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New Jersey US House District 3

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    Joe Cohn

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    Herb Conaway

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    Michael Francis Faccone

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    Shirley Maia-Cusick

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    Rajesh Mohan

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    Carol Murphy

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    Brian Schkeeper

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    Sarah Schoengood

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    Gregory M. Sobocinski

Biographical Information

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

What will you do to support an economy and job market that are strong and inclusive of all people?

What measures do you support to expand voter access and restore trust in our elections?

What is your position on immigration reform?

What, if any, actions would you take to address the threats facing the United States due to climate change?

What is your stance on access to abortion?

What’s the biggest foreign policy challenge facing the United States and how would you address it?

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America's biggest national security threat is our polarization. We too often view the world in “us vs. them” terms and treat our political adversaries as enemies. Through my work defending civil liberties on college campuses and in legislatures across the country, I've seen this attitude exhibited by our college students and our political leaders. My top priority in Washington will be to get out of this vicious cycle because I believe that progress on everything else hinges on our ability work across our differences.

The polarization has allowed political extremists to threaten the right to choose and even our very democracy.

To address this, I'll constantly work to find common ground with political adversaries.

With wages stagnant and costs rising, Americans struggle every day to pay their bills and save for the future. If elected, I'll focus on bread-and-butter issues with solutions that don’t pit the interests of college graduates and tradespeople against each other.

I'll fight for federal funding to cover childcare costs, for workers to have the right to paid family leave, and for raising the minimum wage with automatic cost of living increases. I'll work hard to contain the costs of higher education and to provide targeted relief to those with student debt. I also support closing corporate loopholes and a wealth tax on billionaires that could be offset dollar for dollar for any payment they make to cover childcare costs for workers.
Protecting the right to vote and restoring faith in our elections are crucial goals. I would support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. The bill expands the government’s authority to send federal observers to jurisdictions where there may be a substantial risk of voting discrimination. It would ensure that certain types of election policy changes trigger preclearance (federal review) nationwide, for example, stricter requirements for documentation to prove identity to vote would be reviewed by the federal government before they could go into effect. This ensures only legitimate requirements to eliminate voter fraud are upheld. I'd ban gerrymandering.

I'd make election day a federal holiday and create a federal right to vote by mail.
Our immigration system is broken. We must adopt a policy that secures our borders, welcomes hopeful, talented immigrants by admitting them lawfully, appropriately staffs our immigration courts and enforcement agencies to address the unacceptable backlog that delays those properly seeking to make America their home and slows the process of removing those without legal basis for staying. Our policy must treat asylum seekers with dignity, offer citizenship to dreamers, and spread the benefit and burden of welcoming immigrants to states throughout the country by dedicating resources to border states to process entry and creating welcome centers in all regions of America to disperse the population into communities prepared to absorb the growth.
Climate change is real. It is man-made and it is already contributing to natural disasters that are pushing species to the brink of extinction, destroying lives and crippling economies. That’s why I'll champion policies that reduce our emissions, keep our air and water clean, and grow the economy in the process. I support extending tax credits for home improvements that improve energy efficiency and for the purchase of low emissions vehicles. I also support legislation locking in the President’s executive order requiring the federal government to purchase only zero-emissions light-duty vehicles for the fleet by 2027. I will advance programs that prepare our workforce to invent, install, and service clean technologies.

I'd also require every federal agency to install solar panels on every suitable surface of every federal building and parking lot, to lower the operating expenses and produce clean energy. I'd give block grants to states and municipalities to do the same.
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade it put at risk every woman’s freedom to pursue their own futures. As a free speech advocate, I successfully fought a bill in North Dakota that would have forbidden public dollars from being spent on pro-choice speakers at public colleges in that state. I also worked on a successful campaign in South Carolina opposing a measure to criminalize any person or website that shared information with women in that state about where abortions could be obtained lawfully elsewhere. I'm the only Democrat in this race who has successfully defended the right to choose in legislative bodies where Republicans have the majority. If elected, I will vote to codify reproductive freedom as a federal right and defend the right to choose whenever it is threatened.
Instability in the Middle East is the biggest policy challenge (followed closely by Russian and Chinese aggression).

I support Israel’s right to exist free of violence from terrorists and Palestinians' desire for self governance and economic opportunity. Because terrorists in Gaza are deeply imbedded in civilian communities, hiding bases in hospitals and schools, it has proven impossible to eliminate the terrorist threat without inflicting agonizing suffering amongst civilians. It is important for the U.S. to help Israel chart a path that minimizes the impact on civilians with periodic cease fires so humanitarian aid can get in and journalists can do their jobs safely.

