Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)
During my time on the school board, I maintained my commitment to serving other people through collaboration with my fellow directors and with the superintendent and administration. I have been involved in decisions that reflected the best interest of all the students and members of our community. I know what it takes to run a large organization that serves such diverse needs and populations. I have extensive experience in conflict management, workforce planning, budgeting, and strategic planning – I am a relationship builder and a listener - and I am a parent of 622 children.
If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)
My priorities are: school safety, building relationships, and academic achievement. These priorities are all key to building a stronger community and address many of the issues we see such as chronic absenteeism, academic performance, the mental health crisis for our young folks, violence in our schools, and staffing shortages.
If forced to cut the budget in the face of declining revenues, what would be your strategy? (500 characters)
I would lean on the expertise of the superintendent and their teams, while ensuring that the strategic plan (and the many staff/teachers, buildings, curriculum, etc.) has sufficient resources and support. Budget shortfalls are never easy, but a shared vision and continual strong financial strategies allows for minimal budget cuts.
How would you address any racial and economic disparities in our education system? (500 characters)
W. Edward Deming said that "a bad system will beat a good person every time." The first step to addressing inequities is understanding that disparities and systemic inequities exists. Using data, we can make efforts to identify gaps in our system and provide resources and supports to those that need it. Access to opportunities is key to addressing disparities in our education system.
Please describe how you will engage teachers and families in your decision making process. (500 characters)
Continual engagement in district and community events provides presence and opportunities to connect with staff, teachers, and families. Additionally, outside of these events, I make myself available for questions and comments via email and phone. Taking into consideration their experiences and expertise, plus other factors such as my own research, financials, any security concerns, long-term vision, and confidential information, will help me make an informed decision.