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Maine State Representative for District 128

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  • Candidate picture

    Charles William Ellis

  • Candidate picture

    Suzanne M Salisbury

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

Campaign Phone 2074918964
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Campaign Twitter Handle @Chuckellis1983
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The economy, cost of living, housing, homelessness, addiction, mental health, crime, and education.

So much to talk about here so rather than try and address them all here I’d recommend visiting my website where I share on all of these:
I will use social media as a tool to communicate with my constituents including videos of me explaining the big issues and seeking input where necessary utilizing polling.
What’s needed is a reduction in excessive regulations by the towns and the state both on smaller businesses impacting builders, zoning laws for certain types of properties that make it impractical to sell due to taxes that would be assessed, and more.

On top of this we have made ourselves a well known sanctuary state for immigrants, legal and other, leading to approximately 75,000 new Mainers and we’re now about 85,000 housing units short of what we need and the Mills administration is talking about bringing in another 75,000 and I would oppose this. We can have hearts and recognize we can’t afford to be generous when we can’t pay our own mortgage.
I am a Republican but I’m not a party line candidate or as I say I’m not a company man. I will oppose the leadership of my own party if it is not helpful to my constituents. Aside from that go to my website or follow me on Facebook: Charles Ellis for State House.
Mainers are struggling to get their basic needs met, shelter, food, health care, and living wages. Without these needs being met they cannot live their fullest lives as engaged members of their communities. Proving access to these needs is where we need to focus as we move into the 132nd Legislature.
Allowing peoples voices to be heard is where I start. Personal conversations with customers at my business, neighbors getting food at my pantry and being engaged in community activities is how I have forged strong relationships.
The Legislative committee on Housing was a great first step in addressing the housing crisis. They were able to pass some historic bills and I will continue to support their work. In my community, I will continue to make sure that the term “affordable” truly is just that. Work force housing is another challenge we need to address so we can help industry fill jobs and keep workers in Maine.
In the 131st Legislature I am going to continue my work addressing food insecurity in Maine. I will also support housing solutions and ensure cities and towns have the resources they need to welcome new Mainers. I had the pleasure to be a part of the Blue Ribbon Commission on EMS and will work to make sure the recommendations from the commission are implemented by Maine EMS.