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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Clackamas County Commissioner Position 1 Chair

County Commissioners set policy and adopt budgets for their counties. They supervise County departments either directly or, when there is a County Administrator, indirectly. Counties provide a wide range of important public services, from managing elections to maintaining roads. To qualify, a candidate must be a U.S. citizen, a registered voter, a resident of the district for at least a year prior to the General Election, and 18 years of age or older.Term: 4 years. This position is nonpartisan.The League of Women Voters held a candidate forum in which 2 candidates participated. The video may be viewed here:

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  • Candidate picture

    April Lambert

  • Candidate picture

    Craig Roberts

  • Candidate picture

    Tootie Smith

Biographical Information

What are the three greatest challenges facing the County, and how would you address them if elected?

What qualities and experience make you the best candidate for County Commissioner?

What role would you support for the County to play in addressing the supply of housing in the region?

Contact Phone 503-863-0789
Campaign Phone (public) 5038630789
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
YouTube Video (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Damascus
Your Experience/Qualifications I have a strong background in serving in education, workforce development, human services, governmental programs, faith-based organizations, and in non-profit formation and leadership. You can be confident that I have the wisdom, dedication, & heart to stand for us all!
County OR
Term 2025
Term Expires 2029
1 Equity: The Americans with Disabilities Act & The Equal Opportunity Act were designed to protect people from discrimination. Unfortunately, without proper training companies are at risk for fines, and people are not protected by these laws. My solution is to provide free training on these important topics to businesses and their workforce. 2 Mental Health: Providing behavioral health services greatly helps the people who receive them while bringing important revenue to the county. By increasing these services we will create local jobs, while addressing our mental health crisis. 3 Addressing Homelessness: By providing safe camping, affordable housing, rent assistance, employment, behavioral health care, & converting hotels into housing.
I would like to share with you why I'm running for county commissioner. My decision is actually in response to an un unanimous choice by our current commissioners to close down our office of equity and inclusion in Clackamas County. That decision tarnished our reputation and hurt the very people we are here to serve. I want to restore trust in our community. I have a strong background in serving in education, workforce development, human services, governmental programs, faith-based organizations, and in non-profit formation and leadership. I believe I am needed for a time as this! You can be confident that I have the wisdom, dedication, & heart to stand for us all!
We have successfully added several new apartments and new homes. I support these continued efforts. Additionally, I would love to see more people have the joy and dignity of homeownership. As nice as apartments can be, they limit people from being able to paint and truly make it theirs. Also, there is no financial return on their investment for the renters. I see having a hybrid option of building beautiful manufactured home communities, where people own the homes, and rent the land, as the perfect solution. High quality energy efficient manufactured homes cost a fraction of the cost to build as do traditional stick-built homes. I think this is the most financially effective way that we could help address some of the shortages in our area.
Town Where You Live Wilsonville
Your Experience/Qualifications Over forty years in law enforcement. Clackamas County Sheriff 2005-2020. Managed the largest county general fund department budget.
County Clackamas
Term 4-Years
Term Expires 12/31/2028
Due to current deficient County leadership and opaque decision-making Clackamas County residents face multiple urgent challenges. A few include: the county’s financial crisis related to the cost of the new courthouse, houselessness and affordable housing, addiction and mental health services, transportation and development of industrial land for economic growth.

I will bring residents, business leaders, and agencies together to listen in order to build a common understanding. This facilitates a multi-prong approach to confront the complex problems we face. We need an independent, open forensic audit to determine the County’s real financial state so that we can work together to address shortfalls that affect staff, programs and services.
I am uniquely qualified to be Commission Chair. As Sheriff for 16 years from 2005-2020, I managed the largest county general fund department budget. I know the county budget system and have more budget experience than any of the current commissioners. I conceived, developed and implemented multiple successful programs while Sheriff.

I believe honesty is the foundation for all communication and decision-making. I have integrity and will do the right thing even when no one is looking. I have the rare ability to bring diverse groups of people together with differing views and find common ground to solve difficult problems.

I believe I am a good listener and always treat people with respect, something that is lacking with the current Chair. I
The lack of housing in Clackamas County is directly related to high development costs. The state has created a fund to help developers with their pre-development and development loans which have high interest rates. Making developers aware of these funds and offering assistance is a way to help. The County also needs to look at permitting processes and costs for unincorporated areas as well as working with the cities to develop standardized code and permitting processes where possible.

We also need a long-term housing plan that addresses a continuum from houselessness to 120% of average median income as this brings in workforce housing. The County needs to actively work with and engage cities in the plan creation.
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