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US House District 10 Democratic Primary

Early voting for this race begins May 3, 2024 with Primary Election Day on June 18, 2024. During a primary, voters must select either a Democratic ballot or a Republican ballot. Voters may not select both.This race will determine the Democrat who will run for the US District 10 House of Representatives in November, 2024. The US House of Representatives is made up of 435 representatives (often referred to as congressmen or congresswomen). Each representative is elected to a two-year term. Virginia US House District 10 is currently represented by Jennifer Wexton, who is not seeking reelection. The area served includes all of Rappahannock, Fauquier and Loudoun counties; parts of Fairfax and Prince William counties; and the cities of Manassas and Mannassas Park. Representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. For information on the finances raised by each candidate, go to VPAP’s Campaign Finance details:

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    Jennifer B. Boysko

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    Marion Devoe Sr.

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    Eileen Filler-Corn

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    Dan I. Helmer

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    Krystle Veda Kaul

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    Mark D. Leighton

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    Michelle-Ann E. Lopes Maldonado

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    Travis S. Nembhard

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    Adrian A. Pokharel

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    Atif M. Qarni

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    David A. Reid

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    Suhas Subramanyam

Biographical Information

What steps should be taken by Congress to help ensure a strong economy, including access to job training, economic opportunity, and affordable housing for all Virginians?

What will you do to address the impact of climate change on the Commonwealth of Virginia?

What specific steps will you take to ensure that all Virginians have access to high quality health insurance and affordable health care, including reproductive care and prescription drug coverage?

What are the most important steps you will take to create an accessible path to citizenship, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients?

What measures do you support to restore trust in our elections, support election officials who administer our elections, and ensure that states do not reduce but instead encourage voter access to the ballot box?

What steps should be taken by Congress to address childcare workforce shortages? What specific actions will you take to ensure all children have access to high-quality, affordable and equitable early care and education?

Do you support an extension for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment? What steps will you take in support of your response?

Twitter @JenniferBoysko
Education Hollins University
Experience State Senator, Former Delegate
Our economy will be stronger and more inclusive when quality education, job training and the basics of a dignified life - healthcare, nutritious food, and housing - are available to all. Federal funding that supports infrastructure, affordable housing, education, small businesses, and human services are investments that strengthen communities. I will work to raise the minimum wage, expand the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, pass federal paid family and medical leave and support affordable high quality childcare. These reforms are possible when we close tax loopholes and the ultra wealthy pay their fair share. Federal action would complement state efforts to address regional disparities, inequities, and rising costs.
We’ve seen an increase in extreme heat and unhealthy air quality days, flooding, and wildfires. By taking bold action on climate change, we can protect Virginia's environment and create good jobs, economic growth, and innovation. I will fight to ensure that all communities have a voice in shaping our climate policies and benefit equitably from our transition. Swapping fossil fuel subsidies for major investments will speed our transition to renewable energy. Major investments in public transit and EV infrastructure will provide clean transportation alternatives to fossil fuel burning cars. Federal funding for energy efficient affordable housing will reduce utility bills and pollution for years to come. Polluters should pay, not profit.
Medicaid eligibility should be expanded further to cover more low-income residents. I'd also support a state-level public option plan with comprehensive benefits and low costs and increase subsidies for Health Insurance Marketplace plans. To tackle high drug prices, I'd create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board to set payment limits and import lower-cost drugs from Canada. I'd enshrine abortion rights in state law, require insurance coverage for reproductive health care, and fund reproductive health services. I'd incentivize providers to take Medicaid and work in underserved areas through loan forgiveness and bonuses. Investing in school-based health centers and community clinics would improve access.
As a state legislator, I worked to pass legislation that allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition at college, qualify for financial aid, and drivers privilege cards for noncitizens. I support the Dream Act, a federal law that would provide a path to permanent lawful resident status for people brought to the US as minors if they meet qualifications like graduating high school or serving in the military. Broader reform legislation is also needed for undocumented immigrants who have lived here for years, pass background checks, pay taxes, and learn English. I would also work to clear the green card backlogs, reform the agricultural visa program for farmworkers and the Asylum process. Family-based immigration should be expanded.
I served on both the Virginia House and Senate Privileges and Elections Committees working to improve access to voting and support our election officials. I also served on the bipartisan Council of State Governments Healthy States Task Force working to restore trust in our elections, fight misinformation, and encourage voter access. I would support robust federal funding for states to administer secure and efficient elections, including updated equipment, training, education, and security against interference. I support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that would restore the Voting Rights Act's protections against discriminatory practices.
Research shows that children do better in school and are more successful as adults when they have access to high-quality, affordable, and equitable early care and education. Quality childcare programs also make it possible for their parents to work benefiting families and employers. Increasing funding for childcare subsidies and Head Start, expanding universal pre-K programs, providing grants and incentives for providers to expand facilities, streamlining licensing and regulations are steps we must take for our kids. We will succeed only if we also strengthen our childcare workforce, with better pay and benefits, allowing childcare workers to unionize, and subsidizing worker education. I support the Child Care for Working Families Act.
I will support/sponsor legislation removing the deadline for ratification and work to build bipartisan support. After more than 100 years of fighting for an equal rights amendment to our U.S. Constitution, it is past time for the ERA to be explicitly guaranteed in our founding document. First enacted in 1972 by Congress, the legislation required that the measure be ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) within seven years. That deadline was later extended to 1982. 35 states ratified by then, just short of the 38 needed. Nevada, Illinois and Virginia have since ratified - I was proud to cast my vote in the Virginia Senate.
Education Master's Degree Business Management- University of Maryland
Experience Former Chief Operations Officer (COO) The White House
My campaign will focus on 4 key indicators for a stronger economy. 1. More jobs for Americans 2. Capital investments in communities across America 3.Affordable housing 4. Encourage entrepreneurship and apprenticeship programs

