Amendment G Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans / Enmienda G Modificación de la exención del impusto sobre bienes inmuebles para los veteranos discapacitados
This measure expands the number of veterans living with a disability who qualify for a property tax exemption for a portion of the value of their primary residence to include veterans with a significant service-connected disability that makes them unable to work, what the Veterans Administration (VA) classifies as having individual unemployability status. The CO Legislature placed on the ballot and it passes with 55% of the vote.Click here to view LWV Presentation Video on all statewide Ballot Issues.Click here to view the LWV Informational page on this ballot issue.Ballot Language: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the expansion of eligibility for the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to include a veteran who does not have a service-connected disability rated as a one hundred percent permanent disability but does have individual unemployability status.Campaign finance information for this ballot can be found here:
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Yes - For the Measure / SÍ - En Favor De
No - Against the Measure / No - En Contra De
Expands the existing homestead exemption to include veterans whose disability is rated as making them unemployable, reducing their property taxes.
Means the existing homestead exemption remains available only to veterans whose disability is rated 100 percent permanent and total.
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