Voter Guide

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ISD #624 School Board Member at Large Choose 3

School board members oversee the care, management, and control of schools. This includes hiring, firing, and overseeing superintendents, who manage the day-to-day affairs of the district. They also set levies to fund the district and create school policies.Learn more here: Voting Local Matters: Why Vote for School Board | League of Women VotersIf your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!A candidate forum for this race is available at More MN forums are available at

Voter Guide

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Scott Arcand (NP)

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Contact Phone 6512700048

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

I am uniquely qualified for this position due to my deep-rooted connection to the White Bear Lake community, spanning several generations. As an alum, I benefited from the excellent education and work readiness skills provided by White Bear Lake, and I am dedicated to ensuring future graduates have the same opportunities. With over 36 years of experience in education, including roles as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, and curriculum specialist, I possess a thorough understanding of learning and a genuine compassion for our students. I have served on the school board as the Vice Chair and Clerk.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

My top priority is to create safe and supportive schools where every student can excel academically. High levels of stress can significantly hinder a student’s ability to learn., My next priority is to expand our career pathways. With rising costs of post-secondary education, it’s crucial for students to have a clear plan after high school. My final priority is to strengthen the connection with our community, as a strong partnership between schools and the community is essential for success.

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

First, I would focus on safeguarding the classroom to ensure cuts don’t affect instruction or special education. Next, I’d evaluate all programs and services to identify those that most effectively boost student outcomes. I’d also explore ways to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. Finally, I’d involve stakeholders to craft innovative solutions and build support, implementing cuts in phases to monitor their impact on student learning.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

We should begin by gathering and analyzing data to identify gaps in student outcomes. Next, we need to ensure that our curriculum reflects diverse cultures and perspectives, allowing every student to see themselves represented in their studies. When students can integrate their cultural backgrounds into their learning, they engage more deeply and connect new information to their personal experiences. Finally, we should commit to professional development for our teachers.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

To effectively engage teachers and parents, I will ensure the school district maintains consistent and transparent communication through online newsletters, email updates, and social media. Additionally, parents and teachers can voice their concerns during the Public Forum at the start of each school board meeting. They are also welcome to reach out to me directly via email or phone.

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Brian Cern (NP)

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Contact Phone 6516008477
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Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

I’ve spent the past five years helping in elementary schools and have seen how a thoughtful, well-balanced approach can help our kids. When I started this process, I was disappointed that not everyone shared my feelings about ensuring our children have access to a world-class education. I wish to continue the work of raising the bar, free of outside influence, so that all students may flourish and grow, finding themselves ready to face the challenge of an ever-changing world.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

Continue the development and implementation of training programs for students who are not pursuing college post-high school. Maintain a safe and secure environment where students are provided opportunities to explore career options. Ensure opportunities are given equally and without prejudice for the exchange of ideas. We must invest in our educators and staff. We must allow for an environment where professional development is encouraged. A place where new methods are sought after and developed.

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

While no doubt an undeniably difficult process, the key will be to take a holistic approach instead of “governance via spreadsheet”.  My strategy would be to review current expenditures compared to the budget determine if this is a short- or long-term shortfall and identify potential cause(s). I’d seek input from the Finance Department and other relevant stakeholders and identify solutions. It’ll be important to assess the reach and impact of each budget modification upon all students.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

No student should be hindered by the circumstances they were born in, their demographics, or their background. Students should be ready for the world that they’ll inherit, to solve problems with the newest technologies, latest innovations, and freshest ideas.  Build upon the past.  Prepare for the future. It’s the responsibility of the WBLAS to equip and provide opportunities. Recognizing both the changing world and the unique talents and abilities of all students.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

As previously mentioned, I have been extremely familiar with PTA's. I believe that a board member must make every effort to attend their meetings. Social media, calendars, emails, and newsletters are effective methods of conveying information, there is no substitute for engaging with the parents where they are. Additionally, if a board member is assigned to be a liaison at a particular school, I believe it is in the best interest of all involved to attend as many functions as they are able.

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Tim Klecker (NP)

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Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

I'm a certified financial coach with over 12 years of experience in the financial industry. I specialize in goal setting and achievement processes as well as budgeting practices. While I may have never been a teacher in a school system, I have found my calling as a coach to assist clients 1-on-1 and in group settings develop their own personal growth and development journeys. I understand that everyone learns in their own unique manner and that it is student-focused outcomes rather than adult-driven agendas which ought to be made the focus of the school board. The values of the school system should reflect the values of the community in which they reside and not simply be a cookie cutter match of the politics down at the capital.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

Increase academic performance and proficiencies. Half of our graduating students aren't able to read at grade level. Fiscal responsibility is the responsibility of any competent board. Our financial priorities need to be aligned with proper goals for student outcomes. The collaboration between parents and teachers needs to be fostered, which includes open transparency in initiatives. This will also aid to the continued focus around safety and community.

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

Prioritization around student needs comes first. There are a number of programs being funded that take funding away from more essential programs and services. We must also take an honest look at the amount of money that goes towards administration and support staff over educators. It's important to note that funding drops when enrollment declines. Unless academic outcomes improve, enrollment may continue to lower. Higher proficiency results are an important factor in attracting new students.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

Every student deserves equal access to the same educational opportunities and resources. While I am aware that societal issues and tensions cause hardships around students' abilities to perform, we need to foster environments of support and encouragement. We should never discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or economic circumstances.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

I will be transparent with parents and not only invite them but encourage them to the point of insistence to embrace their responsibilities as collaborative partners with the teachers. When schools and homes act as separate spheres of influence, the effect can be similar to a child going from one parent's house to another on a daily basis. As a board member, I intend to make motivations clear to the public to build trust.