My campaign will focus on environmentally friendly energy sources such as Solar Energy, Wind Farms, Fuel Cells and Electric Vehicles as our country continue to move away from fossil fuel. We must start now to prepare for the continues rise of sea levels by 1.5 feet by the next 20 to 50 years by planning now for our coastline areas.
First and foremost is to communicate the availability of healthcare to all Virginians by letting everyone know what health care is available to them and the affordability of the care, Support legislation for lower prescription cost. Address prescription medication advertisement on prime-time TV in relation to prescription cost. Ensure women reproductive rights are a paramount and I will support and fight for this in congress.
My campaign will focus on the most common path to lawful permanent residence for undocumented immigrants through 1. Assylum,2. refugee immigration programs. I will support DACA pathway to citizenship.
My campaign will focus on legislations to protect our election system by monitoring (Certified officials) Ballot harvesting, Monitor drop box locations with law enforcement. Prohibit local and state officials from accepting non-government Funds grants or gifts, Support legislation to address 14 days prior to elections registration requirement deadline across the Voter registration system nationwide.
As Congressman, I will support legislation to increase our childcare workforce shortage and increase early childcare education with certified workers through Workforce Develpment programs.
I strongly support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). I will support legislation to provide fundamental legal remedy against sex discrimination for both men and women.
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Twitter @HelmerVA
Education Master’s in International Relations, University of Oxford, Rhodes Scholar; Bachelor’s of Science, History and Arabic, US Military Academy at West Point
Experience Co-own a Management Consulting Firm, Member of the House of Delegates, Lieutenant Colonel in US Army Reserve
Creating pathways to the middle class is one of the most important ways to protect our democracy. I’ll help grow our economy by increasing middle class jobs and raising the minimum wage. I have long supported measures to provide access to job training for the jobs of the future, including union-based apprenticeship programs and restructuring our high school curriculum to include paths to good jobs without college. I’ll work with private sector employers to identify career paths for young people and those looking to change careers. This goes hand in hand with providing incentives and access to capital to increase the amount of affordable middle class housing so young people and families can make ends meet and continue to live here.
When I was a kid, we talked about the future impacts of climate change. Today we see them. That’s why I was chief co-patron of the Virginia Clean Economy Act to get power generation to net zero and passed legislation to ensure new government buildings are efficient and reduce emissions – saving taxpayer money and protecting our climate. It’s why I passed a bill to require Virginia’s government to buy products that don’t waste water or electricity. As your Congressman, I’ll champion initiatives to make us more resilient in the face of climate change, reduce emissions and encourage clean energy, green our transportation networks, protect our national resources, and spur American innovation so we lead in tackling the toughest challenges.
We pay more than anywhere else in the world for healthcare and get worse outcomes. That’s why I passed a bill to lower costs for hospital care. I championed a Prescription Drug Affordability Board to make prescriptions more affordable. I wrote a law that ensures clinics serving low income Virginians can provide contraceptives on site. I co-authored a Constitutional Amendment to protect abortion access. And I’ve been fighting to provide access to infertility care for those who need it. In Congress, I’ll champion laws to protect abortion rights and access to birth control. I’ll work to lower costs and improve quality, tackle public health challenges, and ensure every American has access to quality care regardless of their income or zip code.
DACA is exactly the kind of challenge that our Democracy ought to be able to tackle. Virginians tell me that children who have come here through no choice of their own and are members of our community ought to be American citizens. I hear this from Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Congress has not acted, and that’s not acceptable. As the grandson of refugees who thrived in America, I believe we must continue to be a beacon of opportunity and treat people justly. In Congress, I’ll support legislation to ensure citizenship for Dreamers / DACA recipients, attract top global talent to increase American competitiveness, challenge quotas that discriminate against the Indian community, and secure our borders.
