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Idaho State Senate District 18

Idaho Senate members serve a 2-year term and are responsible for translating the public will into public policy for the state, levying taxes, appropriating public funds, and overseeing the administration of state agencies. These responsibilities are carried out through the legislative process — laws passed by elected representatives of the people, legislators.

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  • Candidate picture

    Dan Bridges

  • Candidate picture

    Janie Ward Engelking

Biographical Information

1. What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

2. What experience has prepared you for this office?

3 What do you see as the most significant challenges Idaho faces that you might be able to address in this position?

4. Would you support legislation to remove criminal liability for physicians and pregnant women experiencing life threatening pregnancy complications and allow for medical and family decisions regarding continuation of that pregnancy? Please explain your response.

5. Is there anything else you would like to tell the voters?

Term (208)480-2182
Campaign Phone (208)995-1848
X known as Twitter @bridgesforidaho
The burden of inflation and a slowing economy has profoundly harmed District 18. Boise is now an expensive, and sometimes unaffordable, place to live. I will strengthen our local economy and provide strong leadership to grow wages and opportunity. Part of this is ensuring every child has the opportunity for a world-class education. I will also ensure that Idaho remains fiscally conservative and healthy, taxes are low, regulations reasonable, and government services capable and responsive. State lands must be respected, protected, and enjoyed. And the sovereignty of Idaho must be maintained. I will ensure the interests of District 18 are always heard loud and clear in every hallway of government. I will put People over Politics.
My father taught me the value of hard work, my mother the value of honesty. Both demonstrated the importance of faith, humility, listening, and love of family, neighbor, and nation. As an Air Force Academy graduate and Desert Storm veteran, I have witnessed the pain of war, the great gift of freedom, and the tragedy of tyranny. As a commercial pilot, I know how to observe the facts as they are and find a solution that works. Our state senate needs common sense leaders prepared and willing to move this great state to the place our children deserve.
Idaho is blessed to have far more opportunity than almost anywhere on earth. The biggest challenge is recognizing that opportunity will only blossom if our state’s leaders, both public and private, work together to make it a reality. This means focusing on growing the economy, improving education, caring for our lands, ensuring public safety, dealing honestly with each other, and never, ever forgetting that we are in this together. Our opinions deserve hearing, our work honored, our dreams cherished. In short, we need to always put People over Politics.
Human life is priceless. But life is also imperfect and filled with tragedy. Many of the nation’s founders abhorred slavery, but they had faith in the future. We must do the same. Idahoans need a healthcare system that meets their needs. This means Idaho must attract and retain talented specialists. Medicine is under attack on many fronts. We should not add to those troubles. As a professional pilot who trains for emergencies, I know one thing - each one is different and no set of rules can answer every situation. We must learn from others, train for excellence, and provide significant authority to those who have accepted the responsibility and taken action to serve others. In short - yes, Idaho’s current law needs improvement.
My focus is People over Politics. That means always making choices and decisions based upon what’s best for the People of District 18 and Idaho. I will be their fighter and their voice in the state senate and in state government. It’s the promise of our nation’s founding, the purpose of our Constitution, and the only way to a better future.
Term (208) 861-6434
Campaign Phone 208-861-6434
X known as Twitter @Twittter@wardengelking
Campaign Website
Education continues to be a top priority. Idaho's funding formula is antiquated and no longer reflects the way our children learn. We need to move to a more flexible model based on enrollment not average daily attendance. I will continue to promote adequate funding for public charter and traditional schools. Quality education is the state's constitutional responsibility. Eliminating bonds and levies would reduce our property tax burden and create a more equitable system. Increasing healthcare access (especially in rural Idaho) is another top priority. I also look forward to promoting long-term transportation, water projects, and affordable housing plans in conjunction with local entities and communities.
Growing up on an Idaho farm instilled in me the importance of hard work and responsibility at a young age. As a native Idahoan and a lifelong educator, I have a deep love for Idaho and its people. One of the few responsibilites spelled out in the Idaho Constitution is the legislature's duty "to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools." After the Luna Laws were promoted, it was clear that the legislature needed an educator's perspective. Collaboration and the ability to compromise when necessary are two of my strengths. I have worked across the aisle to pass legislation beneficial to Idahoans of all walks of life, and the awards I have received are a testament to my efforts.
Idaho is experiencing tremendous growth. One of our challenges is to maintain what we all love about Idaho (open spaces, clean air and water, hunting, fishing, and recreational areas), while providing the infrastructure needed to accommodate this rapid growth. Idaho needs to have a strategic, long-term plan in place to address roads and bridges, mass transit, water projects, housing, schools, prisons, and other essential services to guarantee our businesses continue to thrive. Collaboration with local entities and communities is critical and will provide the creative solutions we need to ensure successful, sustainable growth. The legislature needs to address the issues that matter to all Idahoans.
Absolutely! In fact, we had a bill ready to go last session that would have removed criminal liability for physicians and medical staff who intervened when the health and life of the pregnant women was in jeopardy, but the chairman of the committee would not hear it. These emergency, medical decisions should be in the hands of the patients and doctors...not the government. Idaho has lost over 50 doctors and many more are nearing retirement age. It is essential that we provide a climate that entices doctors and medical staff to come to Idaho and stay.

Voter access is essential to our democracy. I oppose and continue to fight any bill that limits access to Idaho citizens. Voting should be safe, secure, and easy. We need a livable wage and affordable housing to ensure our children and grandchildren can stay in Idaho. Mental health care continues to be an area that deserves more resources.