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Maine State Representative for District 89

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  • Candidate picture

    John G Janelle

  • Candidate picture

    Adam R Lee

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

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Campaign Phone 2073124057
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @adamrlee2
Campaign Email
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or unenrolled, the costs for housing, groceries, electricity and child care remain too high. Unfortunately, we are frequently caught up arguing culture war issues that preclude us from coming together to resolve these issues for Mainers.
I seek to be as available as possible. I will always answer constituent calls and emails. The best way for constituents to engage in the conduct of their government is to make sure their representatives know how they view issues.
The biggest issue is supply. We need all hands on deck, including engaging our municipal and private construction partners in facilitating the building of housing and ensuring that proper incentives are in place to facilitate the building of affordable housing. We should also work to make sure that construction of affordable housing is consistent with our plans for the creation of multi-modal transportation infrastructure. This will ensure that housing is built in places where people want to live, and where there is meaningful access to transportation options for employment and entertainment.
Serving in the legislature has been the most challenging, interesting, and important work I have ever done. I will always work as hard as I possibly can to improve the lives of Mainers.