Voter Guide

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New Smyrna Beach Commission Zone 3 Choose 1

The elected officials of the City of New Smyrna Beach, which constitutes the City Commission, consist of four commissioners and a mayor. The mayor and City commissioners are the City’s governing body. The mayor serves a two-year term. There is one commissioner from each zone within the City. Each Commissioner serves a four-year term.The City of New Smyrna Beach operates under a Commission-Manager form of government. The City Commission constitutes the governing body with powers to pass ordinances, adopt regulations, and appoint a chief administrative officer known as the city manager.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Jason McGuirk (NON)

Biographical Information

Campaign Phone 386-451-4570
e-mail address
Campaign Website

What are the two most pressing issues facing the city and how will you address them?

Storm water and traffic/congestion are the two most pressing issues for New Smyrna Beach. With the development that has occured out west, in addition to the future development that will occur, we need a comprehensive study for SEV, partnered with the County, to see if the Turnbull Bay watershed can accommodate current and future runoff. New Smyrna Beach residents have lost quality of life from traffic and congestion. We need to change how traffic impact fees are collected (have to be spent within 10 year or money goes back to developer) Allowing cites to collect and build the pot of money over time so funds are available when construction is needed. Create a network of local road connections will allow locals to move around the gridlock

What are your priorities in drafting and adopting the budget?

Most important is being responsible with tax payer money. Government needs to provide the basic and necessary infrastructure needed in a community. We need to provide a budget and allows the city to function well, have strong public safety and provide quality of life while keeping taxes as low as possible. While keeping tax low can be challenging, I have be able to maintain that balance during my time on the Commission. NSB has maintained the 2nd lowest millage out of the 16 cities that make up Volusia county.

How do you propose we fund transportation improvements and maintenance, construction of roads, and other infrastructure investments to accommodate development?

Development should pay for itself. Developers pay for the new roads in their developments and government usually takes them over when complete. Additionally, new development pays transportation impact fees. These impact fees should be held long term for maintenance and widening projects when necessary. State law requires cities give back the money if not used in 10 years. Simply stated, that law needs to change ASAP! While there has been discussion of a half cent sales tax for transportation, I believe allowing cities to retain and accrue transportation dollars should come first.

What is your understanding of the essential problem with the Indian River Lagoon? What should we be doing about it?

Nutrient runoff from septic tanks, lawns and agriculture is the problem. State grants that provide some money for the replacement of septic tanks has recently come available that NSB has taken advantage of. NSB, sister cities, in unison with Volusia county have limited the use of chemicals from lawn runoff, in addition to education campaigns throughout the county. However, the biggest problem is the tremendous runoff put out by big agriculture. Huge nutrient releases on both the east and west coast of Florida do most of the damage. We need to encourage big agriculture to use best practices to limit the amount released into the environment. Cities and counties need to push our state legislators for this.

What measures would you support to protect the vitality of the heart of New Smyrna Beach?

We are currently in the process or revamping and updating our land development regulations and code of ordinances to better represent current times and feelings. We also recently updated the city charter for the same reasons and will do so every 5 years. This is so goals and objectives do not get out dated on how the community feels. We need to be absolutely sure growth and development is being done correctly, and done so, to be sustainable into the future. There's also Home Rule, which believes a city is best to create its own policies. Basically the city knows best what's good or bad policy on many issues. The state has been stripping home rule away from cities and that must stop.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Larry E. Westley (NON)

Retired RN

Biographical Information

Campaign Phone (386) 314-5721

What are the two most pressing issues facing the city and how will you address them?

1. The City Charter needs changing in 2025. The biggest change is to Term Limits for Mayor and City Commissioners that should be changed to 2 Four year each for Mayor and the 4 City Commissioner's. The current Charter allows the Mayor 2, two year terms, witch limits the mayor to 1 1/2, to get his agenda done and 6 month to run for office to get reelected. No wonder nothing ever changes in N.S.B.. the current 4, four year terms for Commissioners leads to favoritism of Vendors and sweet deals for doners to the Campaigns. the Commissioners potential 16 years in office potentially leads to doing things as they have always been done. 2. Parking is the 2nd Most pressing problems. need parking garages at key City locations.

What are your priorities in drafting and adopting the budget?

1. The number one priority is for safety of its citizens. Well trained and funded police departments and fire and safety and health. well trained EMTs 2. Safe and adequate drinking water for citizens. Our aquifers are being depleted by over development. Water reclamation projects and sewer hookups that do not pollute the surrounding ground water of N.S.B.. 3. Safe environment for all creatures (including human) that inhabits and recreate in the City of N.S.B.. 4. Flooding and drainage improvements that limit the damages of flooding and drainage problems.

How do you propose we fund transportation improvements and maintenance, construction of roads, and other infrastructure investments to accommodate development?

The City needs to improve the flow of traffic thru the city at peak times-especially weekends and holidays. NSB could implement a series of one way streets to increase traffic flow. A trolly system, much like St. Augustine has to move pedestrians to Event areas from already existing remote parking areas. I like the idea of private investor groups using their money to build and manage some needed structures in the City. However, the plans must be appropriate and functional to the citizens of New Smyrna Beach. The aquifer that supplies water for NSB is being depleted by over development. This is much more evident during our 'Dry Season" when citizens are asked to restrict water usage. Water reclamation will be an important.

What is your understanding of the essential problem with the Indian River Lagoon? What should we be doing about it?

New Smyrna Beach must be vigilant that no chemical pollutants are introduced into our storm water drainage. High nitrite fertilizers needs to be restricted in residential properties to prevent growth of algae. The cities south of NSB are still dumping excess partially treated sewage into the river. Spillage of oil and gasoline from boats on the Indian River is another problem to identify and possibly fine and inspect boats that pollute the water.

What measures would you support to protect the vitality of the heart of New Smyrna Beach?

1. No black top parking lots near beaches that move rain water into storm sewers: we need natural drainage into the ground from rain storms. packed stone allows for drainage into ground. Do not pave paradise by putting up black top parking lots- On Beach Side. 2. Maintain a trolley system that makes stops in business areas to promote our restaurants and small businesses. this will lessen the air pollution and congestion that individual cars cause. 3. Promote bicycle rentals and areas where only foot traffic is allowed. 4. Increase parking availability for Brannon Center Events would improve attendance at events. 5. Encourage small business to locate and do business here in New Smyrna Beach.