The State House of Representatives is made up of 65 members who are elected by voters in their district for a two-year term. They are limited to serving four consecutive terms in office, but after a two-year break, they are eligible to run again. Every two years, all 65 seats are open for election. The legislative branch of the Colorado state government is composed of the State House and the State Senate. Their legislative authority and responsibilities include passing bills related to public policy matters, approving state budget spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold gubernatorial vetoes. Watch the LWV sponsored Candidate Forum at HERE. Puede ver el Foro de Candidatos patrocinado por el LWV AQUÍ. (English)La Cámara de Representantes del Estado está compuesta por 65 miembros que son elegidos por los votantes de su distrito para un mandato de dos años. Están limitados a servir cuatro períodos consecutivos en el cargo, pero después de una pausa de dos años, son elegibles para postularse nuevamente. Cada dos años se convocan elecciones para los 65 escaños. El poder legislativo del gobierno del estado de Colorado está compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. Su autoridad y responsabilidades legislativas incluyen la aprobación de proyectos de ley relacionados con asuntos de política pública, la aprobación del gasto del presupuesto estatal, la subida y bajada de impuestos y la votación para mantener los vetos del gobernador.
Submitted Biography
I am gratefully married to Walt and we have 3 wonderful children. Obtained a MSN in Community Heath Nursing - Colorado University and graduated with honors (Colorado Scholars Scholarship recipient, Dean’s List, Honor Roll , Golden Key Honor Society and Sigma Theta Tau. I’m a former State Representative and former City Council woman in Lakewood for 10 years. I attended the American Legislative Exchange Council- Health Care Task Force, Council of State Government Western Legislative Academy. I chaired - Lakewood Legislative Committee for 5 years, Chaired the Jefferson County Ad Hoc Task Force-Marijuana, Past Chair State Medical Services Advisory Board, State Board of Licensed Professional Councilors- past member, Jefferson County Community Services Advisory Board- past member. I won six Legislator of the Year awards while in the State Legislature. I won the Alumni Distinguished Service Award -CU Health Science Center. Harvard Kennedy Business School -State/Local Government
Campaign Phone
Reach out to experts in a field for better understanding of an issue, appreciate good ideas come from both sides of the aisle, work with people and not against good ideas. LISTEN. Respect other’s ideas and point of view. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Extend grace knowing everyone is doing their best sometimes under difficult circumstances.. Remember who you work for-the people, never taking lightly I am their voice and vote.
One should never compromise their basic value system (honesty, integrity etc.) In the process of drafting legislation, be open to all ideas and points of view to come up with honest legislation that address an issue. Always consider the people and how a vote will affect them. Don’t play games. “Work towards an environment where everyone feels they had a say and a part of the outcome..
Reduction of taxes- support TABOR.
Create less government spending that leads to inflation.
Address crime - illegal drugs, homeless, substance abuse.
I have honest concerns.
Submitted Biography
I have dedicated my life to fighting for people who continually fall through the cracks–both as a music therapist and healthcare advocate and now as a Lakewood City Councilor. I'm running for Colorado State House District 30 because there's more work to do to protect our freedoms and democracy for future generations and make sure that everyone has a fair shot at a good life here in Colorado. That’s why as City Councilor, I’ve worked hard to create opportunities for folks to get ahead and thrive. I’ve helped support workers and small businesses, increased investment in our green transportation infrastructure, and fight for housing that’s more affordable. I’m proud of the work I’ve done to find innovative solutions for increased access to affordable and attainable housing, expand services and shelter for our unhoused neighbors who deserve a fair shot, invest in comprehensive public safety like mental health first responders, and create new programs that protect our environment.
Biografía Enviada
Soy Rebekah, La mayor parte de mi carrera he trabajado como una terapeuta certificada para niños y familias y defendiendo aquellos con discapacidades y atención medica a quien los necesita en la comunidad en Colorado. Me postulo para el Distrito 30 de la Cámara de Representantes del Estado de Colorado por la misma razón por la que me postulé para el Concejo Municipal de Lakewood trabajando diez años como proveedora de servicios directos. Estoy comprometida a garantizar que se escuchen todas las voces, y que nuestro gobierno trabaje para la gente común y toda persona tenga una oportunidad justa de tener una buena vida aquí en Colorado. Es por eso por lo que, como concejal de la ciudad, trabaje duro para ayudar a reconstruir una economía que funcione para la gente común, así como también apoye a las pequeñas empresas, la inversión en nuestra infraestructura de transporte, la creación de un programa innovador de trabajo de dia, y también luche por vivienda más asequibles.
Campaign Phone
Humility, willingness to listen, and courage. It is so critical to be an elected official who is willing to learn new things, admit when we are wrong, and stand up for what's right even in moments of discomfort. My experience both as a therapist and an elected official has taught me this over and over again. We are here to serve our community and their needs and we can't do that if we don't do the work to connect with our neighbors and listen.
In my personal experience legislating on the city council, collaboration does often make the best policies. Stakeholding and working together can help correct unintended consequences and can help policymakers think about the ultimate goal of the policy, who we are actually trying to help, and find the best way to get there. There are however certainly issues like our reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety, and the rights of LGBTQ+ Coloradans that I am frankly not going to be willing to compromise on.
-Housing affordability and access to affordable home ownership
-Supporting the mental health of our kids and educators
-Equity for Coloradans with disabilities
-Gun safety and gun violence prevention
-Reproductive freedom and justice
-Climate change and protecting our clean air and water
Colorado is the gold standard of election protection in our country and I am so grateful to live in a state that has proven that increasing access to our democratic process through mail ballots and automatic and same day registration is secure, effective, and increases participation in our democracy.