Voter Guide

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Orange County Supervisor of Elections Choose 1

Elected every 4 years. Mandated by Florida law to register voters and keep voter registration records current for Orange County and 13 municipalities. Qualifies County candidates, conducts elections, arranges precincts, selects polling places, appoints and instructs election boards, tabulates and publishes election results, serves on the County Canvassing Board and compiles and furnishes statistical information for election analysis. Processes and maintains voter registration rolls; provides poll workers and polling equipment for countywide and municipal elections; tabulates results from ballots cast.Current salary: $205, 000

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Karen Castor Dentel (Dem)

Biographical Information

Civic Positions/Experience Orange County School Board Member, FL State Representative, Public School Teacher
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 407-312-8310

What inspired you to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections and what qualifications/experience do you bring to the office?

My parents inspired me to become a teacher, to stand up for my community as a FL State Legislator, and to be a voice for others on the Orange County School Board. I gained valuable experience as the Central Florida Campaign Director for my mother Betty Castor’s US Senate race, coordinating volunteers, knocking on doors, hosting campaign events, and registering voters. In the current politically charged environment, I believe my proven record of leadership, my experience serving my constituents, my firsthand experience with multiple elections, and working to solve problems are what is needed in a Supervisor of Elections.

How do you intend to ensure fair and transparent elections in our community?

To ensure fair and transparent elections, I will invite observers to monitor the process, from the auditing of voting machines before and after the elections, continuing the livestream recently implemented to observe the ballot counting, and welcome journalists to observe the canvassing board meetings. I intend to hold Early Voting for the maximum number of days and hours allowed by statute so people can make a plan to vote when it is convenient for them, and in enough locations that voters can easily access across the county. Our state laws allow for poll watchers and greeters to help ensure the integrity of the process on election day.

What strategies do you have in mind to improve voter education, turnout and outreach efforts?

Education and outreach increase turnout. To improve voter education, a robust communications program is needed. Voters need to know their Vote-By-Mail requests “expired” and must be renewed every 2 years after the General Election and the importance of keeping their signature up to date. Continuing education will help voters know when, where, and how elections are taking place and who is eligible to vote. The Supervisor needs to expand the communication using multiple formats, platforms, and languages that reflect the ways people receive their news and information.

With the increased voter registration opportunities for our high school students, I will continue to partner with the League of Women Voters and OCPS.

What innovative ideas do you have for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office?

To be more effective for the voters, I will add SOE Satellite Locations to support the 800,000+ Orange County voters which would make the office more accessible for those who need to update their voter registrations, addresses & signatures, turn in petitions, drop off ballots, ask questions and more. I will expand the innovative Adopt-a-Precinct Program to include more student groups, which will improve its effectiveness while educating young voters. Finally, I would like to use a VoteMobile to go out in the community and meet citizens where they are. We would have a tangible presence at farmers markets, senior centers, parades and festivals, and work locations.

How will you utilize technology to modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters?

There are a number of ways to use technology to modernize and streamline the process. The SOE’s website needs a refresh to be more user-friendly. Technology allows easy language translations making the process more accessible to our diverse community. Voters with visual impairments can use the OmniBallot web-balloting portal to print out their marked ballot from home. Additionally informational videos depicting the voting process from start to finish can help lend transparency for those who want to learn more about the guard rails in place to protect the integrity of the process.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Sunshine Grund (Dem)

Biographical Information

Civic Positions/Experience Active with Orange County Additions Volunteer Program-also previous Parent Teacher Association board member. Previous board member with Community Based Care of Central Florida and Legal Aid Society. Previous member and President with the Association of Fundraising Professionals at UCF.
Campaign Website
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 3212765339

What inspired you to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections and what qualifications/experience do you bring to the office?

A strong motivation for running for Supervisor of Elections in Orange County is the vision for equality in elections. The idea to run was sparked by a comment from the previous supervisor, Bill Cowles, almost a decade ago and share a graduate school alma mater (UCF-Go Knights!). Experience in nonprofit management (consulting) and for profit management (real estate broker) are well-suited for the role. The focus on restoring the integrity of democracy and reducing the influence of money in politics continues to drive the goal to serve everyone equally in our community. Ensuring the integrity of the electoral process, enhancing public confidence, and encouraging citizen participation is indeed a mission worth pursuing.

How do you intend to ensure fair and transparent elections in our community?

