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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Yakima County Commissioner; District 2

The board of county commissioners is the legislative authority for the county in the 33 noncharter counties. The commissioners also serve as the chief administrators for most county operations.

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  • Candidate picture

    Kyle Curtis

  • Candidate picture

    Susan Soto Palmer

Biographical Information

How has your experience prepared you for this position?

How would you balance promoting development with protecting our natural resources?

What are your top three priorities for the county?

How would you approach balancing the needs of different communities within the county?

Party Preference Republican
Phone (509) 563-5104
Experience (Max 500 characters) Having served as County Commissioner for two years, I've witnessed Yakima County's challenges and our progress firsthand. We've initiated plans to tackle crime, provided compassionate aid for homelessness, enhanced mental health and addiction support, and expanded affordable housing. Leveraging my CFO background, I've diligently crafted budgets reflecting our community's needs, fostering impactful change for our residents. I remain dedicated to serving you and our community.
Campaign Mailing Address P.O. BOX 1183
YAKIMA, WA 98907
Campaign Phone 5095635104
Campaign Email
Town where you live Yakima, WA
Having completed my first term as County Commissioner, I am more effective and efficient in navigating the multitude of systems to order to make substantial changes. County government has many layers to it and I have been able to ensure all view points are around the table.
Yakima County contains one of Washington State’s most diverse agricultural cropping systems and is the #1 County in Washington based on the market value of crop and livestock products. (We are also the 12th largest agricultural producing county in the nation.) Agriculture contributes over $1.2 billion to our local economy. Not only is agriculture vital to our economy but it is part of our heritage and who we are as a people.

I support protecting our farmland and ensuring we have working lands. This will be accomplished by ensuring our Horizon 2040 Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Growth Management Act (GMA), does little to no impact on agriculture production lands. Our agriculture industry continues to evolve in growing and harvesting techniques, product development, technology and reach into newer markets. Ensuring we have vital land accessible to promote opportunities for the next great innovators is a top priority.
I work hard to ensure that Yakima County remains YOUR local government. In early 2023 I launched three initiatives that have defined my scope and how I allocate my time as your Commissioner. The three initiatives are:

Effective Government: Ensure that County government operates efficiently and effectively and is accountable to the public.

Vibrant Communities: Provide a safe, healthy and thriving community.

Economic Vitality: Increase access to family wage job opportunities throughout the County.
I support moving County legislative business to a more accessible time and place for citizens. For most county business to happen in the middle of the workday is exclusionary and does not promote public participation or accountability. We need to ensure County resources are accessible to everyone in our community and this includes providing bilingual services. We need to continue online zoom options for Commissioner Study Sessions and meetings and also ensure our County’s website is updated to better display services.

Every effort should be made to keep Yakima County’s tax dollars local. The easiest way to do this is to spend our dollars within our local community and support our local businesses and services. I support a review of the County’s public procurement process to allow for competitive bidding and to give our local businesses a step up. The County’s goal should promote a diverse and dynamic community with a healthy economy and environment.
Party Preference Democratic
Phone (509) 941-3764
Experience (Max 500 characters) Former elected Chair of Yakima County Democratic Party; Former Washington State Democratic Committee Person; Former Party Leader Elected Official National Delegate; Former Democratic Precinct Committee Officer; 30 years of experience as a legal assistant and paralegal
Campaign Mailing Address P.O. Box 336
YAKIMA, WA 98907
Campaign Phone 5099413764
Campaign Email
Town where you live Yakima
For several years, I have actively engaged with my community in the Yakima Valley. I have canvassed for various candidates, including twice for myself, and listened to community members share their concerns and aspirations for local government. I held roles such as Precinct Committee Officer, Secretary, Chair, State Committee Person, and National Delegate within the Democratic Party. In these capacities, I collaborated with members across the state to develop equitable solutions that would better serve our communities. I also played a key role in amending local and state platforms to create more effective policies for party members.

Additionally, my 30 years of experience as a legal assistant and paralegal have equipped me to assist civil litigators in handling diverse cases, from family disputes to complex litigation. I am passionate about making a positive impact and ensuring fairness and justice.
To achieve a better balance between environmental health and economic development, we must reevaluate our social, technological, economic, and political systems. This will enable more sustainable resource governance. Exploring smart energy production and investing in natural climate solutions—such as conservation and land management strategies—can safeguard our precious natural resources. By collaborating on sustainable practices, we can unlock economic benefits that benefit everyone.
Recognizing the interconnectedness of our community’s challenges, my five priorities—ranging from economic empowerment to environmental advocacy—reflect my unwavering commitment to holistic well-being and positive transformation. These priorities are intentionally comprehensive, as their effects ripple through every corner of our community.

Economic Empowerment: Dedicated to ensuring access to safe and stable employment with a living wage and investments in high-quality jobs, youth employment and workforce development. Community Safety: Committed to building safe communities by taking a public health approach. Advocate for Equity and Justice: Promote fairness and justice for neglected and underserved communities, including housing justice, quality education, accessible healthcare and resource equality. Environmental Advocacy: Support policies to protect our environment and preserve our natural resources. Transparency and Accountability: Open communication with the community.
To achieve a balanced approach that meets the diverse needs of our county, I propose collaborative partnerships with communities. By addressing shared challenges and encouraging innovative solutions, we can foster positive change. Essential components include town halls, community meetings, and active listening by commissioners. Seeking public input on key decisions will shape more equitable and effective policies, with a deliberate focus on prioritizing underserved communities that have long been overlooked.