Recent attacks on Israel by Iran further destabilize the region and must be met with firm global sanctions.

When the immediate war is over, the world must work together to ensure Israeli security, invest in Gaza to raise the standard of living for Palestinians, and provide a path to demilitarized statehood.
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The most important issues facing our nation currently are the erosion of our basic rights in the United States. We, and more specifically women, have lost the ability to make our own decisions. This is very apparent in our reproductive health decisions with the long time legal precedent of Roe v. Wade falling this past year with the Dobbs decision. Also, our democracy is at risk with continual attempts to undermine our democratic institutions and elections. I will fight to ensure our women receive the right to their own bodily autonomy by codifying these protections nationally. I will also fight to ensure that our institutions remain intact and that voting rights will not be attacked like they have been in states and by some nationally, this means ensuring transparent rules regarding elections nationally.
I will continue to fight for our workers, ensuring they have the right to unionize which protects our workers and encourages a more diverse group is protected and given the opportunity at a great paying career. Ensuring our workers' voices are heard will allow for more inclusive and equitable workplaces and communities. Additionally, at the state level, I have fought to provide financial assistance to small businesses and craft economic development initiatives to serve as a driver for the local economy. In Congress, I will advocate for providing incentives for job creation and capital investment and disbursing financial resources for small businesses.
To expand voter access, I support same day voter registration. Our clerks do a fantastic job and I am sure that they would be able to handle this type of registration and it will not lead to any uncertainty to vote totals or eligibility. I also support what we have done here in New Jersey to expand the time period where voting is allowed, from just one day to allowing mail in ballots and early voting weeks before election day is done. This will allow even more people to participate in our democracy leading to a more representative government. I will also work to protect voting integrity and expand voting accessibility by modernizing our election system.
To secure our border we must take a long-term approach that focuses on repairing our broken immigration system, reforming our court system to process asylum seekers in a more timely manner, expand pathways to citizenship, and support our DACA children. There are ways to resolve this issue with substantive changes, not political stunts like we have seen such as using the migrant crisis to score political points like some politicians have been doing. We also need to oppose measures taken to transport immigrants using false presences, this is exactly what the Governor of Florida did by transporting asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard, I wrote a resolution to condemn him and consider him a human trafficker for this act. We must treat our migrants and asylum seekers with humanity and dignity.
We must continue to build up our clean energy industry. I have done this at the state level by extensively supporting offshore wind both legislatively and by using my platform to spread how this new industry can expand our economy while saving the environment. Additionally, support for public transportation will allow for us to decrease our reliance on personal vehicles especially those that depend on fossil fuels to run. At the state level I have supported additional funding for NJTRANSIT and the Transportation Trust Fund which directly lead to the running and expansion of public transportations services.
Abortion is healthcare. A woman’s choice to have an abortion is a decision between her and her doctor, as legislators we must do as much as possible to ensure this right is guaranteed. I have done this extensively at the state level supporting not just access to abortions but protections for those who come to New Jersey to seek them. I sponsored a bill to provide comprehensive data protections for those receiving abortions as well as codifying an individual's access to birth control and reproductive health medications.
The biggest foreign policy issues for the United States are the safety of our allies. We must continue to ensure that our allies in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East are secure. The nations at the forefront of this issue include Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, the United States has an obligation to protect these nations from their regional aggressors in Russia, Iran, and China respectively. To ensure the sovereignty of our allies we must supply them with funding and support for their military so that they do not fall to these tyrannical states and are subject to authoritarianism.
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New Jersey women and across the country are enduring attacks on their reproductive rights, Seniors are being used as political pawns by Republicans with promises to cut Social Security and Medicare, Students and teachers are dealing with an education system that has been consistently undermined and under-supported for decades. Codifying a woman’s right to choose as soon as possible to ensure women are able to receive the care they determine is necessary will be the first act I take in Congress. Our seniors shouldnt have to choose between their medications and food or housing stability. Working to ensure the stability of programs that millions of seniors paid into is crucial. Continuing the work of supporting teachers and students by: increasing classroom expenses tax deduction, raising teacher pay to better solve teacher attrition, and incentivizing college and career training with 0% interest student loans alongside increased scrutiny for skyrocketing higher education costs.
Times are difficult for working families and we need to be honest about that. People shouldn't have to work 3 jobs just to make ends meet. When elected, I will draft legislation that expands a worker’s right to unionize and collectively bargain. Unions boost pay 10-15% and improve working conditions for all. I will also work to pass legislation that ensures equal pay for equal work. Higher wages increase Americans' opportunities. Higher wages are a more secure future. President Biden’s support of small businesses is historic and I will act to strengthen and expand on his commitment to opening up federal contracts to small businesses and will work to find ways to expand it as well as increase funding to the Small Business Administration.
The right to vote is how we make our voices heard. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that has robust protections against voter discrimination, limits the timeframe voting officials can make changes to voting, and strengthens federal authority to review voting rules that could result in discrimination against minority voters. This is essential to ensure free and fair elections that give voters the choice of representation in their government. When I’m elected I will work to pass legislation to ensure fair, secure, and equitable elections and continue to fight against partisan voter roll purges, restrictive voting laws, and extreme partisan gerrymandering.
Our immigration system is inhumane - period. We need to do better, be better. Record backlogs and insufficient staffing coupled with Republican inaction, obstructionism, and extreme and sometimes hate-filled views, has created an untenable and dangerous system. When I get to Congress, I intend on facing this issue head-on with solutions that will meet the moment. Working to provide more funding for border control, increasing the number of judges and court staff along with methods to streamline the process all while continuing partnerships with Mexico and giving them that opportunity, free from threat. We need to ensure that whomever steps foot on American soil is treated equally under the law. They are seeking a better life and they want it here. We need to remember our values so boldly inscribed on the Statue Of Liberty: ‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free‘
We have no Planet B. Future generations have a right to breathe clean air and drink clean water, this is the least we can do. While I am in Congress, I am going to work ceaselessly to increase energy production from renewable sources, fund needed research in carbon capture and other planet-saving technologies. I will also secure investments in public transportation and waste reduction to further our shared goals of mitigating and reversing climate change and stewarding the planet and its resources.
Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Full Stop. I am going to pass legislation that codifies Roe protections for all NJ women and women across the country. The choice of an abortion is between women and their doctors - not the government. Men, specifically Republican men, who wish to take us back to the 1800’s before women could vote sure as hell have no say in this decision either. I will work tirelessly to make this a reality for all women.
Russia’s aggression in the war with Ukraine as well as interference in our elections is a threat to democracy. Putin must be sanctioned into submission. I support increased and aggressive sanctions and support of Ukraine’s defense. Innocent Israelis and Palestinians are caught in the crossfire. I support humanitarian and defense aid, starting with an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages. Only then can we move forward toward a two-state solution and peace. Too many lives have been lost. In addition, work to bring us closer to President Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal is more essential than ever to the safety of the region.
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1) Stop the invasion at our border by enforcing our immigration laws.

