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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Agua Fria Union High School District {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

School Board Member PositionSchool board members are elected for a four-year term by voters within the school district during the general election in even-numbered years. Qualifications include living in the district for at least one year, being a registered voter, and a candidate may not be an employee of the district when assuming office or have a spouse or dependent employed by the district.School board members are nonpartisan and are responsible for broad, forward-thinking, and decisive action in all areas that affect students and staff in their schools. School board members have no individual authority, but their authority rests in casting a vote at required governing board meetings.Responsibilities of the board include hiring and evaluating the superintendent, providing input in budget development to ensure funding is provided to meet goals and monitoring and approving the budget, setting salaries for employees, approving purchases, establishing and approving policies, approving curriculum materials, adopting the school calendar, reviewing regulations for compliance with policy, approving personnel actions based on superintendent recommendations, closing or constructing schools; assessing board effectiveness, monitoring progress toward goals.Why you should care:The school board’s role is to advocate for public education in the community and ensure the school district is well run. The board, as a whole, monitors performance to meet academic, financial, and operational goals. The collaborative decisions made by school board members will affect children and their parents, the livelihood of school district employees, and the economic well-being of an entire community. This position is unpaid and requires time, a willingness to learn about issues affecting the school district, and a passion for a positive culture and public education system committed to providing the best and most appropriate education for all children._____________________________________________________________________________________________Puesto para miembro de la junta escolarLos miembros de la junta escolar son elegidos por un período de cuatro años por los votantes del distrito escolar durante las elecciones generales en años pares. Los requisitos incluyen haber vivido en el distrito durante al menos un año, estar registrado para votar y un candidato no puede ser un empleado del distrito al asumir el cargo o tener un cónyuge o dependiente empleado por el distrito.Los miembros de la junta escolar no son partidistas. Estos son responsables de acciones amplias, progresistas y decisivas en todas las áreas que afectan a los estudiantes y al personal de sus escuelas. Los miembros de la junta escolar no tienen autoridad individual, mas bien, su autoridad se basa en emitir un voto en las reuniones requeridas de la junta directiva.Las responsabilidades de la junta incluyen contratar y evaluar al superintendente, brindar aportes en el desarrollo del presupuesto para garantizar que se proporcionen fondos para cumplir con las metas y monitorear y aprobar el presupuesto, establecer salarios para los empleados, aprobar compras, establecer y aprobar reglamentos, aprobar materiales curriculares, adoptar el calendario escolar, revisar los reglamentos para el cumplimiento de las políticas existentes, aprobar acciones de personal basadas en las recomendaciones del superintendente, cerrar o construir escuelas; evaluar la efectividad de la junta, monitorear el progreso en función de las metas.Por qué debería importarle:El papel de la junta escolar es interceder por la educación pública en la comunidad y garantizar que el distrito escolar esté bien administrado. La junta, como un todo, supervisa el desempeño para cumplir con las metas académicas, financieras y operativas. Las decisiones colaborativas tomadas por los miembros de la junta escolar afectarán a los niños y sus padres, el sustento de los empleados del distrito escolar y el bienestar económico de toda una comunidad. Este puesto no es remunerado y requiere tiempo, disposición para aprender acerca de los problemas que afectan al distrito escolar y pasión por una cultura positiva y un sistema de educación público comprometido con brindar la mejor educación posible y la más adecuada para todos los niños.

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    Kristen Acton

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    Corby Naylor

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    Carmen Orozco

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    Sarah Silk

Biographical Information

What is your vision for your local school board; in particular how will you create an environment that values a diverse student population?

What qualities, skills, and expertise will you prioritize as you recruit and/or evaluate the district superintendent?

How will you address the costs of special education evaluations and proportionate share services for ESA students, and what policies and pricing would you set regarding ESA students participating in sports at your district’s schools?

What are your local school district's three most pressing issues, and how would you prioritize them when preparing the school budget?

What role should the school board play in curriculum development?

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Qualifications and Experience I am an educator with 23 years of experience as a teacher, curriculum coach, school principal, and educational consultant. As the spouse of an F-16 pilot at Luke Air Force Base, I’ve moved around the world, gaining exposure to a variety of educational systems from the perspective of teacher, parent, and leader. Through my work as a current educational consultant, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to schools and districts around the country, supporting the work of educators. This year alone, I’ve worked within the varying systems and educational styles of more than 100 schools. First and foremost, however, I am a mother. This will guide every decision I make, knowing that the students and families we serve should have the same advocacy that
Occupation Elementary School Principal
Education Educational Counseling, MEd BA Education
Success has many different faces. Schools need multiple pathways to varying definitions of success. Students wanting to graduate with rigorous coursework worthy of Ivy League acceptance should find that in AF schools. Students wanting technical and vocational work experience leading directly to a paid career upon graduation should find that in AF schools. Students who want a future in sports or the arts should find that in AF schools. Students who are multilingual learners and or have special needs wanting access to the same curriculum and expectations with appropriate scaffolds and supports should find that in AF schools. This requires the right staffing, programming, and resources. We can accomplish this through extending AP and IB programming, supporting and expanding the academies, providing competitive sports and fine arts departments, and ensuring multi-tiered systems of support for EL and ESS students.
AFUHSD students deserve the most talented and best educators inside and outside of the state. In order to recruit and keep the best, we need to sustain great leaders that create positive and supportive cultures people want to be a part of, offer educators competitive pay, and ensure that staff have the resources they need to support student success. This includes the superintendent who should have experience as a teacher and as a site leader and show proven results with student achievement.
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Safety absolutely first.