The biggest challenge to our elections is Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans who say that the only credible election is one they win and their willingness to use violence to overturn the results of elections. That’s why I wrote legislation to prevent insurrectionists from holding office in Virginia. As your Congressperson, I will help pass the Freedom to Vote Act which protects voting rights, ends gerrymandering, institutes campaign finance reform, and safeguards the electoral process. Building on the work I’ve done on the National Popular Vote Compact, I’ll seek to end the Electoral College. And I’ll reform an extreme Supreme Court where a Justice has flown the flag of election deniers and the Court has gutted voter protections.
I’m married to a public school teacher and have kids in public school. I know just how vital childcare and education are to our Democracy. It’s why I’ve been proud to champion bills to increase teacher pay and expand early childhood education in Virginia. A community college leader told me recently that it’s not worth students paying for a degree in early childhood education because those who enter the profession are unlikely to make enough money to make the degree worthwhile. That’s unacceptable. In Congress, I’ll seek to increase funding for early childhood care, create new incentives for states to expand early childhood education, and expand parental leave so that parents play a leading role in their child’s early life and education.
Our Democracy is strongest when every American has equal rights. That’s why women’s rights should be guaranteed in the Constitution. It’s unacceptable that this still hasn’t happened almost 250 years after the founding of our country when Abigail Adams enjoined her husband John Adams to include women’s rights in our new government. That’s why I was proud to unseat a 17-year Republican incumbent who had voted against the Equal Rights Amendment, to copatron the ERA, and to pass it in our Commonwealth. In Congress, I will vote to repeal the time limit on ratification of the ERA and support legislation that ensures the Office of the Federal Register reviews the ratifications received and enshrines the ERA in the Constitution.
Twitter @krystleforcong
Education Bachelor of Arts, International Studies: American University; Master of Arts, International Relations: Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; Master of Arts, Political Science: Brown University
Experience Krystle is a Former Director (GS-15) at the Dep. of Defense holding the highest civilian rank.  Currently, she runs a defense technology company helping small to large tech companies work with the government. She also teaches at MIT through 2U.   
As a small business owner and advocate for working families, I believe Congress should focus on creating good-paying jobs, investing in workforce training, and ensuring affordable housing for all Virginians. By supporting infrastructure investment, we can create strong job opportunities while also advocating for robust job training programs and community college funding to develop high-demand skills. Additionally, expanding affordable housing, increasing the Child Tax Credit, and supporting small businesses will enhance economic opportunity for everyone. I also support raising the minimum wage to ensure workers earn a living wage, promoting economic security for Virginians and Americans nationwide.
I am deeply concerned by what the threat of climate change means for Virginia's future. As the only congressional candidate in the race to speak during COP 28 in Dubai, I support clean energy investments, reducing emissions, turning to alternative forms of energy (including wind, water and solar) and protecting our natural resources. I will advocate for renewable energy tax credits, electric vehicle infrastructure, and conservation funding. By promoting energy efficiency, advancing clean technologies, and prioritizing environmental justice, we can mitigate climate impacts while fostering economic growth and creating good-paying jobs. My goal is to ensure a healthy environment and a thriving economy for all Virginians.
Healthcare is a basic human right, and in congress I will fight for a public health insurance option, to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and to protect reproductive rights. Additionally, by strengthening the Affordable Care Act, expanding Medicaid, and capping out-of-pocket costs, we can ensure affordable, quality care for all. I also support protecting preventive services, mental health, and maternity care, ensuring health equity for all Virginians. It's vital to me that we build a health care system that leaves no one behind and focuses on well-being.