I intend to ensure fair and transparent elections as it is crucial for maintaining public trust and upholding democratic principles. Making elections more transparent and inclusive can inspire trust in the electoral system, encouraging more people to participate in shaping their communities and their future. Priorities include voter education and outreach, accessible voting locations, collaboration with stakeholders, security that is audited often, continuous improvement in administration processes, and training support of our election staff. By focusing on transparency I aim to uphold the integrity of our elections, promote voter confidence, and ensure that every eligible voter can participate in a fair electoral process in our community.

What strategies do you have in mind to improve voter education, turnout and outreach efforts?

Ultimately, serving as Supervisor of Elections means championing the fundamental right of every citizen to have their voice heard in the democratic process. Several strategies can be implemented to improve voter education, turnout, and outreach efforts. These include: comprehensive voter education campaigns, school and outreach programs, social media digital outreach, community events and workshops, partnerships with businesses and civic organizations, promotions of early voting options, targeted outreach to underrepresented groups, and seeking feedback from voters and stakeholders. Implementing these strategies will empower voters with knowledge, enhance voter turnout, and foster a more engaged and informed electorate in our community.

What innovative ideas do you have for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office?

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office will be approached through several innovative ideas. Continuous professional development will be a cornerstone of the office. Ongoing training will ensure election staff stay up to date on best practices, legal requirements, and new technologies in election administration. Data Analytics of voter engagement will be utilized to identify trends and patterns to allow for targeted outreach and increase voter engagement. Fostering a community will be a program encouraging non partisan participation in our elections and firm with the integrity of equality in elections. Implementing these innovative ideas enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the electoral process.

How will you utilize technology to modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters?

To modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters I would utilize technology in all ways possible and revisit often to ensure maximum utilization. Enhancing the online voter registration and request for vote by mail needs to be evaluated and re-evaluated often. So many in our community depend on the access to the office from their home or mobile devices. Utilizing technology to monitor wait times at polling places allows for increased understanding and responses to issues as they arise. Cybersecurity measures will be continuously considered to ensure all data is secure. Leveraging technology in these ways allows modernization in our electoral system and ensures accessibility to all voters.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Dan Helm (Dem)

Biographical Information

Civic Positions/Experience Lawyer - Member of the Florida Bar, Experienced Election Worker, Expert Poll Watcher, Election Law Expert, Voting Rights Advocate, Business Manager with Large Fortune 500 Educational Tech Company
Campaign Website
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 407-435-6843

What inspired you to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections and what qualifications/experience do you bring to the office?

Election integrity is my passion and the legitimacy of the process is under attack. My interest in this position did not begin when Bill Cowles announced his retirement. Rather, my interest in this role started over a decade ago and my extensive experience defending non-partisan efficient administration of elections supports that.

My experience comes from many years as an election worker, to nearly a decade working with Voter Protection, to winning a lawsuit to protect voters from being turned away at the polls, and calling out voter fraud of the man who murdered George Floyd. I am running to continue and build upon the institution of Bill Cowles. I am the only candidate with the experience and knowledge to protect the election process.

How do you intend to ensure fair and transparent elections in our community?

Most simply, by following the law.

I am an attorney who understands the election code on an expert level. The election code provides a fair process with checks and balances to maintain the integrity of elections. I will utilize saving all ballot images, which the machine creates with each vote cast. I will make all ballot images freely available for each election. This transparency will allow for independent audits, to verify the election is fair and accurate. I will encourage the use of technology to allow our community to see into more of the process. I will continue the nearly open-door policy instituted under Bill Cowles, who welcomed feedback and communication. I will support transparency through public engagement and public records.

What strategies do you have in mind to improve voter education, turnout and outreach efforts?

I worked professionally for almost 10 years for a large Fortune 500 Education Tech Company that was data driven towards marketing, growth, and education. I understand how to manage a team and target growth using proven data driven metrics. The data is already available about where we need to spend resources to increase voter education, turnout, and outreach.

I also recognize the outstanding work the League of Women Voters does in these areas. The Supervisor of Elections could learn a lot from community partners who are doing a better job of voter education and outreach.

I would lead by example by being Dan Dan the Voting Man, and reminding people about all upcoming elections and making sure they knew how to participate in the process.

What innovative ideas do you have for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office?

Part of the job of the Supervisor of Elections is to consider redundancies and plan for the future.

