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Oregon Attorney General

The Attorney General is the chief legal officer of the State of Oregon and heads the Department of Justice and its nine divisions. The AG controls and supervises all court actions and legal proceedings in which the State of Oregon is a party or has an interest. The AG also has full charge and control of all legal business of all state departments, boards, and commissions that require services of legal counsel. The AG prepares ballot titles for measures to be voted on by the people and appoints Assistant Attorneys General. When requested by the Governor, any state agency official, or any member of the Legislature, the AG gives written opinions on any question of law. AGs are prohibited from rendering opinions or giving legal advice to other persons or agencies. Services and responsibilities include representation of the State s interests in all civil and criminal cases before the state and federal courts, consumer protection and information services, supervision of charitable trusts and solicitations, enforcement of state and federal antitrust laws in Oregon, assistance to the state s District Attorneys, administration of the state s crime victims compensation program, investigations of organized crime and public corruption, and the establishment and enforcement of child support obligations for families who receive public assistance.Term: 4 years. This position is partisan. Salary: $82,200 (2017).Here is an article from the Oregon Capital Chronicle about the Democratic candidates in this race: is an article from the Oregon Capital Chronicle about the Republican candidates in this race:

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  • Candidate picture

    Michael Cross

  • Candidate picture

    Will Lathrop

  • Candidate picture

    Shaina Maxey Pomerantz

  • Candidate picture

    Dan Rayfield

Biographical Information

What are your top policy priorities for the state Justice Department?

How can the state Justice Department contribute to fighting drug trafficking and abuse?

What, if any, changes would you suggest to the conflict of interest rules applicable to the Attorney General?

Campaign Phone (public) 5032321418
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Town Where You Live Salem
Your Experience/Qualifications USAF Veteran, over 30 years of Executive level experience as a Business owner, Manager, CEO, Etc. I know how to make good things happen in spite of the odds and lack of budget. i work well on a tight budget and understand the intricacies of multi faceted issues and frankly "messes" that if we do not solve these issues, then our children and our grandchildren are left to manage. I doubt that's the legacy that we want to leave behind! I am doing my part to solve these issues to Save Oregon.
Campaign Twitter Handle @@mcfororegon
County Marion
Let me be unequivocal: the paramount concern for Oregon's Attorney General must be tackling crime head-on. Every Oregonian deserves to feel secure in their homes, workplaces, places of worship, and neighborhoods. It is unacceptable that fear has become pervasive under the current administration. Addressing these challenges requires a straightforward, pragmatic approach rooted in proven law enforcement strategies. We must send a clear message to those who would perpetrate harm or infringe upon the rights of others: crime will not be tolerated. All actions will be conducted in adherence to the law and Constitution, while steadfastly upholding the rights of individuals. Fentanyl and Human Trafficking as well as the sources will be eliminated.
Addressing the Fentanyl crisis demands a comprehensive and decisive approach. I will leverage the full spectrum of law enforcement resources, from local to federal agencies, to combat this grave threat to public health. We need our laws to align with the severity of the crime. While legislative changes are pursued, I advocate for prosecutors to wield existing laws with rigor, ensuring that possession cases are charged with the potential harm posed by the quantity of Fentanyl involved. This means pursuing charges akin to attempted murder when evidence suggests intent to distribute lethal amounts. The penalties must echo the gravity of the crisis. We owe it to the countless lives lost and families shattered to fight with unwavering resolve.
My predecessor believed that she was the Governor’s “lawyer.” Shockingly she said those exact words in a zoom conference call! I was shocked. The State is the PEOPLE. It’s high time that the office started treating the job that way. I will have an open door policy and we will have operators standing by so citizens can report issues of transgressions from companies or even other departments in Government. I want the AG’s office to be your first call, if you can’t resolve an issue. It seems to me that many cases can be quickly resolved without the need to spend thousands of dollars to hire an attorney. Oregonians can’t always afford to hire an attorney to defend their rights, that’s why the AG needs to be their first call.
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Campaign Twitter Handle @LathropWill
1. Reduce the prevalence of drugs and hold drug traffickers accountable. Drug cartels are profiting millions of dollars by exploiting those struggling with addiction, crushing families across Oregon. The prevalence of fentanyl in our state has left a growing population vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

2. Restore safe communities and support law enforcement. Oregon is suffering under a cloud of crime and people don’t feel safe. I’ve dedicated my career to protecting children and vulnerable populations from crime. As Oregon’s next Attorney General, I will work collaboratively with state, local, and federal law enforcement to keep our communities safe.