As someone who believes in a fair and just immigration system, and as the granddaughter and daughter of immigrants, I support comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including DACA recipients. I will advocate for the DREAM Act, support family reunification, and ensure fair asylum processes. I also support increased visa availability, protection for immigrant communities, and investment in border security technology for a humane and effective system. It's important to me that we address immigration in a way that reflects our values and strengthens our nation.
I am deeply committed to safeguarding our democracy, and having worked the polls before myself, I support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, automatic voter registration, and secure voting infrastructure. To restore trust in elections, I will advocate for same-day registration, no-excuse absentee voting, and protection for election officials from threats and harassment. Ensuring transparent elections with expanded voter access and campaign finance reform is crucial to me. We must protect our democratic values and create a fair electoral process for all Virginians.
As a strong advocate for families and early education, I believe Congress should invest in affordable, high-quality child care, increase wages for child care workers, and provide universal pre-K. As a candidate, I support expanding the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, funding grants for child care providers, and enhancing training programs. We must also improve benefits for caregivers, elevate care quality, and enable parents to return to work with peace of mind. Ensuring equitable early care and education is vital for Virginia's future, and I’m committed to making it a priority.
Throughout my career I have personally faced the struggle of gender equality in the workplace and as such I unequivocally support extending the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. I will advocate for the ERA, sponsor legislation promoting equal pay, and support measures that combat gender-based violence, protect women's health, and advance gender equality. As a woman who has dedicated my life to protecting the rights and freedoms of every American, I believe in enshrining equal rights for all genders in the Constitution and advancing policies that ensure fairness and equity. Together, we can create a society that values and respects everyone equally, ensuring a brighter future for all Virginians.
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Education B.A., Barnard ollege at Columbia University and J.D., The George Washington University Law School
Experience Technology lawyer, business leader, small business owner, and state legislator.
The viability of the family unit at the intersection of jobs, healthcare, childcare, and housing establish a strong foundation for a healthy economy. This necessarily means crating the conditions for a fully representative democracy where all voices are heard, valued, and included. We must codify Roe and protect contraception, ratify the ERA, provide paid family leave and universal childcare, apprenticeships, build affordable/attainable housing that is integrated across communities with access and proximity to transportation hubs, smart land development for rural and exurban areas as we generate commercial revenue and reduce taxes, dedicate strategic funding for school renovation and construction, teacher pay, ELL & SPED students needs.
In Congress, I will focus on addressing the impact of climate change by working to: 1. Establish national standards and requirements for the creation and use of "upcycled" products. 2. Create clear recycle-repurpose-reuse standards for electric car batteries. 3. Continue transition to clean energy -- wind, solar, electric, water/steam (e.g. electrically heated steam cracker furnaces to replace gas-powered furnaces) as well as power grid development and deployment to support new power sources. 4. Phase in green requirements for clothing materials (fashion industry), residential and commercial building materials, & chemical used in farming and land care. 5. Coastal flooding protection & preservation 6. Climate & environment in Pk-12 education
As a mom and daughter in the "sandwich generation" caring for both children and aging parents at the same time as well as Chair of the House of Delegates' Insurance Subcmte, I personally understand this issue. In Congress, I will fight to codify Roe, protect contraceptive care while also working for paid family leave. These are critical integral components to ensuring high quality health/affordable health insurance for all.

