(1) Union College, B.A. in Political Science (2) Albany Law School, J.D.
My first goal as mayor is making sure the infrastructure projects that are currently in the pipeline are completed on-time and within budget, e.g., replacing aged sidewalks, especially in the business district, and the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant. This will involve close collaboration with the Trustees, our consultants and other stakeholders, as well as the pursuit of other federal, state and local grant monies to lessen the burden on Village taxpayers. Another important goal is, to the extent possible, keep Millbrook from becoming a village exclusively for the wealthy. I've already done that by clamping down on short-term rentals. But more can, and must, be done to keep Millbrook affordable for all.
Millbrook has had a strong sense of community since its founding over a hundred and twenty-five years ago. I plan to continue the good relationship we have had with the Town of Washington, especially in areas like increased recreation opportunities, particularly for families, exploring workforce housing, which is badly needed, and the protection of our wonderful natural resources. Thankfully, the community is already there - I don't need to build it. What I will do is do my best to nurture, protect and grow it.
I have been intimately involved with village government since winning two elections in 2021 and 2022. I am a fourth-generation resident – I grew up in this Village. I learned to read at Elm Drive, went to the afterschool program at the Village Hall, and became an Eagle Scout in the Thorne Building. And now my wife Jennifer and I are raising our two boys here. We understand how lucky we are to live in such a dynamic, thriving village. Preserving Millbrook as a haven for families and the middle class, while also supporting local businesses and fostering positive change, are some of the same things my grandfather stood for when he was Mayor in the 1970s. I plan to continue that work today, tomorrow and in the years to come.
Unlike the federal government, we can't borrow endlessly or print money to solve our problems. We need real, on-the-ground solutions to our everyday problems. The current board has worked hard to obtain numerous grants and appropriations to initiate important projects in the village. The new board will have to work even harder to obtain grants, member items and other benefits, which will ease the burden on Millbrook taxpayers and keep us below the tax cap.