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Harrington Park Mayor, Unexpired 3 yr term

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  • Candidate picture

    Joon L. Chung

  • Candidate picture

    Samuel Keene

Biographical Information

What do you consider the three most important challenges facing your municipality?

What personal and professional experiences have prepared you for addressing these challenges?

A municipality has two budgets - the annual operating budget and a capital budget. What are your priorities for each of these budgets?

How do you plan to keep property taxes from rising while meeting the needs of citizens in your town?

What actions, if any, would you support in your town to reduce the negative effects of climate change?

Education Attended NVOT, and graduated Barnard College, Columbia University, with a political science degree
Qualifications/Experience Harrington Park Councilwoman since 2012, with multiple terms as Council President; HP Board of Adjustment 2002-2012; President of Good Neighbor Ministry, a non-profit organization that supports humanitarian missions both domestically and internationally; President of both Harrington Park School Korean Parents Association (KPA) and NVOT KPA; inducted into the Harrington Park School Circle of Leadership (2013 ); recipient of the Leadership Award from the Asian Women’s Christian Association (AWCA) in 2015
Involvement in Community Served on the Harrington Park Council, Board of Adjustment, Recreation Commission, Environmental Commission, and Green Team; worked as liaison to the HP School and Northern Valley Regional High School (NVRHS) Board of Education; served as President of the HP Korean Parents Association (KPA) and NVOT KPA; helped institute Project Pride at HP School(2007)
Employment Good Neighbor Ministry
•Fiscal Responsibility–Harrington Park's budget is under significant strain due to rising costs and unfunded mandates. The increasing annual costs of state health benefits further complicate the budgeting process. While road and facility improvements are essential, these mandates add considerable financial pressure. •Stormwater Management–As a watershed region, the Northern Valley requires effective stormwater management. Overdevelopment and poor planning have caused increased flooding, worsened by lack of dredging and restrictive regulations. •Affordable Housing–New Jersey's 2025 affordable housing round will impact Harrington Park’s planning and budget. Overdevelopment and protected green acres make it challenging to meet these mandates.
Since 1999, as a parent, I've worked with the Harrington Park School community to establish the first daily lunch program through collaboration between the Home School Association and the Korean Parents Association. This initiative became the school’s largest fundraiser, fostering unity and supporting significant donations. In 2007, I helped launch Project Pride, an 8th-grade service program that earned the Jefferson Award, where students volunteered at soup kitchens and participated in environmental projects. For the past 9 years, I’ve served as president of Good Neighbor Ministry, leading over 300 staff members in humanitarian efforts. My collaborative and innovative problem-solving skills will effectively address future challenges.
Both the annual operating and capital budgets determine the services the municipality can provide. My focus for the operating budget is to secure favorable contract negotiations and implement strategic financial planning. While the borough’s budget includes fixed costs, we can act more responsibly through well-negotiated agreements with professionals and administrative staff, cost-efficient waste management contracts, effective collective bargaining, and prudent debt management. For the capital budget, my priorities include road paving, acquiring essential equipment for first responders, and improving facilities. To maintain sound debt management and keep taxes low, we prioritize securing grant funding for these improvements.
To keep property taxes from rising, the Mayor-Council has entered into numerous shared services agreements with neighboring towns and actively pursued grant funding from county, state, and federal sources for facility upgrades. We've also maintained responsible contractual agreements with professional services and borough officials, including negotiating a more cost-efficient waste management contract. This year, the Borough secured an impressive $1,141,490 in grant funding for various improvements. Over the past ten years, despite unfunded state mandates, the average increase in the municipal portion of taxes has been just $84 for the average home.
For the past decade, I’ve been actively involved in the Borough's Sustainable Jersey Certification initiative. I’ve collaborated with Harrington Park School on various green initiatives, working with the Environmental Commission and Green Team. One notable project involved conducting a garbage audit with students to recommend improved recycling strategies to the Board of Education. I also worked with NVRHS parent groups to replace traditional water coolers with hydration stations, reducing waste. Additionally, I developed the HP Green Grounds Maintenance Policy, and the borough continues to focus on energy efficiency for municipal facilities. To address climate change, we must adapt how we live, and I’ll continue supporting new initiatives.
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