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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Maine State Representative for District 146

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  • Candidate picture

    Bradley S Moulton

  • Candidate picture

    Walter Gerard Runte

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Mailing Address P.O. Box 32
York, ME 03909
Campaign Phone 2073617143
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @GerryRunte
Campaign Email
Spurring economic growth; housing; affordable energy and climate change.
I intend to make more extensive use of social media for outreach; continue having monthly listening sessions at the public libraires in two of the three towns in the district; and make regular appearances at the three town Select Board meetings.
Significant legislation was passed in the last session, setting up a joint committee solely focused on expanding the availability of housing as well as other legislation regarding town planning and zoning that might facilitate housing growth. I have fully supported their efforts and all legislation that deals with the need for affordable housing. The challenge is that the rate of growth in the need for housing is faster than the rate of growth in available affordable housing, exacerbated by very high (and increasing) housing cost in my district.
Over the last two years I have introduced legislation addressing electricity grid modernization, electricity rates and new sources of clean energy. But there was a lot more to this session than energy. I supported legislation that secured protections for reproductive rights; laws that will increase gun safety in the state; made investments in affordable housing, public edcuation and child car; and initiated a Paid Family Leave program. In the next session I hope to build on this portfolio of energy initiatives that reduce energy costs while achieving climate goals; enact further measures to minimize gun violence and begin to address the emerging issues related to Artifical Intelligence.