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Maine State Senator for District 18

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  • Candidate picture

    Richard A Bennett

  • Candidate picture

    Linda Kay Miller

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

Campaign Phone 2075923200
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Finance Type Maine Clean Elections
Unequal economic outcomes. Soaring costs of living. Polarized politics.
Involving their ideas in my work. Being their trusted advocate and spokesperson. Continuing my work to restore faith in our democracy by enacting real campaign finance reforms.
Encourage more Maine-based factory-made homes, constructed with Maine-made materials, at affordable costs.
I'm strongly committed to a cross-partisan approach to governing that respects all voices, to ensuring a healthy environment for future generations, to levelling the economic playing field for greater income equality, and to reform our broken politics.
Finance Type Clean Elections Candidate
Climate resiliency, by far, is the greatest challenge facing Maine. We must step up the urgency in our communications with Mainers about the elephant in the room (as lawmakers & representatives) Our state has seen a huge increase in catastrophic flooding and storm damage. This is an eminent, ongoing threat to our lives, environment, farmland, homes & infrastructure. Lack of affordable homes is also a critical issue, as well as access to healthcare. We are facing an ongoing healthcare workforce shortage. How can we build a healthy economy, if we can't provide timely healthcare for our current population, much less new workers that move to Maine? Maine also needs more manufacturing jobs & expanded adult vocational training.
I pledge to make myself available either by phone or email for any questions or concerns that constituents in District 18 have. I would also like to have a regular schedule of public meetings to address specific issues in communities: Climate resiliency, affordable housing, groundwater extraction, metallic mining, etc.
Continue to create ways to expand funding and resources for developers & builders. Research energy efficient, sustainable & affordable building materials & methods. Research & evaluate different housing models, like co-operative housing, to meet the needs of housing for Mainers of every age. I am committed to helping communities provide affordable housing that works with the existing infrastructure, esthetically fits with current housing stock and is site appropriate (provides a greenspace buffer).
35 years ago, I was working on a Habitat for Humanity project in Mexico. I was helping to weatherproof houses in a village built from pallets.

I was nailing tar paper to the roof of a house & stood up to stretch. I looked out over the village & saw laundry drying on lines, pots simmering on top of chimineas & people chatting with neighbors.

I heard giggling, looked into the next yard & saw a group of little kids playing with trucks in the dirt. Their trucks roared, beeped & occasionally crashed.

A thought struck me:

ALL the world over, children will play with trucks in the dirt & make the same sounds. I also realized profoundly that ALL of us yearn & strive for the same things - to MATTER, have shelter & a living wage.