Education Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication and Political Science from the University of Denver
My priorities include protecting our local municipal control, public safety and conservative fiscal policies.

I will work with my colleagues to develop an annual Legislative Agenda, prioritize legislative elements, attend legislative sessions, work closely with our professional lobbying representatives, testify at legislative hearings, weigh-in on various bills to determine their merit and meet regularly with elected leaders.

I will collaborate closely with our police, fire and ambulance providers to assure residents that our public safety professionals are well-equipped, staffed, trained and ready to serve.

I will continue our longstanding and time-tested process of thorough budget analysis and oversight, making responsible decisions and managing the policies that create and sustain a long-term fiscal management program for our Town.
Fiscal responsibility is a fundamental priority in serving our Town. Our residents must be provided with a transparent and detailed budgeting process, long-term forecasting and conservative spending policies to ensure our finances are controlled and secure.

As stated above, I will continue our longstanding and time-tested process of thorough budget analysis and oversight, making responsible decisions and managing the policies that create and sustain a long-term fiscal management program for our Town.
Maintaining local control and remaining vigilant on public safety services. I will work with my colleagues to assure that we have a detailed legislative agenda that protect the Town. I will also work with the police, fire and ambulance services to protect our community and quality of life.
I would use the $1 million grant to help further public safety initiatives including facilities and equipment upgrades to further ensure the best trained and equipped public safety services.
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Public Policy Priorities Keeping Paradise Valley, Paradise Valley
Qualifications and Experience 6 years PV Town council, Former Vice Mayor, 30 years Fortune 500 consulting, MBA Finance, 30 year resident
Organization Memberships and Affiliations ASU WP Carey Executive in Residence; Arizona Supreme Court Judicial Council
Endorsements Former Mayors Ed Winker and Kent Wick
Community Service Franciscan Renewal Center former board member, many local boards, raise guide dogs for the blind
Occupation Consultant
Education BA University of Oregon, MBA University of Wisconsin
Public Safety

Anna believes safety in our home is the ultimate luxury. She actively supports our police officers and served as Chair of the Advisory Committee on Public Safety (ACOPS). You can find her at “Coffee with a Cop” every first Wednesday of the month, showing her commitment to the Paradise Valley Police Department. As mayor, Anna will continue to fully fund our police and maintain community outreach programs.

Low-Density Development

Anna knows that once large hotels or big box medical buildings go up, we lose our open space and views forever. She believes in keeping our town beautiful without overdeveloping. Anna plans to work with resort developers, the Planning Commission, Town staff, and her council colleagues to find balanced solutions for resort development.

Limited Government

Anna is a staunch supporter of limited government. She advocates for improvements in technology, innovation, and communication to reduce the need for a larger staff.
Anna is a strong fiscal conservative, consistently seeking detailed spending information and ROI analysis - additional staffing being one example. Serving on the Investment Advisory Working Group, she recommended consolidating investment advisors, increasing annual earned interest by $75K. With a 30-year consulting background, she brings expertise in pension funding and has been a staunch advocate for fully funding public safety pensions.

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I would overhaul our website so residents can have better access to information and self-service, allowing us to reduce staff costs.