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Colorado State Senate Dist 14 / Senado de Colorado Choose 1

Watch the LWV sponsored Candidate Forum at HERE.Puede ver el Foro de Candidatos patrocinado por el LWV AQUÍ.(English)The State Senate is composed of 35 senators who are elected by voters within their districts to serve staggered four-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms in office. Half of the State Senate is up for election every two years. The legislative branch of the Colorado state government is composed of the State House and the State Senate. Their legislative authority and responsibilities include passing bills related to public policy matters, approving state budget spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold gubernatorial vetoes. Scroll for Spanish Translation. El Senado estatal se compone de 35 senadores elegidos por los votantes de sus distritos para desempeñar mandatos escalonados de cuatro años, con un límite de dos mandatos consecutivos. La mitad del Senado estatal se elige cada dos años. El poder legislativo del gobierno del estado de Colorado está compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. Su autoridad y responsabilidades legislativas incluyen la aprobación de proyectos de ley relacionados con asuntos de política pública, la aprobación del gasto del presupuesto estatal, la subida y bajada de impuestos y la votación para mantener los vetos del gobernador.

Voter Guide

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Jeffrey Brosius (Lib)

Biographical Information

Submitted Biography As a 20+ year resident of Colorado, I have seen first hand the wrong direction 20 years of single-party dominance has taken the state -- from one of affordable housing, free spirited people, and a Laissez-faire attitude -- to one where the government has made it unaffordable and wants to intervene in our daily activities. We can do better by voting better, reducing the impact and size of government and reducing the extravagant cost of living.

What is the top issue(s) facing constituents in your district and what legislation would you champion to address it?

The cost of living... When the median price of a house is almost 10 times the median salary, working class families cannot afford to buy a home. And yet, the state government has enacted new building laws that mandate more expensive building materials in the name of "climate change."

Reducing these costly regulations would bring down the price of building a house. Further, increasing the supply of new housing would help reduce price... This is basic economics, but sadly ignored by many.

What would you do to reduce household expenses?

Not all household expenses can be reduced by government intervention when you consider that a great many increases in expenses were caused by government intervention.

However, to start, I'd encourage MORE sources of energy production, not fewer to make electricity cheaper (again, supply and demand). I'd support building nuclear power plants.

I'd promote remote/telework as much as possible, reducing the need to drive. Reduce taxes on fuel, eliminate taxes on food, reduce restrictions on child-care providers so they need not pass some arbitrary state licensing exam to watch your child as you work... all of these are possible, safe, and effective.

What role should the state government have in enforcing federal immigration laws? Please explain.

People who are charged with, or found guilty of, violent crimes and are found to be in the country illegally should be detained and local and state law enforcement should work collaboratively with federal law enforcement to have the person removed from the USA.

While we are a country of immigrants, illegal immigration is a spit in the face to those who followed the process and did the work to be a legal resident/citizen.

What legislation or action would you support to improve Colorado's energy production?

Eliminate subsidies for preferred energy companies and make the market truly competitive and free. Create an environment where energy companies are competing for your dollars, and as a consumer you get to decide where you want to spend your money. If you want to spend your household energy on only "green", renewable sources, you should be able to. If you want to spend it on a source that costs less but may not be "green", you should be able to.

I would also, as mentioned above, encourage the development of more sources of reliable energy production, like nuclear power.

What is your stance on access to abortion and reproductive health care?

I've always been a fan of the concept of "Safe, Legal, Accessible, and Rare." And while I would not support the concept of government compelling a woman to do something she doesn't want to do, I would also encourage a larger discussion on what we, as a society, can do to reduce the number of un-desired pregnancies.

Do we need better access to contraceptive measures? Taking birth control and making it over the counter might help.

Is there some pharmaceutical research we can support into safer birth control medications? Can we look into a "male" birth control pill that renders him infertile? I don't know if these are possible, as I'm not a bio-scientist, but can we at least TALK about them?

What is your opinion of the current integrity of elections?

My current job is as a Project Manager for a company that does compliance auditing for other software companies. If a company has to be audited once every year just to accept credit card payments, then our elections should be audited every year as well.

The ONLY way to restore faith in the voting process is full transparency of the process, means, methods, and technologies. Arresting and imprisoning people who question the integrity of voting is a sure and certain way of creating additional distrust of election integrity.

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Cathy Kipp (Dem)

Biographical Information

Submitted Biography Cathy Kipp has served in the Colorado House since January of 2019. She currently serves as the State Representative for House District 52 which covers much of both south and east Fort Collins. She chairs the House Energy and Environment Committee, and serves on the House Finance Committee. Cathy lives in southeast Fort Collins, Colorado. Cathy started actively volunteering in PSD schools when her twin sons entered Kindergarten, and she soon became an active volunteer at the school district level. Cathy served as a locally elected member of the Poudre School District School Board from 2011 to 2019, also serving for a term as Board President. Cathy’s focuses on the board included starting monthly listening sessions to make sure the community’s voice was heard and leading the board in our education advocacy efforts at both the state and federal levels. Cathy moved to Fort Collins in 1985 after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Science from the University o
Campaign Phone 970-219-5267
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Campaign Twitter Handle @Cathy_Kipp

What is the top issue(s) facing constituents in your district and what legislation would you champion to address it?

