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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Colorado State House District 15 / Cámara de Representantes

The State House of Representatives is made up of 65 members who are elected by voters in their district for a two-year term. They are limited to serving four consecutive terms in office, but after a two-year break, they are eligible to run again. Every two years, all 65 seats are open for election. The legislative branch of the Colorado state government is composed of the State House and the State Senate. Their legislative authority and responsibilities include passing bills related to public policy matters, approving state budget spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold gubernatorial vetoes. Scroll for Spanish Translation. La Cámara de Representantes del Estado está compuesta por 65 miembros que son elegidos por los votantes de su distrito para un mandato de dos años. Están limitados a servir cuatro períodos consecutivos en el cargo, pero después de una pausa de dos años, son elegibles para postularse nuevamente. Cada dos años se convocan elecciones para los 65 escaños. El poder legislativo del gobierno del estado de Colorado está compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. Su autoridad y responsabilidades legislativas incluyen la aprobación de proyectos de ley relacionados con asuntos de política pública, la aprobación del gasto del presupuesto estatal, la subida y bajada de impuestos y la votación para mantener los vetos del gobernador.

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  • Candidate picture

    Scott Bottoms

  • Candidate picture

    Jeff K Livingston

Biographical Information

What is the top issue(s) facing constituents in your district and what legislation would you champion to address it?

What would you do to reduce household expenses?

What role should the state government have in enforcing federal immigration laws? Please explain.

What legislation or action would you support to improve Colorado's energy production?

What is your stance on access to abortion and reproductive health care?

What is your opinion of the current integrity of elections?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Submitted Biography I am a Father, Husband, IT Professional, and Veteran trying to do great things for my community. I am a military brat born in Oklahoma and raised all over the world -- both of my parents were military. I learned the importance of walking a mile in someone else's shoes as I grew up in cultures dramatically different from my own. Working with others is a vital tool in a strong democracy and a skill I will bring to the Colorado state legislature. As an IT professional critical thinking and problem solving determined the future I would build with my co-workers and those under my command when I served in the military. Collaborating today to solve the problems of tomorrow will make Colorado and the United States leaders in technology and clean energy while we protect the planet. My YouTube channel, The Ninjineer, is a weekly account of the ebbs and flows of the EV market, culture and innovation. This keeps me in touch with other issues surrounding EVs. I plan to expand my channel's scope
Campaign Phone 2566797142
My belief is the biggest issue currently facing Coloradans is housing supply and costs. I want to incentivize home builders to sell affordable housing to people that need it.
The first thing I want to do is try to make groceries and other goods more affordable by sourcing them more from local farmers and suppliers. I want to raise wages for the working class in Colorado. I want to start with teachers but I want every worker in Colorado to feel as if they have access to the American dream if that is something they so choose.
I look at federal law with respect to immigration as the base which state law should build from in a way that best fits the state in question.
I would support legislation to incentivize more home based solar and the integration of technologies like virtual power grids in order to make our power grid more robust.
I believe that in general everyone should have access to the healthcare they need and that no government official should be able to make medical decisions for the general populace without a lot of really solid credible evidence especially if said decision makes life harder.
I have currently seen no evidence that there is or has ever been voter fraud on a level that would change the outcome of an election. I believe the integrity of elections is actually very high.