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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Scottsdale Unified School District {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

School Board MemberSchool board members are elected for a four-year term by voters within the school district during the general election in even-numbered years. Qualifications include living in the district for at least one year, being a registered voter, and a candidate may not be an employee of the district when assuming office or have a spouse or dependent employed by the district.School board members are nonpartisan and are responsible for broad, forward-thinking, and decisive action in all areas that affect students and staff in their schools. School board members have no individual authority, but their authority rests in casting a vote at required governing board meetings.Responsibilities of the board include hiring and evaluating the superintendent, providing input in budget development to ensure funding is provided to meet goals and monitoring and approving the budget, setting salaries for employees, approving purchases, establishing and approving policies, approving curriculum materials, adopting the school calendar, reviewing regulations for compliance with policy, approving personnel actions based on superintendent recommendations, closing or constructing schools; assessing board effectiveness, monitoring progress toward goals.Why you should care:The school board’s role is to advocate for public education in the community and ensure the school district is well run. The board, as a whole, monitors performance to meet academic, financial, and operational goals. The collaborative decisions made by school board members will affect children and their parents, the livelihood of school district employees, and the economic well-being of an entire community. This position is unpaid and requires time, a willingness to learn about issues affecting the school district, and a passion for a positive culture and public education system committed to providing the best and most appropriate education for all children.For additional information: de la junta escolarLos miembros de la junta escolar son elegidos por un período de cuatro años por los votantes del distrito escolar durante las elecciones generales en años pares. Los requisitos incluyen haber vivido en el distrito durante al menos un año, estar registrado para votar y un candidato no puede ser un empleado del distrito al asumir el cargo o tener un cónyuge o dependiente empleado por el distrito.Los miembros de la junta escolar no son partidistas. Estos son responsables de acciones amplias, progresistas y decisivas en todas las áreas que afectan a los estudiantes y al personal de sus escuelas. Los miembros de la junta escolar no tienen autoridad individual, mas bien, su autoridad se basa en emitir un voto en las reuniones requeridas de la junta directiva.Las responsabilidades de la junta incluyen contratar y evaluar al superintendente, brindar aportes en el desarrollo del presupuesto para garantizar que se proporcionen fondos para cumplir con las metas y monitorear y aprobar el presupuesto, establecer salarios para los empleados, aprobar compras, establecer y aprobar reglamentos, aprobar materiales curriculares, adoptar el calendario escolar, revisar los reglamentos para el cumplimiento de las políticas existentes, aprobar acciones de personal basadas en las recomendaciones del superintendente, cerrar o construir escuelas; evaluar la efectividad de la junta, monitorear el progreso en función de las metas.Por qué debería importarle:El papel de la junta escolar es interceder por la educación pública en la comunidad y garantizar que el distrito escolar esté bien administrado. La junta, como un todo, supervisa el desempeño para cumplir con las metas académicas, financieras y operativas. Las decisiones colaborativas tomadas por los miembros de la junta escolar afectarán a los niños y sus padres, el sustento de los empleados del distrito escolar y el bienestar económico de toda una comunidad. Este puesto no es remunerado y requiere tiempo, disposición para aprender acerca de los problemas que afectan al distrito escolar y pasión por una cultura positiva y un sistema de educación público comprometido con brindar la mejor educación posible y la más adecuada para todos los niños.Para información adicional:

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    Jeanne Beasley

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    Drew Hassler

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    Gretchen Jacobs

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    Donna Lewis

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    Matthew Pittinsky

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    Michael "Mike" Sharkey

Biographical Information

What is your vision for your local school board; in particular how will you create an environment that values a diverse student population?

What qualities, skills, and expertise will you prioritize as you recruit and/or evaluate the district superintendent?

How will you address the costs of special education evaluations and proportionate share services for ESA students, and what policies and pricing would you set regarding ESA students participating in sports at your district’s schools?

What are your local school district's three most pressing issues, and how would you prioritize them when preparing the school budget?

What role should the school board play in curriculum development?

