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2024 State House Thirty-Seventh Middlesex District

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people and each elected for a two-year term. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets year-round in either formal or informal sessions to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Base salary for each representative is approximately $66,256.

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    Danillo A. Sena

Biographical Information

Do you support election day voter registration? Why or why not?

What actions should the legislature take to address the climate emergency?

What should the legislature do to increase the supply of affordable and middle-market housing in Massachusetts?

What measures would you support to deal with the needs of the large number of immigrants coming to Massachusetts?

What are your priorities for dealing with transportation statewide and in your district?

I absolutely support election day registration, as I believe it allows more people to participate in our democracy. As such, I am a proud cosponsor of H688, An Act establishing same day registration of voters, which if passed would mandate same-day voter registration be available across the state. I believe that requiring registration before election day excludes voters who still deserve to have their voices heard. Voter access is an issue that is absolutely central to our democracy, and to ensure that our government is operated by the people and for the people, we must promote same-day voter registration.
We must take action to halt further pollution and to defend the communities that are most at risk of harm. We must commit to 100% renewable energy as soon as we can and build the infrastructure to do so. I am the sponsor of H902, which will test private well water for PFAS and other pollutants and assist with cleanup in cases where pollution is detected. I am also the sponsor of An Act implementing an elementary and secondary interdisciplinary climate education curriculum in the Commonwealth, to prepare future generations to take up the fight against climate change. We must also remember that lower income communities feel the effects much stronger than other communities, which is why I fully support justice efforts.
I support a luxury housing tax, increasing the deeds excise tax to fund Affordable Housing Trusts in every community, and passing comprehensive housing production and zoning reform legislation, to ensure that every community is building affordable housing. I also cosponsor a bill to give renters the first right of refusal to match a third-party offer when their buildings are sold. In the recent housing bond bill passed by the House of Representatives, I strongly supported and cosponsored amendments to install local option transfer fees that could help municipalities support housing in their district. Additionally, I cosponsored amendments to aid in constructing Accessory Dwelling Units as well as encouraging first-time homeownership.
As an immigrant myself, this is an issue that is close to my heart. I know firsthand what many immigrants go through to get to the United States. I believe we need to support our immigrant communities and welcome them with open arms. I voted against limiting the Right to Shelter law, because I believe this law is essential to supporting our new neighbors. I believe we must fully fund programs that are designed to uplift immigrant communities. However, I also believe we must provide assistance to help move our immigrants into more permanent housing while providing skills and services to help people get job. I think immigration is linked with housing, as we must ensure that affordable housing exists to welcome immigrants to our community.
If we want to build public transportation that works for all, we must fund it. I support progressive tax packages that enable more funding to invest in transportation. Our transportation network is accessible, which is why I cosponsor H3373, An Act relative to low income transit fares, which establishes discounted and, in some cases, free MBTA passes to low-income families and individuals. Additionally, we must acknowledge the role that transportation plays in climate change. We need to build green transportation infrastructure. I am committed to electrifying the MBTA and cosponsor bills to do so. I’m also a cosponsor of H3689, which mandates that 100% of energy used in the transportation industry must be clean by 2045.