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Oregon Judge of the Circuit Court District 1 Position 5

There are 173 Circuit Court Judges in Oregon, grouped into 27 judicial districts. The Circuit Courts are the state trial courts of general jurisdiction. In most counties they have jurisdiction in juvenile cases, though only for termination of parental rights cases in Gilliam, Morrow, Sherman, and Wheeler counties, where the County Court is responsible for other juvenile cases. The Circuit Courts also exercise jurisdiction in probate, adoptions, guardianship, and conservatorship cases in all counties except Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Sherman, and Wheeler. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, registered voters, and residents of Oregon for at least 3 years before filing for candidacy; for at least 1 year they must have resided or had a principal residence in the judicial district or an adjacent one; and they must be members of the Oregon state bar at time of election. They may not be older than 75 years.Term: 6 years. This position is nonpartisan. Salary: $163, 476.

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  • Candidate picture

    Joe Davis

  • Candidate picture

    Christine K Herbert

Biographical Information

What qualities and experience best qualify you to serve as a judge?

What considerations would you bring to bear on sentencing decisions?

What reforms, if any, would you support for the administration of the Circuit Court?

Campaign Phone (public) 541-227-8228
Town Where You Live Medford
Your Experience/Qualifications More than 25 years as an attorney including family law, business law, and criminal law as a prosecutor
County Jackson
Term 6 Years
1. Experience: The breadth of my more than 25 years of legal experience will allow me to serve our community well. In addition to my work as a family law attorney and former prosecutor I currently serve as a Jackson County Circuit Court Judge, Pro Tempore. 2. Judicial Independence: Judges should be free from undue influence or pressure from external sources. Decisions must be made based on the law and facts presented in court. We must ensure that parties who come before the court understand that their judge is free from outside pressure. Commitment to Justice: Ultimately, a judge must uphold justice and the rule of law. I pledge to ensure just outcomes and uphold the principles of our legal system.

Oregon relies, primarily, on Sentencing Guidelines to establish a presumptive sentence. When considering a departure from those guidelines a judge must consider, among other things, whether the offender displayed deliberate cruelty, whether the victim was particularly vulnerable, the degree of harm from the crime, the offender's criminal history, and whether the offender played a minor or passive role in the crime. These are only some of the factors a judge can consider. Ultimately, however, ensuring that similar offenders are treated the same, regardless of race, social status, or access to financial resources should be a cornerstone of any sentencing decision.
One area where I see an opportunity to reform the Circuit Court is to employ an expedited and informal family law court. Families, especially children, are not well-served when a divorce or custody matter remains in court longer than necessary. Allowing cases to remain open, sometimes for more than a year, can increase, rather than resolve, the conflict between parents. Without doubt, increased conflict between parents harms their children. Expediting the divorce process and removing certain technical legal barriers would allow parties to resolve their cases quickly at reduced legal expense.
Contact Phone 5417792006
Campaign Phone (public) 5417792006
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Central Point
Your Experience/Qualifications 24 years trial lawyer; 2 years law clerk; 15 yrs legal assistant; 5 years U.S. Government
County Jackson
Term 6 yrs
Term Expires 2031
24 years of trial experience, compassion for all; respect for all parties; my ability to listen, reason and render a fair and equitable decision. I am trusted. My passion is justice. I believe everyone has a right to be heard and their concerns valued and fairly considered. My work experience, living experience and conquering obstacles along the way has given me the wisdom and compassion to render fair, impartial and equitable decisions. I will be a judge dedicated to serving my community by upholding high standards of moral character and trust. I am an innovative thinker and motivated to encourage resolution. I am committed to justice and the rule of law and to ensure everyone is treated fairly and equitably under the law.
1. The amount of legal discretion permitted to the judge by law; 2. the nature of the offense; 3. the magnitude of harm upon the victim; 4. the defendant's past criminal history; 5. Weight between reformation versus incarceration considering public safety; and 5. Any other factors brought to my attention worth considering before rendering a sentence.
Better access to court for veterans. More efficient ways to hold hearings to best utilize staff and judges in order to serve our citizens quicker. Remote access to the court for disabled folks and those with transportation issues.