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Public Policy Priorities When elected, my first priority is to ensure the safety of our students. Arizona law and board policy requires SUSD to conduct background investigations on those seeking employment to work with children. Without exception, this process must be followed. I also support school resource officers on every SUSD campus. Second, academic achievement scores are concerning, with, for example, less than 50% of 8th graders proficient in math. To get students caught up, the support of math specialists to enable students increased time and practice is essential. With enrollment in SUSD is declining, with only about half of Scottsdale’s children attending SUSD schools, we must be proactive to strengthen outcomes in order to compete in Arizona’s educat
Qualifications and Experience With over 26 years working at the Arizona Capitol, I have gained extensive knowledge in school district governance, including school finance, taxes, the auditor general’s role, Career and Technical Education Districts, ADM, charter schools, ESAs, public risk pools, and property tax lawsuits like Transwestern Pipeline and Qasimyer. I am also well-versed in the School Facilities Board and more. With a passion for making a difference, extensive legislative experience, and an understanding of how to navigate government, I will be able to hit the ground running.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Board Member, Behavioral Intervention Certification Council (BICC), 2015-2022 § Board Member, Marc Community Resources, 2015 - 2016 § Board Member, New Way Academy, 2014- 2016 § Executive Member, AZ Women Lawyers Honoring Justice O’Connor, 2006-2007 § Board Member, Public Affairs Professional Association, 2002-2005 § Member, California State Bar, 1996 – Present § Advisor to Arizona Autism Coalition, 2008 – 2011 § Board Member “First Things First” Scottsdale Regional Council, 2008 – 2012 § Board Member, Arthritis Foundation, 2008 – 2011 § Founding Member, Board Chair of AZ’s Chapter of ACT Today, 2007 – 2012 § Board Member, ACT (Autism, Care & Treatment) Today, National, 2007 – 2012 § Board Member, Arizona Center for Disability Law, 2007 – 2
Occupation Attorney - Governmental Affairs
Education J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law, 1995 o Oxford University, England, 1994 § B.A., University of Southern California, 1993
I am interested in understanding other points of view and find that incorporating additional perspectives improves public policy. I’ve worked collaboratively, developing respect on both sides of the aisle by finding good in each person with whom I work, seeking to understand. I truly believe that when others have sincerely held beliefs that differ from mine, their points of view have value. At the same time, I am unafraid of conflict, recognizing that it is a healthy part of the process. I find that the effort and emotional investment in these discussions lead to better outcomes.
Communication skills, interest in building trust and respect, the use of objective measures.
Look forward to collaborating and learning from the superintendent and his team’s recommendations with respect to the cost of special education evaluations and participation in sports at our districts schools by students who choose ESAs.
When elected, my first priority is to ensure the safety of our students. Arizona law and board policy requires SUSD to conduct background investigations on those seeking employment at SUSD. Without exception, this process must be followed. I also support school resource officers on SUSD campuses via Dept of Ed grants.

Second, academic achievement scores are concerning, with, for example, less than 50% of 8th graders proficient in math. To get students caught up, the support of math specialists to enable students increased attention and practice is essential. We must be proactive to strengthen outcomes in order to compete in Arizona’s education landscape and promote our successes.