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Dan Skaar (NP)

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Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

I am the best candidate for the school board because of my strong commitment to maintaining strong links between our community and our schools. I want to ensure that my two grandchildren in our district enjoy the benefits of a strong education with abundant extracurricular activities as I did in my youth.

I am grounded in my academics with a BA in Accounting and an MBA for St. Thomas. I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Minnesota. I have extensive experience in leadership positions with over 30 years serving K-12 schools, communities, and coworkers, I have led both for profit and nonprofit organizations. I have board experience.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

Academics Enrollment and Better Returns for Our Taxes. Academics. Academics, enrollment, and fiscal responsibility are interdependent. We need to focus on improving proficiency in math, reading and science. Our academic proficiency declined again in 2024 according to the MDE Report Card – capping a six-year decline. Safe, Peaceful Classrooms. One of the biggest concerns of parents and teachers is disruptive behaviors in schools. It is impacting teacher job satisfaction and student satisfaction.

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

The district must perform a zero-based budgeting exercise to justify every dollar spent on each program. It’s an extensive process, like an audit, but its objective is different. Instead of normal audit where the objective is fair reporting according to accounting standards, a zero-based budgeting audit focuses on effectiveness and efficiency of costs as compared with the mission – educating and preparing our children for life. Once that is complete, the district can determine next steps.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

The district should provide training to teachers and administration on cultural differences and emphasizing the “Golden Rule” – treat others the way you would want to be treated. This is a universally accepted human approach to seek understanding and trust. The board should reach out to community organization to gauge their thoughts and insights – we welcome the feedback, and we need to measure our performance.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

I appreciate parent/citizen advisory committees reporting to the board. And, I believe that the reports from these committees need to be done at public board meetings with a focus on actions to improve the school district or monitor performance. Based on the board meetings that I have attended, I noticed two things. One, the policy around public comments discourage public comments. Two, there is a lack of dialogue among the board members during the meetings. More discussion is needed in public.

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R Scott Smith (NP)

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Contact Phone 651-600-1408
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Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

I will bring a diverse perspective representing a broad segment of the White Bear community of which I have been a part for over 24 years. I bring a strong business background (30+ years) to the school board with skills in market-focused surveys, multimillion-dollar budget and portfolio management and a strong process-oriented approach to problem solving. I lead cross-functional, global and diverse teams to achieve common goals – building trust and cooperation to bring out the best result as measured by goal attainment. I have a servant leadership style and a natural affinity for working hard to reach goals and targets.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

First, academic excellence. Grade-level proficiencies have declined for years beginning well before 2020. Second, Restore safety, order and respect in the classroom. Prioritize funding to support front-line educators. Consistently apply consequences with fair implementation to restore order and respect. Third, transparency – every program should have clear and measurable student-based outcomes reported consistently and reviewed frequently to allow for corrections over the measured time period.

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

Every program must be assessed with the student in mind to determine if it is delivering against improving student academic outcomes. Programs not delivering or that can’t measure positive impact would be candidates for review. Since personnel is the largest budget item, it would be imperative to understand which roles are primary to the mission of education and then review from a ground-up basis the support structure needed to maintain the level of academic excellence expected by the community.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

Every student regardless of socioeconomic status, race or sex should have equal opportunity in district programs. Equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome. Every student is unique in their gifting. Outcomes are the result of effort, ability, and coaching/mentoring. Not all students will perform the same given the same opportunity. The board's role is to make policy that ensures students have equal access and provides oversight for issues arising from the community on this topic.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

I will encourage the use of segmented focus groups consisting of parents, teachers and staff to understand the real-world concerns from those who are in the day-to-day world of education and parenting. I would use my background in facilitating “voice of customer” sessions to solicit ideas for cooperation and solutions that will bring consensus and unity for better student outcomes around academic excellence, safety/respect in the classroom and transparent goal setting and progress reporting.

Voter Guide

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Angela Thompson (NP)

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Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

As a lifelong resident and proud parent of two students in the district, I understand the strengths and challenges of our schools. My journey began with vocational training through a high school work experience program, setting me on a path to a successful career. Educators’ support inspired my passion for expanding opportunities for all students. Since joining the school board in 2020, I earned a Bachelor’s in Social Work and became an ICWA Guardian ad Litem. I am dedicated to supporting educators, expanding career pathways, ensuring equity, and fostering a safe, inclusive environment.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

a) Foster a welcoming environment where students, families, staff, and community members from all backgrounds can collaborate to shape our district's future. b) Advance academic performance by empowering educators with resources to implement research-based practices that meet state standards, ensuring success for all students. c) Expand educational opportunities by enhancing Career Pathways Programs, ensuring every student graduates prepared for a career offering livable wages and long-term

If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)

My priority would be to minimize the impact on students and essential services by thoroughly reviewing inefficiencies and non-essential expenses. The general education formula allowance, the primary funding source for MN school districts, has lagged behind inflation since 2003, leaving an 11 million general fund deficit. Protecting core academic programs and student services while advocating for equitable, sustainable funding at the legislative level is crucial.

How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)

Our commitment to equity must be reflected in our policies, ensuring all students feel safe and valued. I am proud of our district's initiatives, such as the 4-Way Equity Decision-Making Protocol, which guides us in developing a curriculum rooted in historical truths, regardless of how uncomfortable the topics may be. Along with our Guidelines for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Rights and the Racial and Biased Harm Protocol, we enhance protections for our diverse student body.

Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)

I engage teachers and families in decision-making by fostering open communication and collaboration. One effective method is our Systems Accountability Committee, which requires that two-thirds of its members be a diverse representation of parents and community members. I will ensure their perspectives guide our policy development and curriculum choices. Together, we can effectively address the needs of our students. I am also the liaison to the AIPAC (American Indian Parent Committee).