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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Central Committee - Chardon City B

Central CommitteeThe Geauga County Republican Central Committee and the Geauga County Democratic Central Committee are the decision making bodies for their respective county parties. Each party s Central Committee is comprised of 1 elected member of the party from each of the 78 voting precincts in Geauga County.These individuals are sometimes referred to as precinct chairs and they represent the interests of party members residing in their voting precinct.Central Committee members are elected during the primary. Elected Republicans serve 4 year terms and elected Democrats serve two year terms.

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  • Candidate picture

    Jeffrey Campbell

  • Candidate picture

    Brad Walsh

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this position?

Candidate has not yet responded.
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Education Bachelor's Degree from Oberlin College
Volunteer/Community Service 10 years volunteering with various organizations including Bottomless Closet NYC, Community Life Collaborative (Bainbridge), Habitat for Humanity, USCRI (Cleveland), dem candidates
I am a gay man whose father is Syrian and grandparents were immigrants. I've volunteered for years to help refugees and unhoused people. My recently retired mother and 37-year-old brother were both diagnosed with very serious diseases. My nephew requires heart surgeries every few years. I've lost a friend to violence as a result of mental health issues. I've chaperoned two friends to appointments for abortions. I grew up thrifting for my clothing and qualifying for free school lunches. I worked for a paycheck since the moment I turned 14 years old. Because of these and other factors, I am keenly aware of the struggles of people who benefit from the work that Democrats have done and continue to do, and I want to be part of that progress.