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VOTE411 Voter Guide

New Jersey US House District 7

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  • Candidate picture

    Sue Altman

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    Andrew Black

  • Candidate picture

    Thomas H. Kean Jr.

  • Candidate picture

    Lana Leguia

Biographical Information

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

What will you do to support an economy and job market that are strong and inclusive of all people?

What measures do you support to expand voter access and restore trust in our elections?

What is your position on immigration reform?

What, if any, actions would you take to address the threats facing the United States due to climate change?

What is your stance on access to abortion?

What’s the biggest foreign policy challenge facing the United States and how would you address it?

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I know that top issues for NJ voters on a federal level are abortion, the war in Gaza, healthcare, rising living costs, firearm regulation and immigration. All these concerns stem from two recurring issues, ever increasing federal spending and government control. The solution? I support removing the involvement of the US government from these areas. If you want control over your healthcare, if you want the federal government to stop spending billions of dollars on conflicts overseas, if you want the national debt to be reduced, if you want market regulation to stop, if you want corporate welfare to end, if you want the blatant disregard for the Constitution to stop; then vote for representation that understands the best person to know what is best for your life and your family, which is you. Vote for representation that will remove the grip of government on our economy and our lives. The federal government has a narrow, well-defined purpose in our Constitution. Let's enforce it!
The government can best serve Americans economically by staying out of the free market process. Stop subsidizing industries, abolish income tax, end tariffs, stop approving bailouts, end the federal reserve and stop regulating voluntary trade.
Voter IDs and restricting mail in voting to people with disabilities and citizens temporarily residing outside the country or similar circumstances. People have been taught that voting is a civic duty, a responsibility you have to your community and country. As faith in our system has waned, apathy towards elections has increased. I ask you to look at voting from a different perspective. Voting is an act of protest. Voting for something new and something different, gives them something they aren’t used to - a power shift.
Immigrants are more likely to be entrepreneurs than native-born Americans. Evidence has shown that immigrants create more jobs than they “take.” If congress passes permanent pathways to citizenship immigrants are estimated to add a cumulative $1.2 trillion to the U.S. GDP over 10 years, increase the income of all Americans, and create thousands of new jobs per year. I support an “Ellis Island” style immigration system, abolishing ICE, denying entry to those who have a record of violence in their country of origin or have credible plans for violence and creating a simple, efficient path to citizenship for “unauthorized” immigrants currently residing in the US.
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Abortion IS taking a human life. Pregnancy, birth and abortion will permanently alter a woman physically, emotionally, psychologically & spiritually. Zealots on both sides dismiss how their militant stone walling only hurts women and children. As a society, we have failed women. The solution is genuine empathy and rallying around vulnerable women. The answer is never more government. The second this became a campaign talking point is the moment women and children became political pawns at the highest cost. Ultimately, the federal government does not have the authority to regulate abortion. The 10th Amendment of the Constitution states that the powers not granted to the federal government, should go to the states and the people.
The endless wars. The United States should remain focused on issues regarding our own sovereignty unless in imminent danger and stay out of global conflicts completely if only to negotiate peace. I am a committed, unwavering non-interventionist. I support an immediate end to all government funded foreign aid, ending subsidies to corporate arms dealers, withdrawing from NATO, withdrawing from the UN, bringing every single American soldier home, closing all American bases overseas, and abolishing the draft/selective service.