Third, support for our teachers is paramount. We must decrease health insurance costs for teachers to enable teachers to take home more pay, restaff reading and math specialists, and redirect more funds to the classroom.
Evaluate recommendations from the superintendent and curriculum committees then approve, request additional information, or reject based on evidence based practice, state standards, objective measurements and teacher and student feedback.
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Public Policy Priorities Learning for ALL; Partner with Parents; Organizational Efficiencies
Qualifications and Experience Worked with award-winning governing board recognized by the Arizona School Board Association for Best Boardsmanship and for Community Engagment; Was selected as Arizona's National Superintendent of the Year 2021; Have over 40 years of experience working in education as a principal (elementary, middle school, and high school) Served large urban, suburban school districts in the valley and in Fairfax, Virgina
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Arizona School Boards Association; American Association of School Administrators (and see Community Service below)
Endorsements Scottddale Education Association; Mayor of Scottsdale Dave Ortega/ former Mayor of Scottsdale Sam Campana; Mayor of Paradise Valley Jerry Bein-Willner; Scottsdale City Council Members Solage Whitehead and Betty Janik; Former Scottsdale City Council Members Linda Milhaven and Virginia Korte
Community Service Chair of the Bond PAC for PV; VP of Springs of Hidden Lakes HOA; Ex Offocio Creighton Community Foundation; Co- developer of Creighton Education Foundation; Board member Kiwaniis (Camelback); Board member (Glendale) Chamber of Commerce
Occupation Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership, Northern Arizona University (Phoenix Campus)
Education Doctorate from The George Washinton University in Educational Policy and Leadership (Washington DC); Masters in Educational Leadership from University of Arizona; Bachelor of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from Northern Arizona University
My vision is that we are a healthy, productive student-centered school board who is clear on our mission to value and serve each and every child in a manner aligned with their academic readiness, their scholarly interests, and in their rich desire to explore the wonders of the world. I would uphold access to gifted services for all who need acceleration and enrichment. I would hold dear the important accomodations needed for struggling learners. I would honor the classics of reading, writing, and arithmetic as baseline goals, while pursuing unique, relevant learning extensions through apprenticeships, mentorships, field experiences, and simulations so that our graduates are truly prepared for the furture workforce.
First, I would assure our Superintendent is student-centered, safety-oriented, and in touch with our family community values. I would expect our Superintendent to have relationships with our business community to actively prepare our students for "real-life" in partnership with our businesses. I would expect the Superintendent to have expert skills in the area of curriculum and instruction, knowing how to organize staff to stay up-to-date in the state-of-the-art learning pedagogy. I would expect the Superintendent to lead improved academic gains and demonstrate student progress as well as being able to establish an aligned budget to our Strategic Plan, while knowing federal and state laws to assure transparency and sound fiscal audits. I will prioritize my evaluation of the Superintendent's ability to problem-solve, communicate, and enagage constructively with the staff and community to reach our goals.
State leaders are asking ADE to provide these direct evaluation services for ESA families. Under federal guidelines, districts are obliged to provide these services, yet are not receiving funds. Some parents seek private testing which is expensive. Public school advocate for specialized state funding to cover these costs while they provide the expert diagnostic indicators for what a struggling learner may need. I would support state funding explicitly designated for this purpose. Regarding sports participation: The AIA has not offered guidance on the way to handle costs for student athletes, except to say the student must live within the district boundaries. It is inconsistent district-to-district. Some districts deny access and some welcome everyone, to include home-schoolers, charter and private school students; whose ESA dollars do not come to the public schools. We would want a full cost-study analysis to determine pay-to-play options, with support for low-income athletes.
As we preapre the budget, we need to align our funding around many competing pressing issues. At the top are: In Academics: We need a laser-focus on student achievement in mathematics. (This could be adjusted by providing additional training to our teachers; establishing afterschool supports for math tutoring; and examining how a hands-on approach might be more effective.) Student Enrollment: We need to establish expert advice towards right-sizing our schools to maximize our human capital. This could include examining a demographic study; increasing our communication and messaging about the excellence of our schools and why they are the school of choice. Staff Retention: We need to pay our teachers so that we compete with the industries who can pay them more for less complex work.
It is the role of the Board policy to issue a standing cycle of curriculum review. We should establish a panel of experts who keep up-to-date on current and cutting-edge practices. The group of voices should represent different viewpoints from the community to come to a shared recommendation to bring to the board for adoption. It is our role to assure adequate funding is earmarked for curriculum adoptions. We are to ask questions about the resources considered, learn what the constrasts are that the community, parent, and staff considered, and determine if the curriculum process followed the policy, the budget allocation, and the community values. Once agreed upon, the board adopts the new curriculum and supports the staff on full implemenation.