Here is just one idea of mine: I want to put Solar, with power banks, on the 50,000 sq ft of warehouse roof space at the Supervisor of Elections office. This would provide a surplus of power back into the grid to help the Orange County goal of clean renewable energy by 2035. This also helps protect the Elections office from potential power disruption, which is all too common during hurricane season which often coincides with election season. By having my own source of power, I can continue the important work of elections without disruption. All the while, solar would pay for itself over the life of the system in reduced electric bills.

How will you utilize technology to modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters?

Well implemented technological advancements can both modernize the process and increase accessibility. We need to reach the voters where they are.

I want to create an App for Orange County with push notifications so voters can easily be aware of upcoming elections. Within the App, they could update their registration when they move, request a Vote-By-Mail ballot, see early voting locations and wait times, and more. They would be able to verify their registration and see a sample ballot.

To improve access for those who need the most assistance, I plan to use the power of the election code to authorize the use of supervised voting at assisted care facilities and nursing homes. I would also create an ADA position at office for compliance.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Wes Hodge (Dem)

Biographical Information

Civic Positions/Experience Orange County Redistricting Committee, Orange County Board of Zoning Adjustment Vice Chair, Orange County Democratic Party Chair, Orange County Commissioner Mayra Uribe Chief of Staff, For Our Future Florida Regional Director, Florida Democratic Party Chair of County Chairs, Disability Caucus VP
Campaign Website
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 321-689-5871

What inspired you to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections and what qualifications/experience do you bring to the office?

Many people in our community approached me to run because of my election-related expertise. I have been involved in our local politics for well over a decade, have long-standing relationships with nearly all of our elected officials and community leaders, and have worked together for many years. I also had the privilege to serve as our county Democratic Party Chair for 6 years.

I am the candidate in this race with the most experience working with the Supervisor of Elections staff. I actively participated in voter registration, updating vote-by-mail requests, assisting voters with signature match issues, and advocating for voter access expansion.

Additionally, my candidacy is an opportunity to elect Florida's FIRST openly LGBTQ+ SOE.

How do you intend to ensure fair and transparent elections in our community?

I want to make sure that all voters have access to the resources they need in order to make informed decisions.  This includes offering resources in the five most widely spoken languages in our county: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Vietnamese. In order to audit every polling location for ADA accessibility and accessibility to a bus stop, I will also establish a volunteer Disability Advisory Board. I plan to work with OrangeTV to live stream all canvassing board meeting so that viewers can watch the election process. Lastly, we will redesign the website to become a true resource that offers considerably more details about the candidates, issues on the ballot, and the functions of the various elected offices.

What strategies do you have in mind to improve voter education, turnout and outreach efforts?

As stated previously, I want to increase language access to be more inclusive than the current offerings of only English and Spanish. I commit to working with our various community groups engaged in outreach and education including registration, voting by mail, updating signatures, etc.

I want to partner with our schools to conduct voting for their favorite books and student government elections. By developing a positive voting experience we can build a future of engaged youth voters. OrangeTV has also offered to produce and air educational segments regarding voting, the process, and the functions of various elected offices.

I will also establish a citizens academy where the public can come in and learn about the voting process.

What innovative ideas do you have for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office?

First, to increase turnout I'm introducing an early voting appointment system similar to that of Palm Beach County. This lets voters schedule an appointment and avoid lines at the polls.

I also want to challenge the existing staff to share their thoughts on improving the office processes. Our talented staff remains underutilized. Additionally, I want to fill the existing vacant positions with seasoned and new employees to bring new ideas into our community.

Finally, I would like to move towards the utilization of more Express Voting machines. They use thermal imaging to print ballots on demand. This process will significantly reduce the offices costs of toner, printers, and other materials.

How will you utilize technology to modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters?

One of the last things former Supervisor Cowles did prior to retiring was purchase new voting machines. From that perspective, we have the latest technology. As stated earlier, I would like to expand the use of Express Voting machines. These are touchscreen machines that produce ballots on demand. These machines also accommodate voters with most accessibility concerns. They also have the ability to provide ballots on the screen in any language! We have a new ballot imaging system called CLEAR, which acts as a secondary audit system and stores images of the ballots in accordance with Florida law. I want to bring in technology for poll workers, which provides checkpoints on Election Day to confirm all polling locations will be open on time.