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VOTE411 Voter Guide

House District 9: Anchorage: South Anchorage/Turnagain Arm/ Whittier

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  • Candidate picture

    Lucy Bauer

  • Candidate picture

    Ky Holland

Biographical Information

How do you plan to address the challenges of funding, teacher recruitment and retention, and ensuring educational equity across remote, rural and urban communities in Alaska in order to improve overall educational outcomes?

According to the U.S. Energy Administration in 2023, Alaska generated about 25% of its total electricity from renewable energy sources. What other alternatives do you think would help with our energy issues?

What options would you suggest where Alaska can increase our state revenue?

What could the Alaska legislature do to help restore voters’ trust in the integrity of our elections system?

Do you support or oppose continuation of our current open primary/ ranked choice voting election system.  Why?

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Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 220314
Anchorage, Alaska 99522
Campaign Phone 9077272735
Campaign Twitter Handle @KyHollandAK
To improve Alaska's education system, we must listen to teachers, students, and parents, and support economic initiatives that create jobs and inspire lifelong learning. Developing funding sources that enhance our education system is crucial. We need timely funding, manageable class sizes, and reinstating defined benefit pensions to attract and retain teachers. Additionally, supporting broadband for rural areas and innovative programs like ANSEP will bridge educational gaps. My experience in education and private sectors equips me to address these challenges, ensuring equitable, high-quality education across all communities.
To address Alaska's energy issues, we should expand renewable sources like geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind, while investing in energy storage, demand management, and efficiency measures such as smart meters, energy storage heaters, heat pumps, and LED lighting. Diversifying our energy sources and supporting a Renewable Portfolio Standard can ensure a reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable energy future. We need to also focus on community solar and local IPP systems, enabling a stable and affordable energy supply that supports economic growth. By transitioning to about 80% renewables, we can optimize cost benefits, maintain a reliable grid, and foster new industries and job opportunities for Alaskans.
To increase Alaska's state revenue, we need to develop new sources that support public programs and meet community expectations. This includes rebalancing costs and benefits from legacy industries while investing in emerging sectors. I'll work with a bipartisan coalition to implement solutions such as closing tax loopholes, introducing carbon offset credits and sequestration projects, and considering broad-based taxes that protect basic income and the cost of living. Decades of budget cuts have weakened state programs and services, and it's time to invest in economic and community development to ensure a sustainable future for all Alaskans.
To restore voters' trust in Alaska's election integrity, I’d start by having the Lt. Governor and Division of Elections publicly confirm there is no real election integrity problem in Alaska. Any ballot issues found have been addressed, and none have affected election outcomes. The legislature should pass laws enhancing accessibility and security while opposing efforts to restrict voting. I support open primaries, as over 60% of Alaskans are not registered with a party. Expanding early and mail-in voting, especially for remote areas, and allowing for ballot curing can further enhance trust. Additionally, I'll support restoring campaign finance limitations and transparency.
Yes, I oppose ballot measure 2, which would repeal open primaries and ranked choice voting. Open primaries shift political power from closed party doors to public debate, allowing access to all candidates. Ranked choice voting encourages candidates to engage with all voters, understanding their concerns and priorities. This system promotes listening and learning to represent all residents rather than adhering to a party platform. While I support both major parties, I believe their role should be in supporting candidates and providing research, not controlling them. I will be voting No on ballot measure 2.