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Westchester County - Proposition No. 2024-1

Statement Form for Westchester County Proposition No. 2024-1:Should individuals serving in the position of Westchester County Legislator serve four-year terms instead of two-year terms?Formulario de Declaración para la Proposición No. 2024-1 del Condado de Westchester:¿Deberían las personas que ocupen el cargo de Legislador del Condado de Westchester servir términos de cuatro años en lugar de dos años?ABSTRACT OF LOCAL LAW INTRO NO. 2024-307 OF THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER PROPOSITION NO. 2024- 1:FIRST: A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 107 of the Laws of Westchester County to modify the length of terms for Westchester County Legislator.SECOND: The rationale for amending the Laws of Westchester County is to modify the length of terms for individuals who will be elected to the position of Westchester County Legislator, beginning with the 2025 election, to increase the length of term from two years to four years, in order to reduce election expenses, reduce the frequency of campaigning, and to allow legislators more time to focus on matters of public policy. The Local Law also makes other technical modifications to align the language of the Laws of Westchester County to account for four year terms.THIRD: This Local Law shall not become effective until submitted to a referendum at the general election to be held on November 5, 2024, and approved by a majority of votes cast on the question of the approval or disapproval of this Local Law.

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    Yes - For the Measure

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    No - Against the Measure