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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Maine State Senator for District 32

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  • Candidate picture

    Henry L Ingwersen

  • Candidate picture

    Alfred F Schultz

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

Campaign Phone 207-251-6278
Campaign Website
Finance Type Maine Clean Elections
Affordable Housing is by far the greatest challenge Maine faces today. Also, reproductive choice, access to child care and early education , and affordable/universal health care are continuing challenges.

As always, I will continue to listen to their concerns and advocate for them via face to face and door to door outreach as well as communicate with my constituents, via digital and traditional mail, the good work we are doing in the legislature. I will also encourage my constituents to share their ideas for a better Maine and show them how our "citizen legislature" can turn these ideas into good policy.
I will continue to support affordable housing legislation in the state house, and work with the local housing authority and municipal officials to advocate for a broad spectrum of affordable housing (workforce/senior/low-barrier/family) initiatives in the municipalities I represent. I will also stay connected with the housing needs that are priorities in the district and help folks navigate what programs are available to them.
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