Amber is a multi-decade resident, 41 years old, first-generation Japanese-American, lgbtqia+, 3-year homeowner, three-time city official, director of a regional volunteer program, musician, gardener, and political organizer.
Amber has served 6 years in city government as chair of the Human Relations Commission, chair of the 220 N. Park Community Benefits Committee (CBA), and member of the Housing Affordability & Accessibility Committee. As a public servant Amber has proven effective at making meaningful change and speaking truth to power.
Amber’s record:
—Struck historic affordable housing deal as chair of the 220 N. Park CBA committee, mandating for-sale homes to those making $34,000 a year, with 90-day prioritization for residents of Ypsilanti
—Led the passage of a Ceasefire resolution mobilizing a hundred public comments
—Worked at Planned Parenthood as a patient-advocate for youth seeking abortion access
—Led passage of resolution to end 'Right to Work'