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Cochise College District Board Member Precinct 3

Community College BoardsThe community college district is governed by a board elected by voters in each Supervisorial District. The board reviews and adopts an annual budget, hires the chancellor, and approves high-dollar contracts, major program changes, compensation, and benefits. Funding, which comes from tuition, fees, property taxes, state aid (all except Maricopa and Pima), and donations, supports operations and capital needs. The board has final authority on fiscal policy, budget, employee contracts, capital expenditures, and tuition. The chancellor reports to the board.Why you should care:The community colleges serve county residents who can take a class, learn a trade, or receive an associate’s degree; some community colleges also offer bachelor s degrees. The job of the governing board in today’s educational realm is challenging because of the volatility of harsh economic times, divisive politics, lack of state funding for the two largest community colleges (Maricopa and Pima), and rapidly changing governance and regulatory concerns.For additional information: Juntas de colegios comunitariosEl distrito de colegios comunitarios está gobernado por una junta elegida por los votantes en cada distrito de supervisión. La junta revisa y adopta un presupuesto anual, contrata al canciller y aprueba contratos de alto valor, cambios importantes en el programa, compensaciones y beneficios. El financiamiento, que proviene de matrículas, tasas, impuestos a la propiedad, ayuda estatal (todos excepto Maricopa y Pima) y donaciones, respalda las operaciones y las necesidades de capital. La junta tiene la autoridad final sobre política fiscal, presupuesto, contratos de empleados, gastos de capital y matrícula. El canciller informa a la junta.Por qué debería importarle:Los colegios comunitarios atienden a residentes del condado que pueden tomar una clase, aprender un oficio o recibir un título de asociado; algunos colegios comunitarios también ofrecen títulos de licenciatura. El trabajo de la junta directiva en el ámbito educativo actual es desafiante debido a la volatilidad de tiempos económicos difíciles, políticas divisivas, falta de financiamiento estatal para los dos colegios comunitarios más grandes (Maricopa y Pima) y preocupaciones regulatorias y de gobernanza que cambian rápidamente.Para información adicional:

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  • Candidate picture

    Jane Strain

Biographical Information

What specific skills, knowledge, and experience do you bring to the Community College governing board?

What are community colleges' top challenges, and what is your role in addressing those challenges?

How would you educate the community about and advocate for the community college system?

What experience do you have managing a budget and advocating for funding?

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