I also will continue the hard work on making advances for Black maternal health lowering prescription drug prices, better prescription dispensing requirements for medical professionals prescribing opioids, and improve access to marginalized communities by mobile clinics for dental, maternal & family health.
I will work to establish an Article I Immigration Court, better language access, more humane receiving centers and funding for social integration, care, and employment. These efforts will help reduce the back log of immigration cases, appoint additional immigration judges and staff, create healthy and equitable immigration reform, enable expedited dockets, help finalize DACA recipients as US citizens, and prevent delayed processing of individuals who should not enter the United States. I also am supportive of DACA students being eligible to pay in-state tuition for college in their home state and receive financial assistance.
We must restore trust in our government, its institutions, and officials. We must model trustworthiness & transparency in the ways we lead, speak & legislate. I have served on the Privileges & Election Committee my entire time in the VA General Assembly. We must restore rights and protect against the gutting of the voting rights we've fought long and hard for. As I do this, I will champion the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the Washington D.C. Admission Act. Overall, the Voting Rights Act has lost its key components to making voting more accessible since 2013. I understand what's at stake and am committed to both protection and progress through coalition and working to regain a democratic majority.
I will continue to fight for paid family medical leave and paid sick leave for all Virginians, universal pre-K and universal childcare as well as an increased federal minimum wage. We need to prioritize workers’ rights, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights, opportunities for small businesses, access to a living wage, and workforce development with apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship pathways. Jobs-housing-childcare-healthcare are interrelated and all impact the provision of childcare. To ensure our families are healthy and thriving, and to ensure a competitive workforce, the care for our children must start early and must be flexible, evolving with the needs of the times. I also would fund additional tax credits & incentives for company childcare.
Yes, I do support an extension for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. I will work to expand strong coalitions for our long-term goals as a party and take individual voting and related efforts to ratify the ERA. I want to see equal rights be protected unconditionally and that means working on a spectrum of legislation with our Democratic and Republican members that can bring us closer to our milestones of justice and equity to women, which helps our nation be a more fully representative democracy. The fact that we need to ratify an amendment to explicitly prohibit sex discrimination in 2024 is indicative of the historical & current systems & structures in place that continue to meaningfully disadvantage women & overall society.
Education J.D., Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law; B.S. in Financial Economics, Binghamton University
Experience Former judge, financial regulator, assistant attorney general, legislative counsel and tech regulator.
We need to support working families and individuals to ensure a strong economy. First, I would push for a Workers’ Bill of Rights, including paid family leave, universal childcare, earned sick leave, and the right to organize. I would leverage my finance background to introduce policies address our economic challenges. Second, I would tackle affordable housing by increasing housing supply through grants that support developers who are willing to invest in renovating blighted homes, foreclosures, and underdeveloped communities, and selling those homes at below market for a profit. This increases supply while lowering costs. Third, I would encourage funding around job training for careers of the future, including coding and trade skills.
