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Nebraska State Legislative District 29

4-year term, limited to two consecutive terms, $12,000Members of the country’s only unicameral legislative body create laws and make the rules for Nebraskans under certain constitutional limitations. This body also oversees many health care services and decides how much money public schools (from kindergartens to colleges) receive each year. If you are concerned about who pays how much in taxes and how those funds get spent, this is a very important election.

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    Eliot Bostar

Biographical Information

What is your top concern about K-12 education in Nebraska and what would be your solution?

What steps would you support to ensure access to clean water for all Nebraskans?

What are the most important challenges facing our state, and how do you propose to address them?

Current Public Office, dates held State Senator District 29 (2020-current)
Campaign Twitter Handle @BostarEliot
We need to ensure our schools have adequate funding to meet the evolving needs of our communities and students. Recent increases in local property valuations have pushed Lincoln Public Schools nearly outside of the school equalization formula. Last year, LPS saw their state aid cut by over $30 million. Those dollars now need to be made up by local taxpayers, or schools would be forced to make drastic cuts. The current school funding formula is broken. Our schools, teachers, students, and property taxpayers deserve predictable and meaningful funding from the state.
In the Legislature, I’ve secured funding for a second water source for Lincoln and many communities in Southeast Nebraska. This year, I introduced legislation to help residents dealing with water quality issues be able to afford a filtration system for their home. In the short-term, we must continue to support families and communities dealing with polluted water and other issues such as lead pipes.

Long-term, we must lower nitrate levels in our water. I co-sponsored LB1368, which encourages farmers to adopt efficient and sustainable practices while still allowing them to compete by providing incentive payments to farmers who use technology to incorporate innovative practices to lower the use of chemical fertilizers.
The biggest challenge for our state right now is affordability. I’ve worked to reduce the cost of healthcare by capping the price of insulin and requiring insurance companies to pay for cancer screenings. I’ve worked on numerous proposals to address the costs of housing and childcare. As a member of the Revenue Committee, I’ve voted to eliminate taxes on social security and military retirement benefits, which help people on a fixed income. I’ve also been a supporter of providing income tax cuts for the middle class and have been an advocate for property tax relief to help businesses and families. In my second term, I’ll continue to look for innovative ways to save families money.