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Idaho US House District 2

Congress is divided into two institutions: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House serve a 2-year term. The two houses of Congress have equal but unique roles in the federal government. While they share legislative responsibilitiesto make laws, to serve as a representative assembly, and to oversee the administration of public policy, each house also has special constitutional duties and powers. The House possesses the sole authority to impeach federal officials and, in the case of indecisive Electoral College results, to elect a president.

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  • Candidate picture

    Todd Corsetti

  • Candidate picture

    Idaho Law (C Sierra)

  • Candidate picture

    David Roth

  • Candidate picture

    Michael Simpson

Biographical Information

What experience has prepared you to represent Idaho in the U. S. House of Representatives?

What would you like to accomplish as a member of Congress?

What do you see as the most significant challenges Idaho and the U.S. face that you might be able to address in this position?

Is there anything else you wish to tell the voters?

Campaign Phone 2082256439
Facebook page Corsetti for Congress
X known as Twitter @@Corsetti4Idaho
I hold a BS in mechanical engineering & worked in the semiconductor industry for 30 years. I retired in 2018 as Director of Operations & Site General Manager of the semiconductor factory in Pocatello, Idaho. While Site Manager I worked closely with corporate, my staff, and local & state officials to expand the Pocatello manufacturing base by 5X. I also served on the board of directors for the United Way of South East Idaho. I am an active member of the Libertarian Party of Idaho, holding positions as chair of region 3 & the PR Committee. I was the first elected Libertarian in Idaho, obtaining the office of Precinct Committeeman. I am chair of the Bannock County Central Committee & Legislative District 28 Central Committee.
I want to work to change the dangerous trajectory of this country. We are clearly on a path to moral and financial bankruptcy. If we do not course correct, & quickly, our children’s and grandchildren’s futures and quality of life are at great risk. Ballooning government budgets, tax and spend recklessness, limitless money printing, run-away inflation, massive indebtedness, crony capitalism, and forever offensive wars are threatening this nation. Freedom of speech, freedom of self-defense, freedom of privacy, economic freedom, and personal liberty are all under attack and at great risk. My top priorities will be working to end America’s forever wars & nation building, ensuring our military is only used for strong national defense. We must also get back to sound money, true free market capitalism, and a complete separation of the state from money and banking. I will also defend freedom of speech, & oppose all government censorship, regulation, or control of communications.
The never-ending cycle of war, along with monetary & fiscal irresponsibility are putting us at great risk. Proxy wars & meddling with nuclear nations poses a significant threat to us all. The executive branch has too much power, allowing it to plunge us into wars without understanding the issues, history, or having a realistic objective. The constitution requires that congress declare war, & this authority must be returned to congress. The endless wars are bankrupting the nation, creating humanitarian disasters, & putting our military at risk. The military industrial complex & its lobby, must be restrained. Likewise central bank control of the money, money printing, & the inflation this causes is destroying our children’s future. Reducing the size of government, greatly reducing the budget, getting back to sound money, & separating money from politics will be some of my goals. Although lofty goals, we must aggressively address these issues in order to survive as a nation.
We need political decentralization & nullification, because significant power in the hands of limited people always leads to corruption and cruelty. The federal government is too powerful, and this path must be reversed. I am an advocate for personal liberty & individual privacy as recognized by the 4th Amendment. We should repeal the Patriot Act & mass surveillance of US citizens. We should end taxpayer funded foreign aid, all corporate bailouts, and crony capitalism, bringing back real free markets. As long as we have a welfare state & don’t respect private property rights, I fully support secure borders.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone 2085579745
Facebook page
X known as Twitter @@rothforidaho
I have been a business owner and a non-profit leader. Much of my work experience has taught me how to focus on solving problems in our communities.
My priorities would be protecting personal freedoms specifically the rights of women to make their own healthcare decisions and the rights of the LGBT community. Additionally, while my opponent brags about removing environmental protections I would like to see more emphasis on addressing the global climate crisis. I think that we need to work diligently to strengthen Social Security. I also think that we need more focus on developing small business in our local economies rather than just implementing tax breaks for large corporations that squeeze neighborhood businesses out of the market.
I think that one of our largest challenges we face as a nation is that our government has become stalled in a game of scoring points rather than actually working to better the lives of all Americans. Over the last decade we have seen a significant decline in our government's ability to actually accomplish anything meaningful.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone 208-367-1927
Facebook page Mike Simpson For U.S. Congress
X known as Twitter @@MikeSimpson4ID
I have always fought for Idahoans’ priorities and our conservative values. I’m proud of my consistent “A” rating with the NRA and 100% rating with National Right to Life. I’m focused on fighting the disastrous impacts of Biden’s misguided policies - his open-border policies, endless tax hikes and inflationary spending, and continued push for the Lava Ridge Wind project in the Magic Valley. I’m a fierce champion for Idaho’s producers, farmers, and ranchers. While in Congress, I've delisted wolves, kept sage grouse from being listed as an endangered species, reigned in the EPA, and stopped Democrat attempts to pass a death tax that would make it impossible for families to pass their farms to the next generation.
Securing the border and stopping illegal immigration is the most important issue facing our nation today. Biden’s disastrous immigration policies have allowed millions of people to illegally cross our border, including criminals, cartels, and those on terrorist watch lists. I’m fighting to build the wall, add more border patrol agents, and stop Biden’s open border policies. Biden has forced states and cities to pick up the slack as crime surges. I’ve cosponsored legislation to give law enforcement officers power to detain criminals who are also illegal immigrants, prohibit states from issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, expedite and fund the construction of a fence along our southern border, and prohibit access to Social Security by illegal immigrants. I proudly supported H.R. 2 - the most comprehensive border security legislation in recent memory. I’m disappointed it hasn’t been acted upon by the current Democrat-controlled Senate. The American people deserve better.
Just a few years ago our country was energy independent, and we can get there again. Meeting with Idahoans, I consistently hear concerns about inflation and gas prices. The attacks on Israel, and the volatility around the world, has shown why we can’t keep relying on foreign sources of oil. The Biden Administration has waged a war on fossil fuels. We need to reinstate the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and end the Biden oil and gas drilling moratorium on federal lands. We need to reopen drilling in Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, where we have the strictest environmental standards in the world. I’ll use my position on the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee to reverse these reckless rules for the benefit of our economy.
It’s a privilege to diligently serve our state and country as a member of the United States Congress, and I take this honor to heart every day. I remain dedicated to making sure our conservative Idaho values and western way of life are fully represented in Washington, D.C. I’ve used my congressional seniority and position to be a fierce and effective champion for Idaho’s producers, farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, Veterans, and families. I’ve stood up against Biden and the far-left’s attempts to take away our freedoms and fought their out-of-control spending agenda. I co-sponsored the Balanced Budget Amendment to get our national debt under control. I promise I’ll continue fighting for our local communities, as I’ve done my entire career.