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Nebraska US House of Rep - District 3

This is a partisan race, but all candidates from all parties are being made available for viewing. Voters registered with the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian and Legal Marijuana NOW parties will only see their party’s candidates on their primary ballots.During a Statewide Primary Election, Nonpartisan voters may request to vote the Federal ballot for the House and Senate from one political party in addition to their Nonpartisan Ballot. They cannot vote the primary ballot for President, Governor, or partisan County offices unless the state political party chooses to allow nonpartisan voters to vote for all partisan offices. State political parties may choose to open their entire partisan ballot to nonpartisan voters prior to each Statewide Primary Election.The Republican primary is a closed race; the only races on the Nonpartisan Republican ballot for this election are for U.S. Senator and U.S. House of Representatives.Nebraska’s other three state political parties are conducting open races; all races for which the parties have candidates will appear on their Nonpartisan ballots.A Nonpartisan voter may only vote for candidates from ONE party, in addition to the regular Nonpartisan ballot.

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    Daniel Ebers

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    David J Else

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    Robert McCuiston

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    Adrian Smith

  • Candidate picture

    John Walz

Biographical Information

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Education Highschool
Current Public Office, dates held 0
Past Public Office, dates held 0
Military experience none
Volunteer experience We hosted 13 foreign exchange students a year each. Did it for no pay. Also have given to help food pantries, Salvation Army, many other churches. Helped neighbors when time was needed.
i want to raise social security by 400 dollars a month. So it will keep up with inflation.
We need immigrants in America for they do most of our food processing. We would starve without them. To stop the flow I would do like I told Ricketts we should do. Move factories back from China to Mexico. Then they would have jobs down there. So they can feed their families. Mexico also is our number one corn buyers. Why not trade with them? Save on freight too
I think the 12 week abortion bill is fair to both sides. A lady should know by then if she is pregnant or not. i did not support the 6 week abortion law. That was not enough time to barely know she was pregnant or not.
Getting inflation down, I am so sick of big Corp. making billions of dollars off of the working class people. Another thing that made inflation rise was tariff tax against China and Canada.
Education Post College
Current Public Office, dates held N/A
Past Public Office, dates held Mayor of Small town Tamor
Military experience Veteran of the United States Marine Corps
Volunteer experience Little
Begin with Imposing a Tax on Corporations & the Wealthy with Gross Annual Incomes of 10,000.000. Restruction the Tax code as to eliminate a number of Loop Holes. 2nd would introduce a bill that would disqualify from getting any Social Security once they reach a certain Annual Income, even if they have paid into the system. 3rd Remove the cap of $168,600 to allow payroll taxes to be paid up to infinity for the extremely Wealthy and Coroporations.
Reform on Immigration is really not the issues as laws are on the books today that existed since Ellis Island in New York. In regards to their employment any employer that hires Illegal Immigrants are subject to fines and penalties to the fullest extent of the law.
I am a Pro-Life Candidate but in the instance of rape or incest could proceed with abortion. In regards contraception after 60 days from being pregnant abortion is out of the question.
Illegal Immigration due to the fact that we don't know the quality of people entering the country. Enforcing the Laws regarding immigration that is already on the books of US Law. Low wages that are paid by Corporations must be addressed to keep quality employees. This would be addressed by a Higher Corporate Tax rate.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Education Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
Current Public Office, dates held none
Past Public Office, dates held none
Military experience USMC 1989-1994 HMLA-269 Helicopter Mechanic
Volunteer experience Hastings Catholic Schools - St. Cecilia Parish - Knights of Columbus - Life Chain - Right to Life - St. John the Baptist School - St Joseph Parish - Snowplow for the elderly -
Campaign Twitter Handle @MagaWalz
I believe that the Social Security and Medicare programs are entirely unconstitutional. I recommend reading this article, which supports my viewpoint.

Ideally, I would determine the contributions each individual made into Social Security and calculate the average annual returns for their participation period. After deducting payments taken, I would then allocate this money to the respective owners or to the private investment of their choosing. The federal government would subsequently keep out of social programs.

However, until the long-term vision is realized, to address the current insolvency issue the elimination of the maximum wage base would be necessary.
As a congressman, I am committed to utilizing every available means to ensure the enforcement of our immigration laws. This includes considering measures such as restricting discretionary spending of the federal government, much of which may be deemed unconstitutional. It's important to note that such actions would not impact essential programs like Social Security, Medicare, or welfare initiatives.

Our challenge with illegal immigration stems not from a lack of policy, but rather from lack of enforcement of policies.

The failure to uphold and enforce our immigration laws is treasonous behavior. Those individuals involved in such blatant dereliction of duty must be held accountable through impeachment and criminal proceedings.
The very first inherent right outlined in our founding documents is the right to life. Our nation's foundation unmistakably rests upon Judeo-Christian values, evident in numerous speeches and writings of the founders as well as early legislation. Once an individual is conceived, they possess a soul bestowed by God, and their life is sacred and deserving of protection. This holds true to all conceived humans, thus necessitating the prohibition of abortifacients, as they are specifically engineered to terminate life.
John Adams once stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." The health of our entire society is contingent upon adherence to the laws of nature and nature's God.

The most important challenge for America in the next decade is to return to our Christian heritage, to incorporate morality and virtue into all aspects of our lives and institutions. States, local governments, and school boards must nullify overreaching federal opinions, decrees, and unconstitutional laws; they must put God and morality back into schools, which will metastasize into our society and culture. The federal government needs to reverse its assault on Christianity.