Affordable housing is an issue affecting my district as well as all of Colorado. At the beginning of 2024, Colorado was 100,000 units short of having adequate available housing. While our state has taken some steps to address this issue, more must be done. In housing, we need to continue to work to increase the supply of entry level housing so that Coloradans who want to enter the housing market are able to achieve this dream. The economics of supply and demand will help reduce the cost of the housing when there is more housing available, and the housing we produce must be environmentally sustainable, taking Colorado's supply of natural resources, like water, into account.

What would you do to reduce household expenses?

As a state we can help to reduce household expenses by preventing monopolistic behavior by large companies and having strong consumer protections such as price gouging prevention, especially when it comes to basic necessities such as food, heat, and healthcare including prescription drugs. In housing, we need to continue to work to increase the supply of entry level housing so that Coloradans who want to enter the housing market are able to achieve this dream. The economics of supply and demand will help reduce the cost of the housing when there is more housing available.

What role should the state government have in enforcing federal immigration laws? Please explain.

Immigration enforcement is not the role of our state. Our role is to help new arrivals to our state to figure out a path forward for people to live and contribute towards the prosperity of us all.

What legislation or action would you support to improve Colorado's energy production?

Colorado needs to continue to take steps to transition away from the fossil fuels which are warming our planet. We should ensure we are taking full advantage of the Inflation Reducation Act to draw down Federal dollars in order to hasten our transition to clean, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal.

What is your stance on access to abortion and reproductive health care?

Abortion care is health care and legal in Colorado as are other reproductive rights. Reproductive health care decisions should be made by the person whose reproductive health care is in question, not by the government.

What is your opinion of the current integrity of elections?

Colorado is the gold standard for safe, secure, and accessible elections. Coloradans can be assured that their votes are confidential and secure.

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Phoebe McWilliams (Rep)

Biographical Information

Submitted Biography With an unwavering dedication to public service, Phoebe, a native of Fort Collins, has spent two decades advocating for the well-being of long-term care residents across Larimer County. As the founder and president of a respected 501c3 non-profit organization, she has tirelessly worked to enhance the quality of care and life for those in need. Through her collaboration with residents, families, nursing home staff, and regulatory agencies, Phoebe has acquired a deep understanding of the intricate web of federal, state, and Medicaid regulations governing nursing homes, ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable are heard at every level of government. As the wife of a former Fort Collins Police Lieutenant and a mother of two accomplished adults, Phoebe brings a wealth of life experience and a strong commitment to community to her candidacy. Holding an Associate’s Degree in Legal Administrative Assistance, she combines her practical skills with a passion for justice and advocacy.
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Campaign Phone 970-493-0558
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What is the top issue(s) facing constituents in your district and what legislation would you champion to address it?

Economy. Increase our use of fossil fuels, that will add jobs. I would work on legislation to open up federal lands for drilling, realizing we have the best regulated gas & oil guidelines.

What would you do to reduce household expenses?

To reduce household expenses, I would work to reduce taxes. I would also seek accountability from those sources that seek to continually increase mill levies. What is the purpose for seeking increased mill levies and who would benefit from those increases? Who makes the decisions to seek increased mill levies? The more mill levies are increased the higher our property taxes. When raising taxes, there is no affordable housing! Why are cities councils wanting to raise taxes on food?

What role should the state government have in enforcing federal immigration laws? Please explain.

The state government should work hand in hand with the local and federal agencies to enforce immigration laws. Currently there is a break down local police and sheriff departments are not being allowed to work with ICE. That must be corrected immediately. We have seen an increase in crime committed by illegal immigrants. If we want a safe environment, we must support our law enforcement and get them to work together.

What legislation or action would you support to improve Colorado's energy production?

I would support efforts to increase oil and gas production. Colorado has the strictest rules and regulations governing oil and gas production. I think efforts should be undertaken to assess the overzealous restrictions that prevent or severely limit gas and oil production.

What is your stance on access to abortion and reproductive health care?

I am concerned that efforts to inform ladies about the options available to them are not readily available. Abortions shouldn't be looked at as birth control methods! Science has shown that human DNA begins at the moment of conception. Women must be supported, educated about the effects abortion can have on them emotionally and physically. Women should be fully informed of the entire process of the abortion procedures used and effects on the pre-born. I myself am pro-life but recognize there are exceptions to be made on an individual basis. We must recognize that rape and incest and if the pre-born has a fatal defect are exceptional situations and must be provided with a support system through family, agencies, church. I really wish government was not involved in these decisions. Medicaid dollars/taxpayer monies should not be used unless rape and incest was involved. Funds could be provided through the Victim Assistance Funds in those situations. Insurance companies cover pregnancies.

What is your opinion of the current integrity of elections?

I have spent the past 4 years researching our election system. Our election system must be improved! Elections are our Civil Right. Voter rolls are not accurate, not updated as they must be. Many election officials don't know the law nor the correct procedures to ensure that the election did count votes accurately. Risk Limiting Audits are not done properly. The machines used are privatized meaning not even the Secretary of State nor County Clerks have access to the source codes. Drop boxes are not monitored. While statements are made that they are monitored by cameras, there is no one to monitor the cameras 24/7. The U.S. Postal service does not have chain of custody which is mandatory to secure our ballots. Volunteers are sought out for election judges and poll watchers. But a thorough education about the process and law is not provided. Our votes are our voice. I think we gave up our voice out of convenience. The all Mail-in ballot system has been abused by nefarious players.