I will push for lowering barriers to entry for green energy sources. Currently, in Virginia, it is onerous to obtain solar panels, due to a lengthy approval and excessively stringent process. I intend to make adoption of clean energy easier. I will also work to promote conservation efforts like Agroforestry and Farm Forestry, which encourage planting of trees and involve the integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming. Also, promoting research grants that will increase protections against degradation of the land and environment. Last, I would promote policies that embrace a smaller carbon footprint, including a telework bill that incentivizes employers to adopt a hybrid pilot program, reducing rush hour congestion.
First, I would introduce legislation codifying Roe, so that there is national protection of women’s reproductive rights. Second, I would introduce legislation that would move us from employer-based health insurance to individual-based. Third, I would introduce legislation that empowers government to negotiate drug pricing on behalf of residents, and establishes a user-friendly database that does comparisons of health care costs across different manufacturers, while also cleanly laying out fees that are baked into the prices. And, we need increased transparency around health care outcomes based on race and ethnicity as a means of assessing inequity among marginalized groups, like the disparity in health outcomes for Black women.
I would first push for expanded funding and resources to ensure that petitions can be dealt with in a timely fashion, which means more immigration judges and USCIS staff to assist with review of each immigration filing. I would work to ensure that we win on the messaging front; helping residents see the human rights side, while also seeing the financial benefits of having DACA and other recipients as part of our economy and workforce; something our nation continues to need. It may also be useful to run a media and outreach blitz to establish a baseline of support by residents in districts historically against the idea of DACA recipients receiving citizenship or a pathway to it.
As the only candidate in this race who stands to become the first member of Congress with experience regulating emerging technologies, I would leverage my knowledge to push for bold ideas that would address some of the issues impacting our democracy. I would create a bill meant to lay out a framework around ethical technological growth, and I would include safeguards against disinformation. We need to establish a standardized digital watermark for all trusted sources, while researching the adoption of blockchain as a way of source verification. We should also establish a body responsible for assessing threats to our election system. I would also support passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to strengthen protections for all voters.
My focus has been on supporting working families. One thing is to ensure that we remove the division between coverage of schooling for 5 year olds as opposed to 3 year olds or even infants. I intend to fight for universal childcare, while also pushing for increased resources to ensure that childcare workers are paid more, provided earned sick leave, and given the ability to organize. When we have universal childcare, and have well-compensated childcare providers, we will be in a situation where parents receive affordable and quality early care, so they can focus on their career. This would strengthen the economy and increase the workforce; many of whom may join the care economy. When we support workers, it benefits businesses and consumers.
Yes, I absolutely support an extension for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. I will make it a priority to lobby other colleagues in other states that have not yet adopted the ERA, and work to get it across the finish line, so that we can finally get the ERA ratified.
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I am laser-focused on bringing good jobs to the district that don’t just pay the bills but pave the way for families to build for the future. I will roll up my sleeves to advocate for innovative policies that support small businesses, bring high-end jobs throughout the district, and meet the evolving needs of our diverse workforce.My housing plan prioritizes affordable housing by expanding the federal governments investment in housing, providing options for public servants and families, and constructing permanently affordable units in our communities. Workers need more than a pat on the back and the best way to get paid more is to bargain. Passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act to strengthening workers' rights.