2) The "fourth branch" of government which has become the public policy branch needs to be removed almost entirely. These are the unelected bureaucrats that have far too much power and need to be eliminated along with the all the unconstitutional agencies including (FBI, Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, Department of commerce, etc., etc. etc.)

3) Massive Election fraud, cheating - All elections need to be by paper ballots with tabulators/counting machines. Elimination of all electronic voting machines. All voters need to show Voter ID. Long term prison sentences for election fraud.
Fight for a massive reduction in government at all levels (Currently 42% of the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) consists of government at all levels, local, state and federal.) along with a massive reduction in taxes for all lawful Americans.

Our founders would be rolling over in their grave if they saw what we have done to this country with its confiscatory (theft) tax policy. Remember, a revolution was started with a Tea tax and a stamp tax.

Voter access could not be any easier right now. In fact, we need to ensure that those who vote are lawfully eligible. Voter ID is essential and the most commonsensical way to ensure those who vote are eligible. No one questions showing ID to board an airplane, or gain access to their account or get cash at a bank. Few people who live in the real world question the need to show ID to vote. Only those who are wanting to game the system decry it as a burden.
We do not need immigration reform. We need to enforce our immigration laws.
When I ask most people to define "climate change" or "threats" they looked stunned and perplexed or they just get angry and run away. So please define your terms so we understand what you mean by "climate change" and also define the "threats" you are referring to.
Please define what you mean by "access to abortion" so I can answer your question.
Reining in our empire-building and our meddling in other countries' affairs. There is zero reason for the US to have 600 plus military bases around the world and military command structures on most every continent. We should bring home most of our troops around the world and many can be stationed at our southern and now northern border to stop the foreign invasion.

The founders of this nation would be rolling over in their graves if they knew how we have become an empire...the very thing they fought against.

The prime reason we need to be defending Taiwan is because we have foolishly driven our chip making industries out of the US. Most all strategic manufacturing necessary for defense needs to remain in the US. In sum, avoid all foreign entanglements with no strategic interest to the United States.