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Biographical Information

Why did you decide to run for this office?

What personal characteristics (education, prior experience, civic involvement, local groups, etc.) make you uniquely qualified for this office?

What three issues do you think are most important for you to address in our community? How will you go about addressing them?

I'm in my third term on the Beacon City Council, and I am so excited about the direction our community is headed in. We have so many opportunities to support housing, and continue to focus on environmental sustainability. Additionally, there is work to be done to improve quality of life, including encouraging alternatives to car transportation and climate initiatives.
I have prior experience as a city councilmember, in addition to my professional experience in a Fortune 50 company as a digital product manager and team manager.
1) Housing - I would like the see the council work through our housing priorities to enact legislation that encourages affordability and mixed housing stock 2) Environment - take advantage of opportunities to study climate action and determine plans; continue to look at legislation through a lens of climate sustainability 3) Planning - understand the Fishkill Ave corridor committee's findings and recommendation to enact zoning in this area. It's a huge opportunity!