Then: 1- Support teacher recruitment and retention, attracting talented educators by promoting a positive work environment, competitive pay, and ensuring staff have the resources they need to support student success. 2- Increase college and career readiness, expand college prep courses and the academies program to give students opportunities to be ready for success. 3- Focus taxpayer dollars to directly benefit student success and outcomes, whatever path they choose.
Hold districts accountable to teaching grade level standards as approved by the state law. Curriculum should be high quality curricular materials that support state standards.
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Endorsements Save Our Schools
Occupation Education Consultant
My vision for the Agua Fria School Board is to create an inclusive, equitable environment where every student, regardless of background, has the opportunity to thrive. To foster an environment that values diversity, I will focus on:

Culturally Responsive Training for Teachers: Equip educators with the skills to support students from various cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Recruitment of Diverse Educators: Prioritize recruiting and retaining a staff that reflects our student demographics, ensuring students see themselves in their educators.

Student Voice: Create platforms to elevate student voices in school board decisions, ensuring policies are informed by their lived experiences.

Parent and Community Engagement: Build strong relationships with families from all backgrounds, ensuring they are part of the decision-making process.

Leading with equity and inclusion ensures every student has the support they need to succeed.
When recruiting or evaluating a district superintendent, I would prioritize the following:

Commitment to Equity: A leader with a proven track record of closing opportunity gaps and ensuring equitable access to resources for all students.

Visionary Leadership: Someone with a forward-thinking vision that prioritizes both academic success and student well-being, while fostering inclusive learning environments.

Strong Communication Skills: The ability to engage with students, parents, teachers, and the community, fostering transparency and trust.

Experience in Diverse Communities: A leader with experience working in diverse communities like ours, who understands the unique challenges and strengths of our district.

Focus on Teacher Support and Retention: A commitment to supporting and retaining high-quality, diverse educators, knowing the direct impact this has on student success.
To address the costs of special education evaluations and services for ESA students, I believe in ensuring fairness with our public resources. If a student is receiving ESA funds, they should not have free access to district services, as this would be "double-dipping." ESA students would need to pay for services like special education evaluations to ensure that district resources are used responsibly for those within the public system. I’m open to exploring shared funding or state-level solutions to manage these costs fairly.

As for sports, I don’t believe ESA students should participate in district sports for free if they are receiving ESA funds. It’s important they contribute financially, so public school students aren’t disadvantaged.

Ultimately, the policies I support aim to preserve fairness for all students, ensuring ESA students don’t unfairly benefit from public school resources.
The three most pressing issues for the Agua Fria district are improving student outcomes, recruiting and retaining high-quality, diverse teachers, and expanding comprehensive career and technical education (CTE) programs.

When preparing the budget, I would prioritize:

Improving Student Outcomes: Allocate funds to programs that support academic growth, including tutoring, mental health services, and resources for underserved students.

Teacher Recruitment & Retention: Competitive salaries and benefits are key to attracting and retaining diverse, high-quality teachers. I’d prioritize funding for professional development and mentorship programs to support educators long-term.

Expanding CTE Programs: Invest in partnerships with local colleges and nonprofits to enhance CTE offerings, ensuring students have multiple pathways to success after graduation.

Balancing these priorities will ensure our students thrive and teachers are supported.
The school board’s role in curriculum development should focus on oversight and ensuring that the curriculum aligns with community values, state standards, and prepares students for success. It’s not the board’s job to write or dictate curriculum but to:

Set Clear Goals: Establish broad educational goals and priorities that reflect the district’s commitment to equity, academic achievement, and student well-being.

Approve Curriculum: Review and approve curriculum that meets state standards, supports diverse learners, and is culturally relevant.

Engage the Community: Ensure transparency by engaging parents, teachers, and the community in discussions about curriculum to reflect the values and needs of all students.

Hold Leadership Accountable: Monitor the implementation of curriculum and hold district leadership accountable for student outcomes and continuous improvement.
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