PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT - ARTICLE III, SECTION 3.08 To amend Article III, Section 3.08 MeetingsA majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage. Shall the proposed amendment of Article III, Council, Section 3.08, Meetings, of the Charter of the Village of Whitehouse be adopted? Section 3.08 MEETINGS - The Council shall meet at such times as may be prescribed by its rules, regulations, ordinances and by-laws. Council shall hold such special meetings as may be found necessary, which may be called by the Clerk upon written request of the Mayor or upon the written request of three (3) members of Council. Any such vote or request for the calling of a special meeting shall state the subject or subjects to be considered, and no other subject or subjects shall be considered except on the approval of five (5) or more members of Council in attendance at such special meeting. Twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing of such special meeting, if called by the Mayor or by three (3) members of Council, shall be given to each member of Council and to the Mayor by personal service or by delivery thereof at their usual places of residence. Members of Council may waive such notice by their attendance at such special meeting. If an emergency is declared by either federal, state or local officials, that would preclude normal meeting to occur, the Village Administrator, in consultation with the Mayor, Village Council, and Solicitor, can convene meetings to conduct Village business by whatever appropriate means deemed necessary until the state of emergency has been lifted. Public notice of all meetings of Council, including all meetings of the Committee of the Whole, shall be posted pursuant to rules adopted by Council and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. All meetings of Council, including all meetings of the Committee of the Whole, shall be open to the public. The Council may hold an executive session if a majority of a quorum so determined to hold such a session for the sole purposes as set forth in the Ohio Revised Code as now existing or as amended in the future.
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