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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Grand Rapids City Mayor

The Mayor is the official head of the City and presides at meetings of the City Commission’s decisions. This person is elected “at large,” or by the entire City. 4 year term.

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  • Candidate picture

    David LaGrand

  • Candidate picture

    Senita Lenear

Biographical Information

What in your experience makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them with currently limited resources?

What are the most important challenges facing our community, and how do you propose to address them?

What will you do to support a vibrant economy in our community?

Age 57
Occupation / Current Position Attorney
Education BA, JD
Experience & Qualifications Business Owner,Former Asst Kent County Prosecutor, GR city Commissioner, GR School Board member, MI State Representative
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Campaign Phone 616-690-3819
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I have started neighborhood businesses across Grand Rapids, and served as a prosecutor, as well as serving in city, school and state government. I have the support of a broad cross section of stakeholders, advocates, and elected officials.
1) Better justice and policing outcomes, working with those engaged in this work 2) Progress on affordable housing, through better regulations and investments in regional solutions 3) Green energy investment by the city via bonding. 4) Better infrastructure by design shift 5) More equitable neighborhood investment by policy shifts on funding
See above. Grand Rapids needs to be safe and just, and affordable for everyone, and attractive to newcomers. Our schools are also vital, although here the city primarily plays a supportive role.
Build on our past success, and ensure that Grand Rapids is an attractive place to work and live. I will focus on attracting good jobs to the city, but also on making Grand Rapids healthy, and vibrant. Safety and good educational opportunities are the core of a strong city, but so are strong, individualized neighborhoods, affordable housing, and a commitment to mutual support.
Occupation / Current Position Owner of a couple small businesses/CEO
Education Cornerstone University Graduate with a bachelor’s in business management and minor in ministry leadership
Experience & Qualifications 16 years of corporate experience, which included Union leadership and management experience. 10+ business ownership experience of multiple businesses. Former rental property owner. 15+ years of service on public bodies, finishing every term the public has elected me to finish.
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Campaign Phone 616-329-5541
Campaign Email
I have managed and adopted complex budgets with a variety of funding sources. I am a hard worker who prepares, probes, collaborateand suggests meaningful solutions when presented with a challenge. I am committed to the City and city related issues. I have completed every elected term. This is not a steppingstone seat for me, I seek to serve all residents and businesses in our city, on this non-partisan commission. I sat on the City’s 12-Point Plan meetings that addressed police and community relations. As a results, with community leaders, GRPD leaders, city administrative leaders and 3 comm. rolled out recommendations that included: body cameras, cultural competency training, hiring practices to increase women and minority officers, etc...
As mayor, I would like to continue and expand some of the work I have done, while taking the ideas I am hearing during this campaigning season to create new initiatives. SAFE Taskforce-SAFE has supported over $600,000 in grants to grassroots organizations and individuals who lead anti-violence strategies in Grand Rapids. I take pride in fostering an environment, where the prosecuting attorney, the chief of staff at GRPS, and other groups could engage with grassroots organizations who are working closely with those perpetrating and experiencing violence in our community. Expanding Third Ward Equity Fund - The City's data showed the lack of investments. Advocacy yielded an annual $1 million, I'd like to expand to 1st & 2nd wards.
Due to the limited space, visit my website to learn more: 1. Housing - Expand on policies to incentivized developers to build more affordable and missing middle housing; broadening the discussion regionally. 2. Innovating Development - As commissioner, I advocated for addressing housing needs and increasing economic development by creating an economic plan dubbed A2P (Alpine, 28th Street and Plainfield). There are stretches of land on these streets that have the capacity for creative development, which could include housing and businesses. As mayor, I will research the plans surrounding these thoughts and engaged my colleagues on the commission for their ideas. 3. Building a welcoming city for everyone to fulfill the vision for the City.
The expansion of the Madison Square corridor improvement authority to 6 business districts that now make up Southtown corridor improvement authority. As a result, we are witnessing investments into small businesses across these districts, which create a more welcoming environment for neighborhoods. I am seeing the need to create other CIAs within the city. I am also very interested in the discussions and recommendations that are filtering out of the work of Grand Action 2.0. As we take development to the next level, it is imperative to continue to build on what has already been accomplished. Engaging in discussion surrounding the amphitheater is a priority for me and and this community.