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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Benton County Commissioner District #3

The board of county commissioners is the legislative authority for the county in the 33 noncharter counties. The commissioners also serve as the chief administrators for most county operations.

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  • Candidate picture

    Zach Fluharty

  • Candidate picture

    Will McKay

Biographical Information

How has your experience prepared you for this position?

How would you balance promoting development with protecting our natural resources?

What are your top three priorities for the county?

How would you approach balancing the needs of different communities within the county?

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Party Preference Republican
Phone 509-521-3323
Experience (Max 500 characters) I am forthright, honest, and direct, whether it’s in my private business or the public’s business. I appreciate the opportunities I have to work with my fellow commissioners, other County officials, and leaders throughout our community. We continue to have many challenges locally and regionally, but when we work together it becomes obvious that we can accomplish more as a team than as individuals.
Campaign Email
Being an owner of multiple small businesses requires me to manage all aspects of the county - the people, the projects, the finance - all of it. If often requires you to change course and adapt to shifting circumstances. You have to get used to things not being convenient or easy. My first term as a county commissioner has shown me the managing a mid-sized local government organization has a lot of similarities that I think my business life has prepared me for.
Benton County already had a great record in this regard before I got here, and I am pleased to be a part of the work we continue to do. The County is a leader among its peers in salmon recovery, water resources, and open space conservation. These are not at odds with promoting thoughtful economic development and assisting the business sector.
Criminal Justice System Being fiscally reasonable and budget neutral Getting the Behavioral Health Center moving forward
There are many ways to define and describe communities, and these balancing acts are a big part of what we do all the time in county government. Our first considerations are that we need to protect the County's investments, people, exposure, and reputation. Beyond that, we are in the business of supporting and promoting our many communities as best we can without those efforts coming into conflict with each other. Building and nurturing our relationships with these various communities is vital to the success of the rising tide lifting all boats, and as a commissioner I do my part in making sure this is part of the culture of our organization.