The State House of Representatives is made up of 65 members who are elected by voters in their district for a two-year term. They are limited to serving four consecutive terms in office, but after a two-year break, they are eligible to run again. Every two years, all 65 seats are open for election. The legislative branch of the Colorado state government is composed of the State House and the State Senate. Their legislative authority and responsibilities include passing bills related to public policy matters, approving state budget spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold gubernatorial vetoes. Scroll for Spanish Translation. La Cámara de Representantes del Estado está compuesta por 65 miembros que son elegidos por los votantes de su distrito para un mandato de dos años. Están limitados a servir cuatro períodos consecutivos en el cargo, pero después de una pausa de dos años, son elegibles para postularse nuevamente. Cada dos años se convocan elecciones para los 65 escaños. El poder legislativo del gobierno del estado de Colorado está compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. Su autoridad y responsabilidades legislativas incluyen la aprobación de proyectos de ley relacionados con asuntos de política pública, la aprobación del gasto del presupuesto estatal, la subida y bajada de impuestos y la votación para mantener los vetos del gobernador.
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Submitted Biography
Ben Pope was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He earned a bachelor's degree from Miami University. He is currently an automotive regional manager for a global automaker. He has been affiliated with the the US Forest Service, Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance, and is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity.
Campaign Phone
Top issues will be ensuring that everyone in my District has access to clean water and air, That everyone has access to affordable health care, That all who desire higher education have affordable access to College and Trade Schools. That immigrants have a legal pathway to citizenship
I would like to implement several programs designed to incentivize companies and property owners to lower overall costs, so that the savings could be passed on to the consumer, easing the financial burden of many
I believe that all who come to this country legally as well as asylum seekers, have a legal pathway to citizenship.
Constant monitoring for compliance and having strict penalties designed to punish and deter future events from occurring is a great start. Energy exploration and extraction is a necessity at the moment. But with the future outlook being more green, we have to start preparing the move in that direction.
I acknowledge a woman's right to make decisions with her family and and doctor. I believe that abortion should be safe legal and rare.
I believe that elections can be fair.
Submitted Biography
I have not submitted a biography.
Campaign Phone
I believe the top issue is the continuing erosion of community and isolation of the individual. I have no idea what I would champion to address it as I have never been in the legislature before and am therefore essentially ignorant regarding how it works.
I don't know what I would do for my constituents' expenses. I do not know what's possible. Personally, I am resisting tendency toward a more "disposable" society.
Ideally, the Federal Government will get it's act together and do it's job. As it falls short I believe the State has the right and obligation to help the citizens.
I have no clue. I do not know what specific legislation there may be nor what exactly that legislation says.
As my Daddy used to say, "You can't legislate morality." That being said, I think abortion is sad and I believe it is damaging to the woman who has it. But that's not to say other options will necessarily come with less damage.