3. Restore trust in government and enforce Oregon’s corruption laws. We need to ensure there is accountability when taxpayer dollars are allocated towards solving a problem. As Oregon’s next Attorney General, I will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for misuse of public office and misuse of public funds.
By statute, the Attorney General is in charge of investigating organized crime in Oregon which includes drug trafficking, human trafficking, organized retail theft, online exploitation of children, racketeering, money laundering, etc. The Department of Justice is supposed to build a collective strategy for law enforcement across the state and to collaborate with federal and international law enforcement agencies to reduce the inflow of drugs into Oregon. The Oregon DOJ has largely failed in that capacity over the last decade. I have dedicated my entire career to public safety and protecting victims from exploitation and violence. I am uniquely qualified to lead a collaborative, multi-state effort to greatly reduce the supply of illegal drugs flowing into Oregon and to hold drug traffickers accountable. My top priority will be to reduce the prevalence of drug trafficking in our state.
Conflict of interest rules, as applied to the office of the Attorney General, are guided by a complex tapestry of (centuries old) common law, Oregon case law, and Oregon legislative statutes. When I am elected as the Attorney General, I will inherit that tapestry of rules, and will follow the law. I am hesitant to suggest changes to those rules because such changes are within the purview of the legislature and the court, and my advocacy could be seen, in and of itself, as a conflict of interest.
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Town Where You Live Portland
Your Experience/Qualifications Lawyer, Advocate, Educator - Executive Director, RACE TALKS: Uniting to Break the Chains of Racism
Term 4 years
Term Expires 2029
My vision for the Oregon Department of Justice involves significant changes to enhance civil rights protections and combat systemic injustices affecting marginalized communities. As Attorney General, one of my primary initiatives is the establishment of a dedicated Civil Rights Division within the DOJ. This division would expand the current Civil Rights Unit's mandate, providing crucial support to local counties in addressing civil rights violations and hate crimes promptly and effectively. In addressing the fentanyl crisis and the broader opioid epidemic, I am committed to using opioid settlements to support community rebuilding efforts and deflection programs. I will advocate for accessible recovery treatment, mental health services, housing support, and employment opportunities for individuals affected by drug addiction, prioritizing comprehensive support for families impacted by the ripple effects of drug-related issues and extending victim support services to all affected.
Oregon's geographical features, including the 1-5 corridor and coastal access, make it a prime target for drug trafficking, in addition to human sex trafficking, necessitating proactive and strategic measures to curb illicit activities within our borders. While legislation like HB 4002 addresses aspects of drug abuse visible on the streets, the root of the problem lies in disrupting the supply chain of illicit drugs into the state. To effectively tackle drug trafficking, we must strengthen partnerships with top state and federal law enforcement agencies to target and dismantle trafficking networks at their source. Additionally, through targeted campaigns, school programs, and strategic billboard placements, we can increase public awareness about the risks and consequence associated with drug-related activities.
I firmly believe that as the state's top legal official, it is essential to set high standards of integrity and openness. Disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived, is paramount to upholding public trust in our elected leaders. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest can significantly impact public confidence in the integrity of our legal system. It is crucial that the Attorney General's office takes swift action to address any legal improprieties and ensure adherence to ethical standards. The Attorney General's office must enhance transparency efforts, educate officials on ethical responsibilities, and promote a culture of accountability and disclosure. While laws like Citizens United set legal parameters, I emphasize that Oregon citizens have the right to demand transparency and integrity in elections and the conduct of elected officials.
Contact Phone 541-740-7744
Campaign Phone (public) 541-740-7744
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Town Where You Live Corvallis
Your Experience/Qualifications Dan Rayfield has made a significant positive impact on Oregon and his community as a legal, elected, and community leader, and he serves as the Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives. First admitted to the Oregon Bar in 2006, Dan practices general civil litigation, consumer protection and represents people with claims against the insurance industry and large corporations.
Campaign Twitter Handle @DanRayfield
County Benton
Term 4 years
Term Expires 2029
Three overarching goals will focus our work. First, we’ll work to protect Oregonian’s values & policies from national threats. Examples include threats to our reproductive health care, collective bargaining, & vote-by-mail system. The second is to expand the work of the Civil Enforcement Division to ensure enforcement of the laws that protect our values & protect vulnerable Oregonians. Modeling off of other states’ work, we envision this happening through creating a Working Families Unit to focus on protections like wage theft, misclassification, and child labor. Finally, we will focus on partnering with law enforcement & criminal justice reform advocates to keep our communities safe & help combat homelessness & substance abuse disorder.
The Attorney General plays a critical role in combatting drug trafficking and abuse. We will work closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, we can ensure a coordinated effort in disrupting and dismantling drug trafficking networks. This includes sharing intelligence, leveraging resources for complex investigations, and prioritizing the prosecution of drug dealers.
We've heard some concerns and many ideas regarding potential conflicts of interest issues when it comes to things like contracting, procurement, and case reviews. We are committed to conducting a comprehensive review of all of these processes to identify and implement structures to address any potential concerns.