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Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors District 2

County Board of SupervisorsCounties have between 3 and 5 supervisorial districts, depending on population. The board of supervisors governs the entire county, including unincorporated areas. It sets the agenda, approves the budget, and allocates funds to departments and elected offices. The board oversees community expenditures such as health, roads, parks, libraries, law enforcement, and other municipal services. It also fills legislative vacancies, passes resolutions, and enacts county ordinances (laws). The board decides on county taxes and zoning changes and can remove and replace election precincts, appoint election inspectors and judges, canvass election returns, and declare election results. 4-year staggered terms.Why you should care:The Board of Supervisors is responsible for allocating money to county services, which significantly impact the municipal landscape of a community. The board plays an important role in running safe and secure elections through its authority to remove and replace election precincts, appoint election inspectors, canvass election returns, and declare election results.For additional information: de Supervisores del CondadoLos condados tienen entre 3 y 5 distritos supervisados según la población. La junta de supervisores gobierna todo el condado, incluidas las áreas no incorporadas. Establece la agenda, aprueba el presupuesto y asigna fondos a departamentos y cargos electos. La junta supervisa los gastos comunitarios como salud, calles, parques, bibliotecas, aplicación de la ley y otros servicios municipales. También cubre vacantes legislativas, aprueba resoluciones y promulga ordenanzas (leyes) del condado. La junta toma decisiones sobre los impuestos del condado y los cambios de zonificación y puede eliminar y reemplazar los distritos electorales, designar inspectores electorales y jueces, solicitar los reportes de las elecciones y declarar los resultados de las elecciones. Plazos escalonados de 4 años.Por qué debería importarle:La Junta de Supervisores es responsable de asignar dinero a los servicios del condado, que impactan significativamente el paisaje municipal de una comunidad. La junta desempeña un papel importante en la celebración de elecciones seguras a través de su autoridad para eliminar y reemplazar distritos electorales, designar inspectores electorales, solicitar los reportes de las elecciones y declarar los resultados de las elecciones.Para información adicional:

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  • Candidate picture

    Gregory Felix Lucero

  • Candidate picture

    Rudy "Bugs" Molera

  • Candidate picture

    Gerard "Gerry" Navarro

Biographical Information

What are your top 3 priorities for the Board of Supervisors, and what are your specific plans for addressing these issues?

How would you balance county growth and quality of life for residents?

What experience, skills, and background qualify you to serve in this position?

How will you support fair and secure elections, free from interference, and ensure unimpeded access to the ballot box?

Campaign Email
Campaign Website
Public Policy Priorities My first priority will be to restore public trust in County Government. I will protect our public schools and defend public safety from any loss of funds caused by the County Treasurer embezzlement. I will advocate for policies to impose safeguards on public funds controlled by the County. My second priority will focus on workforce training and educational programs. I will push for partnerships with our College, Schools, and local businesses to create training programs for our residents. My third priority will be to develop a capital improvement program that will identify and prioritize projects (road improvements, recreational amenities, sidewalks, etc.) throughout the county that can be discussed and approved by our residents.
Qualifications and Experience I have over 39 years of senior level management experience working in the private sector and at various levels of governments (local, state, federal), and with non-governmental organizations. The specific qualifications that would serve me the best is the experience of Santa Cruz County Manager, Vice-Mayor of the City of Nogales, Nogales Unified School Board Member, Santa Cruz County Provisional College Board Member, Special Assistant to US Senator DeConcini, and Southern Arizona Director for Governor Bruce Babbitt.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Nogales Santa Cruz County Chamber Workforce Committee Chairman, Tucson Metro Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations Board Member, A for Arizona Grant Vetting Committee, Sky Island Tourism Association Board Member (secretary), Patagonia Area Business Coalition member, US EPA Good Neighbor Environmental Board Member, Nogales Noon Lions President, Nogales Rotary Foundation Treasurer, United Church Village Board Treasurer, City of Nogales Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Board Member, Nogales Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee Chairman, Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority, International City/County Management Association, & Arizona City/County Managers Association.
Occupation Retired
Education Coursework towards MPA, UofA and BA, University of Arizona
My first priority will be to restore public trust in County Government. I will protect our public schools and defend public safety from any loss of funds caused by the County Treasurer embezzlement. I will advocate for policies to impose safeguards on funds controlled by the County. My second priority will focus on workforce training and educational programs. I will push for partnerships with our College, Schools, and local businesses to create training programs for our residents. My third priority will be to develop a capital improvement program that will identify and prioritize projects (road improvements, recreational amenities, sidewalks, etc.) throughout the county that can be discussed and approved by our residents.
Our County is one of the poorest in Arizona and is in dire need of economic growth but it cannot blindly accept any and all businesses or industries. It must way the impacts such industries will have on the quality of life of our residents. The South32 Hermosa Mine is such an industry the will undoubtably have a major impact on our region. Any and all discussions concerning this project should be held in an open and public forum so everyone can understand the issues and weigh in on the impacts. For too long the County has had closed door discussions with South32 and this must stop.
I have over 39 years of senior level management experience working in the private sector and at various levels of governments (local, state, federal), and with non-governmental organizations. The specific qualifications that would serve me the best is the experience of Santa Cruz County Manager, Vice-Mayor of the City of Nogales, Nogales Unified School Board Member, Santa Cruz County Provisional College Board Member, Special Assistant to US Senator DeConcini, and Southern Arizona Director for Governor Bruce Babbitt.
I would support the efforts of our Arizona Secretary of State, the Santa Cruz County Recorder, and our local Elections Director who are all tasked with ensuring a fair and secure election process that is free from interference or impediments to the ballot box.
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