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Greene County Recorder

Responsibilities: To record deeds, mortgages, plats, liens, and other written instruments. Term of office: 4 years.

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    Joseph J Kennedy

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most important responsibility of the Recorder?

Describe the skills and experience which qualify you for this position.

Education/Experience Educational background in Business Marketing and Management from The University of Kentucky and Bachelors in Organizational Leadership from Wright State University. Over 20 Years experience in the Real Estate Industry.
Our recorder's office, among other things, is our standard for accurate keeping of some of our most valuable tangible assets. Our ability to build a life and future, many times, includes the ownership of assets, namely real estate. The recorder's office ensures a complete, accurate, and permanent record of these things. The office is vitally important to one's ability to do this, and to attract future generations to continue doing so. If elected, I will take great pride and honor in performing this task and the other duties of Recorder.

First, I have a strong real estate background. I have been a licensed real estate agent for over 10 years, but have also been managing real estate on the commercial level for over 20 years. Anything from buying property, selling property, negotiating leases, determining the current market, and working with clients from a wide array of different backgrounds, businesses, and nationalities, have formed me into the person I am today. Second, I am a person that enjoys working with people. During my 43 years, I have operated several businesses all centered around people.