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Public Policy Priorities SUSD faces critical issues when it comes to student learning outcomes, especially math, teacher retention, campus safety, and securing sufficient funding to reduce class sizes and enrich the learning of our students. We can and should insist on continuous improvement. Being better than other districts isn’t good enough. What matters is the growth and proficiency of every child in our care. Since 2010, Scottsdale has gone from 70% of our school age children attending district schools to 56%. The district has endured catastrophic turnover with 13 superintendents serving in the 14 years preceding our current district leadership.
Qualifications and Experience I am running to bring professional experience to the Governing Board during a very complex time for our schools. I have been a parent of SUSD students for 12 years, with two currently in district schools and one at Brophy. My wife and I have served on the site councils of our SUSD elementary and middle schools. I have a 25-year career in education technology. In 1997, I co-founded and led the global EdTech company Blackboard, and more recently, I built Parchment, a Scottsdale-based company that also serves schools and universities, including SUSD. I have experience managing large operating budgets ($100M+) and teams of over 1,000 employees. I also earned my Ph.D. in the Sociology of Education and taught as an Assistant Professor at ASU.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations I am active in the local community through Scouting for America, our SUSD school site councils, and Brophy’s Board of Regents. As well, I am an active member of Congregation Beth Israel. Nationally, I serve on the Board of Trustees of American University and the Board of Directors of New Classrooms.
Endorsements I am grateful for the support of SUSD’s teachers through my endorsement by the Scottsdale Education Association, as well as the endorsements of current and former Scottsdale and Paradise Valley Mayors, including Jerry Bien-Wilner and Sam Campana, local Republican and Democrat elected officials, including Linda Milhaven, business leaders, including John Fees, and many more. Please visit for more information.
Community Service With my children, I have volunteered at local charities through Boys Team Charity and Scouting for America.
Occupation Executive
Education I earned my undergraduate degree from American University, my masters degree in Education Policy from Harvard and my PhD in Sociology of Education from Teacher’s College at Columbia University.
This upcoming election will determine the majority direction of the SUSD Governing Board. There are five seats on the Governing Board, three of which are up for election to four-year terms. Our neighborhood schools form the backbone of our community. Who we elect represents the community’s values and priorities. Fostering an environment that values a diverse student population is critical for SUSD. We serve a diverse population of students, demographically and economically. Inclusion is a core value of SUSD. Representing the community does not mean running day-to-day operations. The job of a school board is to set policy, prudently manage taxpayer dollars, and hire and hold accountable the Superintendent. Because the community consists of many different parents and interests, we should be suspicious of any Board member who, in the name of representing “the community,” begins to ignore policy and micromanage. That is not representing, that is pursuing personal agendas.
SUSD has seen 13 superintendents come and go in the 14 years preceding our current district leadership. It is a core responsibility of the Board to recruit, support, and hold accountable the superintendent. I worry when the “plan” candidates have for addressing challenges in the district is to simply fire the superintendent. That is not a plan. I believe SUSD is a highly attractive opportunity for superintendents nationally. We are large enough to do big things, while small enough to still foster a strong sense of community. My expectation for our current superintendent is to set, execute and constantly communicate our strategy for improving learning outcomes, and providing successful pathways for our graduates into the workforce or college. Unfortunately, there are constant distractions and diversions impacting our schools. My goal is to be a board member who allows (and insists) that we keep our focus on improving learning outcomes.
This is a topic I am still learning about, so don't have an answer at the moment.
First, we need to ensure the Board’s role is to set policy, ensure good stewardship of taxpayer dollars, support and hold the Superintendent accountable for moving our district forward, and advocating for strong neighborhood schools. It is not our role to insert ourselves into the management of the district based on our personal or political predispositions. This distracts school leaders from classroom learning. Second, since 2010, the percentage of Scottsdale’s school age children attending district schools has dropped from 70% to 56%. I would encourage investment in marketing to ensure families know the wonderful opportunities and successes SUSD provides. Third, SUSD faces significant challenges regarding student learning outcomes, particularly in math. We must insist on continuous improvement. Being better than other districts is not enough. We need to invest in supplemental resources and support models to close the gap.
The Board’s role is to ensure we have a sound policy and process for recommending and adopting curriculum, and that the policy and process was followed faithfully. The policy and process should account for teacher and community input, and take into account state standards. I believe SUSD’s current process is robust and meets these expectations. It is not the role of the Board to inject itself directly into specific recommendations.
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