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District Attorney, District 18

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    Marc Bennett

Biographical Information

What makes you the best candidate for this position? What skills, expertise, or competencies qualify you?

What are your top 3 priorities as District Attorney?

How do you or would you approach cases involving juveniles or first-time offenders?

How do you or would you approach cases with a potential for racial bias or discrimination?

What is your approach to cases where mental health issues play a significant role?

Campaign Phone 3166603700
Campaign Address 535 N. Main
Education JD Washburn School of Law
29 years of experience as a prosecutor in the State of Kansas.
1. Continue to focus on violent crime -- rape, murder, gun violence to positively impact public safety; 2. Continue to efficiently resolve non-violent property crimes in a fashion that holds suspects accountable without further adding unnecessary inconvenience to the victims with repeated court appearances; 3. Continue to improve efficiencies within the office, including the implementation of a new records management system to track filings, discovery, subpoenas and all aspects of the daily tasks within the office.
Since the passage of SB 367 eight years ago, the prosecution of juveniles has been tightly proscribed by very specific limitations in the law, namely "case length limits," limited terms of probation, and limited penalties. As for adults, low level (property and drug crimes are typically handled through the "resolution docket" in which defendants' are afforded an opportunity to resolve their cases early in the process and enter into reduced terms of probation if they pay off their restitution and/or complete drug treatment.
Broad question. How we would react would depend on the circumstances. When racial bias is evident on the part of the suspect, we can add a "sentencing enhancement" to the allegations to increase the potential sentence. If the possible bias is on the part of the witnesses or invetsigators, then we may well decide the case is not prosecutable.
Again, a very broad question. If the witnesses or victim suffered from mental health issues, it may impact their ability to provide credible testimony. Objective corroboration would then be very important. If the suspect suffered from a mental health issue, then the threshold question is whether we can establish that the suspect formed the requisite intent to commit the alleged crime(s).