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Arizona State Senate District 15

Arizona State SenatorDescription: The Arizona Legislature has two chambers. The State Senate is the upper chamber and comprises 30 Senators, one from each of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts. The House of Representatives is the lower chamber and comprises 60 Representatives, 2 from each of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts. Arizona Senators must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for 10 years, and an Arizona resident for 5 years. The term of office is 2 years, limited to 4 terms. Arizona has no staggered terms, so every member of the Legislature is up for reelection every two years. All seats are elected every 2 years in even-numbered years.Responsibilities: Both chambers of the Legislature propose new laws and amendments to current laws, including proposed amendments to the state constitution to be referred to the voters for approval, and write and approve the state budget. In addition, the Senate can confirm or reject gubernatorial appointments to the Executive Branch and hold a trial of impeached officials and, if convicted, can remove them from office.Why you should care: With the Governor s approval, the legislature enacts laws that affect crucial aspects of our daily lives, including state taxes, how the money is spent, your voting rights, the criminal justice system, women’s rights, the environment, immigration, education, and gun safety. The legislature can bring a legislative initiative (new law) directly to the voters without gathering signatures. Proposed changes to the state constitution originate in the legislature.Additional information:https://www.azsenate.gov Senador Estatal de ArizonaDescripción del puesto: La Legislatura de Arizona tiene dos cámaras. El Senado del Estado es la cámara alta y está formado por 30 senadores, uno de cada uno de los 30 distritos legislativos de Arizona. La Cámara de Representantes es la cámara baja y está formada por 60 representantes, 2 de cada uno de los 30 distritos legislativos de Arizona. Los senadores de Arizona deben tener al menos 25 años de edad, ser ciudadanos estadounidenses durante 10 años y ser residentes de Arizona durante 5 años. Los senadores desempeñan un mandato de 2 años, y no pueden desempeñar más de 4 mandatos. No hay mandatos escalonados en Arizona, así que cada miembro de la Legislatura se presenta para la reelección cada dos años. Se eligen todos los puestos cada 2 años en los años pares.Responsabilidades: Ambas cámaras de la Legislatura proponen nuevas leyes y enmiendas a las leyes actuales, incluidas las enmiendas propuestas a la constitución del estado que los votantes deben aprobar. También redactan y aprueban el presupuesto del estado. Además, el Senado puede confirmar o rechazar los nombramientos del gobernador para la rama ejecutiva, iniciar procesos de destitución en contra de funcionarios elegidos y, si son condenados, puede destituirlos.Por qué debería interesarte: Con la aprobación del gobernador, la Legislatura promulga leyes que afectan a aspectos importantes de nuestra vida, como los impuestos estatales, la manera en que se gasta el dinero, el derecho de voto, el sistema de justicia penal, los derechos de la mujer, el medio ambiente, la inmigración, la educación y la seguridad de las armas. La legislatura puede presentar una iniciativa legislativa (una nueva ley) directamente a los votantes sin recoger firmas. Los cambios propuestos a la constitución del estado se originan en la legislatura.Para más información:https://www.azsenate.gov

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    Jake Hoffman

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    Evan Olson

  • Candidate picture

    Alan Smith

Biographical Information

What legislation will you propose or support to protect every Arizona citizen’s right to vote, guarantee access to flexible voting opportunities, and ensure that every vote is counted accurately to reflect the will of the voters?

What role, if any, do you believe the government should play in reproductive health care, including abortion, contraception, and fertility treatment, and what policies would you propose or support regarding individuals’ access to and choices about these forms of health care?

What will you do to provide adequate and sustainable funding for instruction and support services to ensure quality education for all Arizona students enrolled in publicly-funded pre-K, K-12, community college, and university programs?

What can be done to make housing affordable and accessible and reduce the unhoused population?

What laws would you propose or support to ensure that Arizona has a sustainable supply of clean water now and in the future?

How will you address the budget shortfall and balance the budget?

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Campaign Twitter @EvanOlson4AZ
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Public Policy Priorities Affordable Housing | Funding K-12 Public Education | Border Security | Ending The Corruption of Money in Politics
Qualifications and Experience B.A. Degree from Grand Canyon University in Government w/ Emphasis in State and Local Policy.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations DECA, Past Multiple Union Member,
Community Service I volunteer to feed the homeless, support Veterans when they return home, painting buildings and churches, and have been a Rooted Leader within my church while helping teenagers in youth group deal with tough issues of our society.
Occupation Director of Sales
Education B.A. Degree from Grand Canyon University in Government w/ Emphasis in State and Local Policy. AAS Degree in Sale Management w/ Emphasis in Marketing
Support Early Voting and Mail-in voting, support independent redistricting commissions to prevent gerrymandering. We already make people prove their citizenship and eligibility to vote when they register in person or online, now we just make sure our data is accurate before sending out ballots.
The government should not play a role in ANY healthcare decision between a patient and their doctor. We don't want the government intruding into our personal lives, pocketbooks, or doctor's offices.
It starts with voting out people like Jake Hoffman, who is actively trying to privatize education & take money away from K-12 public schools. I would ask a special committee to convene and re-write the funding formula, while allocating or earmarking specific dollars to go towards a specific need, such as increasing teacher pay, building forward-thinking infrastructure, and empowering programs to help non-English speakers and the Native American community. This along with an accountability task force that would monitor and distribute the appropriate funds to qualified students across the state.
1. We make it illegal for corporations and PE firms to buy singe family houses. 2. Give local builders tax credit incentives and loan assistance to build affordable housing that allows the average American to buy a home without $100,000 down, while providing down payment assistance to first time homebuyers. 3. We put a stop to predatory rental increases that are causing people to become homeless, by putting rental stipulation agreements together that will protect renters from unreasonable rate increases by year ,especially with the 65+ community who now make us 65% of the active homeless in Phoenix present day. 4. This will also help with the homeless population, and we can do more there as well. Like converting old rundown buildings, hotels, and businesses into livable situations with beds and roof over the homeless person’s head. I believe in giving a person a hand up, not a handout. So let’s feed them, cloth them, and put them on a path to succeed out in the world again.
1. Mitigating unnecessary water usage within Master Planned Communities by reducing non-native/desert plant life, encourage eco-friendly building processes, & natural water collection and recycling areas within planned communities. 2. Stop selling our water at a discounted rate to foreign countries and corporations that are using millions of gallons. 3. Stop approving some of the largest water parks in the country in a desert community that is having water sustainability issues.
1. Let’s stop giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy elite, and have them pay their appropriate tax rate to help bolster our budget, so we can actually have funds to solve problems, and not have to have budget cuts. 2. The part of the budget that my concerns are focused on is the Education portion. I question out of the $221.9 Million for total enrollment growth, to which $150.2 Million is going to the ESA program while only $72 Million going to public schools. This is part of a malicious playbook to privatize education and let corporations, who have already purchased control of our government and its officials, to own and operate our Education system. Once you do that. We lose. Corporations only care about profit margins and pleasing stake holders, not the workers or in this case the children.

