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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Maine State Senator for District 24

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  • Candidate picture

    Suzanne Andresen

  • Candidate picture

    Jeffrey K Pierce

  • Candidate picture

    Denise Tepler

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone 207-729-4018
Finance Type Clean Elections
Cost of living increases have outpaced salary growth in our communities. Economic growth is currently limited by the housing crisis, and a lack of affordable childcare.
I am very responsive to my constituents. Hopefully, as a result they will gain the sense that their state government works for them. They will also receive regular communication from me, and opportunities for meeting at "office hours." I would support a civics curriculum for our schools to increase youth engagement.
The housing crisis in Maine is a complex issue and no one policy solution will provide a total fix. We must find ways to further incentivize the building of affordable housing and workforce housing. I will support and potentially sponsor such measures that increase the building of both affordable and workforce ("missing middle") housing.
I have lived in my community for over 40 years. Married 43 years, 5 children -- all attended local public schools. One granddaughter (so far.) Former university lecturer in Anthropology, former cooking columnist and teacher.