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Yes. I believe we should make voter registration easy and accessible. Same day registration can lead to ncreased turnout, records correction and updating, and allows for greater voter participation.
Bold and aggressive action is needed to address the climate emergency. I support more wind and solar projects that are appropriately sites, minimizing impact on historically marginalized communities and the natural environment, stop wasteful spending on the old gas system and prioritize safe repair over replacement of our leaky gas infrastructure and facilitate the transition to clean energy, encourage retrofits, ban new fossil fuel hookups, require emission reporting from existing buildings and set targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, support waste reduction including food waste management and expansion of the bottle bill, and support more nature based solutions to address climate impacts that are already here.
Housing is a human right and we must ensure housing is available, accessible, and inclusive for all. We need must be more intentional about creating more deeply affordable and middle-market housing. I support by-right ADUs, giving real estate transfer fee option to municipalities, supporting more government intervention by increasing subsidies/ incentives for developers to specifically create more deeply affordable and middle-market housing, preserve existing affordable housing stock, increasing tenant protections, making under underutilized state-owned properties available, investing in public and social housing and supporting community and tenant owned housing models.
We need to put more pressure on the federal government to pass immigration reform and provide assistance for the many who are coming to Massachusetts. Until then, we must continue to welcome new arrivals and provide necessary food and shelter as well as assistance to resettle and move out of our emergency shelter system to become self-sufficient. I support increasing access to language assistance programs, healthcare, childcare, education, job training, and employment. More support is needed for our network of social service agencies, for-profit, and non-profit organizations who provide resettlement programs and services for our new arrivals, through financial assistance and technical support.
We need to be strategic and invest more in public transportation. I support electrification, expansion of our bus and subway systems, development of East-West rail, and increasing the frequency and reliability of our service. I support being holistic in our approach to infrastructure design and improvements: reducing auto travel lanes, installing more express bus lanes, including bicycle lanes -particularly protected bike lanes in urban areas, and expanding and connecting our trail systems. For my district, I support restoration of cuts to service upgrading our commuter rail stations to make them fully accessible, and increasing funding to make our streets safe and accessible for all users.
No I do not! Same day voter registration runs contrary to the election laws and census process. New arrivals to the district can secure legitimate means to vote either in communities they just left or with a little prior planning.
None. Legislature does not have the requisite knowledge or expertise in any matters relative to the climate change. Any legislation they will put forth will be unfounded.
Are we talking about building more housing projects? Are we asking the legislature to regulate the market? How will the state come up with the money to provide to build residential properties? Who will own such properties? Why do we need to build affordable housing when we have plenty in many parts of the state? Let's say we do build affordable housing in Newton, what will that do to our schools and student to teacher ratio? We are already spending a quarter of a billion dollars on education. How much will this cost the taxpayers? What will this do to our already strained public safety system? None of these new residents will contribute to the tax base! These questions must be addressed first.
Legal immigrants buy homes and contribute to the economy. Illegal immigrants bring crime, diseases, and dugs like fentanyl that kill our children. All illegal migrants must be rounded up and sent back to their countries of origin. Illegal migration leads to international chaos, child and slave trafficking. This must be stopped immediately
We should fix our roads first. MBTA is a disgraceful enterprise that loses money and mismanages equipment and resources. Before investing any more into transportation, our current system should be fixed first.