Maine State Representative for District 39
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Janice S Dodge
Stephen J Hemenway
What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?
How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?
What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?
Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?
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Our biggest problem in Maine is finding and electing politicians that will actually help Mainers. We need to address housing, alternative energy sources, retention of tourism which is our biggest source of state income and stop the attacks on parental rights. Instead, laws such as LD 224 are passed. This law made Maine a sanctuary state for any minor in the United States to run to for free sex change surgeries, sex transition drugs, puberty blockers and other related devices without parental consent. Maine law enforcement cannot help parents retrieve their children and are not told where to find them. This not only mutilates a parent's child but uses Maine taxpayer money in doing so. How does this law help Mainers? It doesn't!
Quarterly newsletters sent to constituents is one way of achieving this that contains current legislation with contact information for input on such legislation. Also, monthly visits to town hall meetings for a question-and-answer period encourages constituent engagement.
We currently spend taxpayer money to house, feed and support illegal migrants in our state. Taxpayer money pays for the rooms of entire hotels to house these people. Upcoming legislation, LD 2167, if passed, will pay for housing, food, medical and education for these people on the backs of the Maine taxpayer. I welcome legal migrants but we are not a wealthy state and must take care of our own first. This housing should be going to the U.S. citizens living in Maine. While we feed illegal migrants, less fortunate Mainers have to depend on food banks to supplement the high price of groceries.
I am a retired Deputy Sheriff of 32 years. I write the "Slouch in the Couch" series of children books and host my "slouchman" channel on youtube. I am not a politician and have no agendas. I love the state of Maine which is being ruined by politicians with bad agendas. LD 1578 gave away our 4 electoral votes starting in 2028 to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote, even if Mainers voted to give our electoral votes to the other presidential candidate. LD 1619 approves the termination of full term healthy babies, performed by anyone. Lastly, all the passed laws I've mentioned were supported by my opponent, Jan Dodge. I want to help the people of Maine, protect parental and all rights and return Maine to Mainers.
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