Campaign Twitter @Smi1976alan
Public Policy Priorities My priorities are 1) women’s rights, particularly women’s reproductive rights. 2) Fully funding public schools and ending universal vouchers to religious discriminatory schools. 3) Retaining early, mail-in, drop box and Election Day voting. 4) Water planning and planning 5) Making AZ the best state for renewable energy and our universities #1 in energy storage
Qualifications and Experience As an auditor I worked with small and very large businesses reviewing their financial records. I managed several employees,
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter, American Association of Retired People
Endorsements National Organization of Women, AFL-CIO, Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transportation Union 359, AZ Families for Vaccines, Climate Cabinet, Save Our Schools Arizona, Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Sierra Club, Contest Every Race, Stonewall Democrats of AZ
Community Service Walking Down Ranch Boardmember supporting homeless veterans in Lakeside AZ. Volunteered one day per week in a Mesa Public School classroom. Previously coached youth baseball and basketball, Davenport Jaycees Officer of the Year, Boy Scout Scoutmaster, Eagle Scout
Occupation Retired from 32 years as an insurance premium auditor. As an auditor I am familiar with financial statements and analysis. I transferred to jobs of increasing responsibility in Iowa, Utah, California & Hawaii.
Education University of Iowa Bachelor of Business Administration- Finance
First of all, our voting in AZ is run by professional state, county and city employees and dedicated volunteers. Their job is to make sure voter rolls are properly maintained and the votes properly counted. They do this job properly year after year. There was never “massive fraud” in AZ. Our states laws and county regulations need to be very thoughtful about purging voter rolls. We want every eligible voter to have their vote counted. I fully support early voting, mail-in voting, drop boxes, voting centers and in-person voting. I support our native peoples who, due to long distances, may need beneficial rules to vote. Anyone caught in a conflict must be allowed to, at the least, be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. My opponent is against all of these policies.
I am pro choice and support family planning and contraception. I support IVF. There should be no limitation on abortion access. Family planning should be available to everyone with no age restriction with no parent notification.
The legislature must fully fund our public schools, community colleges and universities. It also needs to end universal vouchers which are bankrupting our state. The school funding formula used now dates to the 1980’s and must be updated. Our schools should also have year to year consistent financing. Many states use property taxes as a huge part of financing schools. We must analyze this method too and see how it fits in our school financing planning.
There are many ways to make homeownership more affordable. 1) Property taxes on short or long term rental homes and condos must significantly exceed that of owned homes or condos. They currently are the same. Until 2021 our Republican leadership had rental housing with a lower property tax rate!!! 2) Let cities license, regulate and limit short term rentals. 3) Limit corporate home and condo ownership. 4) Cap annual rent increases. 5) Large corporate landlords are colluding and setting prices. Thank goodness AG Mayes is prosecuting them. 5) Allow cities to sign off on and regulate ADU construction. 6) Work with feds and private developers to increase affordable housing. Homeless housing: 1) Work with feds and private developers to build permanent dispersed housing for the homeless. 2) Build more temporary homeless shelters. 3) Increase mental health and alcohol and drug addiction services for the homeless. 4) Have a rental assistance fund to keep people from becoming homeless.
1) Implement Area Management Areas for water across the entire state. We must measure what we have and regulate its use accordingly. 2) Assist our largest water users to become more efficient in their water use through grants and rebates 3) Assist our water company’s to have more efficient delivery systems. 4) Implement watering conservation measures such as a) No watering everyday b) Hours irrigation is not allowed such as 10 am- 5 pm. c) Do NOT encourage large water users to locate their businesses to AZ. d) Recharging aquifers using clean water after treatment e) Eliminate use of forever chemicals that will pollute water permanently.
The current legislature and past governor have placed AZ in terrible shape with their budget busting universal voucher program and the flat tax that has significantly cut taxes on the wealthy and also dropped state revenues significantly. It was easy for the legislature to lower taxes, but near impossible raise them. A citizen initiative will take a 60% vote and the legislature a 2/3 majority. The state must immediately end the universal voucher program and implement budget cuts until we can explain to voters the ill thought out tax cuts are stopping highway construction and maintenance and other infrastructure from falling into disrepair as we continue to grow and our infrastructure ages.