To effectively combat climate change, we must prioritize the passage of comprehensive climate legislation and champion workers' at the center of legislation-- not big corporations. Moving funding on everything from research to operating incentives from dirty to clean renewable sources is needed NOW.
Broadening Medicare can make healthcare accessible to more citizens, ensuring their health and well-being. By focusing on reducing the costs of Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans, we can offer quality healthcare at more affordable rates. Guarding these rights is not about politics-- it's about everyone having the autonomy to make the best reproductive health decisions for their families. Restoring and safeguarding reproductive rights ensures that choices about one's body remain personal and protected.
Advocate and push for the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act, which serves as a clear statement of intent for providing pathways to citizenship. Actively back legislation, like the EAGLE Act of 2022, that helps skilled immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy more efficiently. Collaborate with federal, state, and local leaders, along with nonprofit communities, to welcome families to the nation. Additionally, work on establishing a permanent legal framework that ensures their stable residency in the U.S. Repeal and replace IRAIRA.
The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Elevating the quality and affordability of childcare is a lifeline for working families and a cornerstone for early childhood development. By backing top-notch childcare, we're giving our little ones a head start while ensuring parents can thrive in the workforce.
Yes. Champion any methods to ratify ERA.
Twitter @DavidReidVA
Education Northeastern State University (BA, Political Science; Minors: Economics; History) |American University (Graduate Studies, International Development; Latin America Studies)| National Intelligence University (NIU) formerly the Joint Military Intelligence College (JMIC) National Intelligence University
Experience Delegate- Virginia General Assembly | Board Member- UMFS | Chief Strategy Officer- Axiologic Solutions LLC | Co-Chair Small Business Advisory Working Group (SBAWG)- United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) | Founder- Rockbridge Consulting LLC | Senior Communications Expert- SBG Tech
It is critical that families not have to make difficult choices between putting a meal on the table or choosing to fill a much-needed prescription. Congress needs to address the underlying issues of inflation that include the rising costs of healthcare access, prescription drugs, the increasing cost of college, affordable child care, and the shortage of affordable housing. One of my priorities would be to create a team to tackle this issue across the board to ensure our nation and our nation’s seniors are solvent well into the future: lift the W-2 wage cap for Social Security contributions, update contribution mechanisms to reflect non-W-2 earners in our modern economy, and include individuals who earn income from passive assets.
Climate change is like terrorism, cyber security, racism: it respects no international borders. While we cannot affect what is being done in other states or China or India, we can affect what is being done in Virginia and the USA. We are at a point in our history where we, as legislators, are making decisions not just for today’s constituents, but for people in the future. We have to take a long term view; we have to look at multiple perspectives and new views and make deliberate decisions. We need to be creative and innovative and we must have the political will to make necessary changes. For example, there are thousands of acres of rooftops, unused land, parking lots, and clover leaves of highways that could have solar panels on them.
During my time in the Virginia Legislature, we set a cap on insulin, effectively ensuring that Virginians could better afford this baseline medication. This is a model I feel we can follow at the national level for more than just insulin. Further, we have multiple healthcare programs that are managed by the government (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare, etc.). There should be a way to bring all of these under a single umbrella that would create efficiencies, provide service, and be open to new enrollees who did not have access to other care. Lastly, we need to find a way for Medicaid to be the provider of last resort instead of COBRA, effectively ensuring that everyone has access to quality healthcare no matter where they live.
It is incredibly important to ensure those members of our communities who have come to America to pursue a better life are protected, and I will do my best to use my position responsibly and advocate for actions from the administration (whatever party) on their behalf. Immigrants are the backbone of America. It is critical that we facilitate the arrival of immigrants and asylum seekers through useful, efficient, and fair systems. The bipartisan immigration bill would have been a good first step to reforming our immigration system.
I would prioritize expanding voting rights, to ensure everyone has a voice in our democratic system. If elected, I would strengthen anti-discrimination laws and reinforce efforts to open dialogue between conflicting groups. Congress has been notoriously unproductive with regards to civil and human rights in the last few years; we need to introduce bills that ensure the rights of civilians and noncombatants in conflicts abroad. One of the largest human rights challenges that we face and will continue to face is climate change.
We in Congress need a three pronged approach to early childcare and education. We need an education program reminiscent of ROTC wherein early childhood educators can have their own education funded with the promise of service in our own “crèche” system. Next, we need to pay out educators what they are worth; incentivizing this work allows educators to prioritize their own family’s economic well-being while caring for the community's children. We need a federal minimum wage for qualified, quality early education providers. Lastly, we owe parents a way to make these programs affordable, ensuring that children- no matter where they come from, no matter their socio-economic background- have access to care that sets them up for future success.
The ERA is a critical amendment to add to our constitution. As the father of two daughters, it is personal to me that this passes and establishes the rights of women across the country in an unbending language. I fully support an extension for the ERA’s ratification, and I plan on working for this reality in Congress.
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