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Brookline Housing Authority

The Brookline Housing Authority owns and manages more than 1,500 units of affordable housing in the Town. The five-person Board of Commissioners is responsible for overseeing the agency in all regards, approving all contracts, and hiring the Executive Director. Four of the five board membersare elected by the voters of Brookline. Of that four, one is always a tenant of the Brookline Housing Authority. The fifth member is appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (No salary; no health insurance.)* following a candidate name indicates an Incumbent.For Incumbent Town Meeting Races, Attendance Record for last three years is shown.(NP) shows for all candidates and races. The Brookline Municipal Election is Non-Partisan.

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  • Candidate picture

    Shawn K O'Neal

  • Candidate picture

    Kimberley Richardson

  • Candidate picture

    Lynne D. Sweet

Biographical Information

Biographical Data:

As a BHA Commissioner, how would you ensure that the voices and needs of BHA residents are integrated into your decision-making?

Campaign Mailing Address 22 High Street
Unit 36
Brookline, MA 02445
Campaign Phone 857-424-7801
Attendance Not Incumbent TM Member
I believe that one of the most important steps is to encourage new Voters that they can’t really make a change and let people know that voting really changes things.
My first move would be to make sure that resident are involved in the process. Let them know that you are the voice of the people who need to be and want to be heard. I would also advise them to meet with me and express anything that they may feel i Is unjust and to let them know that they are the most important part of many parts and BHA housing
Campaign Phone 617-276-5625
Attendance Not Incumbent TM Member
I have called (BHA) home for over 12 years. I understand BHA policies and its impact as both a resident and community leader. I am a clinical social worker, MA court employee, community activist, and mother committed to making changes for Brookline’s most vulnerable populations. I provide needed representation to ensure that the income vulnerable have a seat at the table. I have been involved in access to recreation for disadvantaged youth, funding for food access, and greater community engagement. I am a board member of Brookline’s only affordable housing nonprofit BCDC, board chair for Women Thriving and board chair of Brookline for Racial Justice and Equity. Experience means that you understand the breadth of an issue.
I will enhance community engagement within the BHA community, where residents are often overlooked or rendered invisible. I strongly believe in the importance of inclusivity and representation, and I am dedicated to ensuring that the voices and concerns of residents are heard. I will demonstrate a community centered form of leadership that represents the values and priorities of the residents and make decisions that reflect those needs. I will push for town government to demonstrate a greater commitment to BHA by seeking more resources. I will work to make BHA part of the Brookline community and not just an appendage. I will ask questions about how the work gets prioritized and seek greater accountability. I will encourage the implementation of sub-committees that directly focus and prioritize residents. I will encourage an open dialogue between residents and the entire Commission.
Campaign Phone 617-571-2064
Campaign Instagram URL
Attendance Not Incumbent TM Member
I was raised in Brookline and have almost 40 years’ affordable housing experience. I have worked on permanent housing for teenage mothers, LGBTQIA+ senior supportive housing and veterans housing. I know grants, funding, and collaborate with municipalities, investors, lenders, not for profits, housing authorities, management companies and residents. Today I have a 25-year-old women owned and run WBE/DBE business focused on affordable housing development, preservation, and asset management. I serve(d) on the Boards of Second Step, Newton Housing Partnership, CHAPA Housing Production and Preservation Committee and CREW Boston. A past volunteer at the Brookline Food Pantry. I have been a mentor to many women. I hold an MBA from Babson College.
This is personal for me. I have family members in public housing. I will listen carefully to all BHA residents, and I will put my skills to work for the BHA. The BHA administers 1,500 rental payment vouchers and manages 1,000 units of affordable elderly, veterans, disabled and family housing. The BHA needs to raise funds to pay for capital improvements, to add more housing units and to increase resident services. The BHA also needs to complete the Colonel Floyd, Juniper and High Street developments. My professional experience is critical to raise capital, negotiate contracts and manage tenant relocation. I offer 40 years of experience to deliver on vital housing concerns, to bridge the gap between residents, the board and management, and to make the money work. I have been endorsed by the Massachusetts Housing Coalition, Brookline by Design and Brookline PAX.