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2024 State House Barnstable, Dukes & Nantucket District

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people and each elected for a two-year term. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets year-round in either formal or informal sessions to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Base salary for each representative is approximately $66,256.

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    Thomas W. Moakley

Biographical Information

Do you support election day voter registration? Why or why not?

What actions should the legislature take to address the climate emergency?

What should the legislature do to increase the supply of affordable and middle-market housing in Massachusetts?

What measures would you support to deal with the needs of the large number of immigrants coming to Massachusetts?

What are your priorities for dealing with transportation statewide and in your district?

Yes. The more people participate in elections then the more the government will reflect the community itself. Same-day registration is reliable and accessible, and offers the opportunity for people who have never cast a vote before to participate in our democracy.
Massachusetts should start a green new deal right here at home rather than waiting for action on the federal level. Expand the climate bank significantly to allow municipalities, nonprofits, businesses, and homeowners to apply for loans for sustainability centered projects. Invest in energy storage technology, refrain from building any new fossil fuel infrastructure, and focus on supporting microgrids that are more efficient and more resilient to severe weather.
The Cape and Islands need a season community designation in order to have access to funds that have been shut off to us due to the skewed AMI. A real estate transfer fee will allow for recapture of housing units that can be added to the affordable stock and other much needed projects. Accessory dwelling units as a right and zoning codes that allow for density where transportation, water, and wastewater is available are also urgent needs where they do not already exist.
Many public services, from hospitals to the court system and many in between are in dire need of interpreter services so that immigrants who have difficulty with English can get equal access to those services and advocate for themselves and their families. Additionally, all children in Massachusetts deserve access to high quality public education regardless of their parents legal status.
As a climate-first candidate I support public transportation above all else. The best possible project to that effect in our area is to extend the commuter rail service to Cape Cod. Additionally, expanding the regional RTA bus routes, investing in electrified busses and ferries, and working to lower or eliminate public bus fares will serve both the regional workforce and the environment.